Chereads / I'll become the hero / Chapter 10 - Truth behind hunting.

Chapter 10 - Truth behind hunting.

Outside of the five-story building, several people could be seen, some were chatting with their peers while others checked their stuff.

Dev hide behind her brother's wide back, His brother Kevin was walking staring at a man who was packing his bag and doesn't seem to take notice of his approach.

"go on" Dev whispered pushing her brother.

"Sis" Kevin called, his sister was signaling him to keep going and so he did, he approach Allen in the most awkward way he could,

Waving his hand, an evil smile and a stiff way of walking,

Hearing what her sister told him days ago made him nervous and sure that Allen would ignore his approach


"yes?" Allen spoke, he is wearing a black jacket in sunny weather, and his round glasses reflect his surroundings.

He was packing his stuff and his movement was as stiff as Kevin's, Allen's foot dug to the ground As he turn around to face the one who just called him.

He looked like a zombie with his tired expression and sweaty face, he was wearing dark collars that weight 190kg, it was visible on his neck, wrist, and ankles.

"Oh it's you, sorry but I'm kinda busy," Allen said having difficulty breathing as he readjust the collar on his neck


Kevin left Allen alone and as he got farther his sister charged at him

"How did it go?"

"He's busy"

"...Nevermind, let's just go with Isaac," She said holding her brother's hand and guiding him towards the crowd.

It was like a field trip ten buses arrived, all identical in color and design. silver white with a painted guy at the side giving a thumbs up, he must be well known cause one of the people present chanted a name while pointing at the painting.

One of the buses opened its door drew stepped off, he coughed to gather everyone's attention

"You all will be assigned to a mission, and ah, Goodluck"

Somebody pushed drew aside and he moved to the side of the bus where he couldn't be seen by anyone who isn't on board, "What the hell was that?"

The one who pushed drew had his hair made into a manly ponytail, judging from his appearance he looks thirty or older,

"There are six squads present, and you will be assigned to one" He pull off a small piece of paper and continue

"I'm Isaac Wenli, leader of the hope squad"

"the guy to my right is Drew Silva, leader of the drew squad"

"The third squad is Serene, the fourth is Ageas, the fifth is Strongest squad, the sixth squad still doesn't have a name, and that's it"

"I shouldn't be the one explaining this" He stated looking at drew.

"But this old fart is reall-

"Well, that's enough" Eva pushed Isaac out of the bus.

Isaac was dragged along until he faced the crowd of people packing their belongings, he throw the small paper that contains gibberish writing, and before it could land he stomp his feet to the ground and it shook, a small earthquake was generated only affecting those who are near Isaac.

Eva who was trying to push him almost fall she didn't thank the light touch of the person who exited the bus next to her.

"Are you okay?" She asked, her finger was against Eva's back, it was a sight to see, she's technically carrying Eva using only a finger.

"thanks" Eva said as she regain balance.

"Who here is Allen Dale?" Isaac asked and slowly a hand rose in front of him.

"You're Allen Dale?"

Allen nodded to his words.

Isaac looked back at the bus and there it was drew about to step off, Isaac pointed at Allen wanting to ask if this is the brat drew was talking about, but he didn't give an answer and walked off towards the bunch of people packing

Drew pointed at them and said with a chuckle "You all will be in drew squad"

"This old-, Isaac controlled his anger and lean close to Allen, as his eye got closer about to touch the lenses on Allen's glasses he asked.

"The future, can you see it?"


His nose twitched.

"Great, you're in my squad"

He backed off and said with a smile.

"Come" He begin to squeeze his way into the crowd of people which quickly scattered when they know Isaac was going their way.

Seeing the guy be so grumpy, showcasing his power with a stomp making the ground tremble, thinking he could be triggered by the smallest mistakes, made everyone scared of getting his attention.

He headed towards one of the buses while Allen looked at drew who was chatting with the people he randomly picked, waiting for him to take notice and give the command to take the heavy collars off.

"Isaac!" Someone yelled waving her hand.

"Dev, Kevin where's the other three?" Isaac asked leaning to the side trying to see if there was someone behind the two.

"It's just us," Kevin said popping out of dev's back.

"Maybe they are picked by other squads " Dev guessed, Isaac tapped the door of the bus

"Well, I guess it's just you three" He said heading inside

"Take a seat" Isaac said as the three of them head inside the bus.

Allen Sat at the very back, he thought it would only be him the crazy guy, the dwarf, and its brother.

But inside the bus there are six more people, sitting separately not one of them can be seen conversing with others.

"This will be awkward" Allen said to himself trying to make himself comfortable on this journey, his whole body is burning cause of the thick jacket his wearing and the collar weights dragging him down, but it could be worse.

"Hi" Kevin whisper sitting next to Allen while dev sat next to his brother.

"Your names?" Allen asked as the engine of the bus roared and their sit shake cause of the bumpy road.

He heard it earlier, Isaac called these two by a familiar name it made Allen remember of Kevin and dev, he meet them at the test.

But when the test ended he couldn't find those two so he was forced to accept they are part of the test and wasn't real, to begin with.

The two looked at each other, their face looked like they just understood the hardest math formula, and everything becomes clear to them.

"You didn't recognize us?" Dev asked

"How did you recognize me?" Allen asked still not that sure of their identity.

"Sir drew said your na-

"your arm" Kevin pointed at Allen's hollow sleeve.

"Rude!" Allen exclaimed

The three talk with each other and shared their story, Allen joked about Kevin's height, that he grew shorter.

It's Allen's way of venting anger cause of how Kevin didn't follow the rule of a spar.

A blinding light stopped their conversation, and when their eyes readjusted to its intensity, they found themself in a dark environment.

Loud music coming from the back, the smell of gas in the air, car horns going from left to right.

Isaac stood up from the driver's seat

"Were here"

The six people in front of Allen all stood up, one of them has a huge build, he stretch his chubby arms and said accompanied by a yawn.

"I'm still tired boss"

"Shut up and follow me" Isaac headed out and a man followed from behind snickering at the fat guy.

"Hurry up!" Isaac yelled and in a matter of seconds, everyone was out.

Allen couldn't believe what he was seeing, the large buildings in front of him were all so colorful, and any road had cars flowing down them.

"A city!" Dev yelled with joy.

"Will go explore later, follow me for now" Isaac exclaimed

"Boss weak to children" One of the people in the group whispered.

They headed to one of the buildings near, the lights flickered at random, laughter and cheer can be heard inside.

Isaac's nose twitch and he leaned close to the wall of the building

"Yup, it's here let enter"

Unable to resist the urge to ask, Allen, tapped on the fat guy's back

"Where are we going?"

"To the monster" He said heading inside.

A text appeared in front of them the moment they entered the place.

The sound of people all vanished, the light turned off and when it turns back on the whole place was empty.

"I never get used to this" A guy with long hair exclaimed and the fat guy nodded.

"It's creepy" Dev expressed his opinion

"Isaac" Allen called

"what's this text?"

Kevin rummage around his bag and grabbed his sword.

"Don't make any noise" Isaac told them heading deeper inside.

There are tables full of bets, and cards scattered almost everywhere.

This place is a casino.

"Really is creepy" Dev whispered.

Everyone followed behind Isaac, they approach slowly heading towards the stairs.

A text appeared.

"Your all boring!!" An ear-piercing scream coming from the ceiling.

Startled they all looked above and saw a red giant eye

"It's you three's first mission so don't think too hard and just follow our lead," Isaac said.

Allen choose yes like everyone else and the cards on the ground all flew up.

It created a long table and a number of chairs, the monster on the ceiling revealed itself and before it can land down Isaac said

"Don't attack it"

It looks unrealistic, a large circular chip with one bloody eye.

"Let's begin" the chip said and the lights were turned off once it is on

Screams and yells could be heard, all of us were sitting in the chairs he made for us.

Sixteen unfamiliar people can be seen they are all crying for help, shouting for the police to come.

"We can't play with this noise!" The chip exclaimed and one of the people shouting got their head blasted off.

It was a warning and they know it, so they force themselves to stay quiet.

Allen looked away from the dead body and waited for Isaac's command to attack but minutes came and the command is still not happening.

<1. no cheating>

<2. no talking to others>

<3.Have fun>

"The game is easy you all will just gamble, we're playing bam bam baaam!, Russian roulette"

"no!" A man yelped tears coming from his eyes, his beard was covered with snot, he get out of his chair and tried to run off.

He was in front of the door when he stopped, he rubbed his stomach before he began to vomit cards coated with blood it didn't stop until he was no longer alive.

"ugh" Dev looked away and he saw Allen trying to cover his mouth.

"You will guess if you'll live or not, if you guess right you can pick someone to pass the gun to, easy right?" The monster had the revolver first.

The barrel rolled and the gun levitate to the monster's head

"here I go"

He pulls the trigger and the gun shot him in the head.

"Yes!" Kevin yelled and the other followed

"We will live"

"Thank go-

The bullet fall off the ground, and the metal could be heard hitting the floor.

The monster had his chip body cracked but he didn't die from the shot.

"The game isn't over yet, your turn"

The gun floated towards Kevin, the barrel rolled and the monster said

"will you live or die?"

Kevin in face of death looked at Isaac waiting for his command but it didn't come, while his sister dev was flailing around on her chair.

"I'm waiting," The monster said as the gun got closer to Kevin's head.

"'I, I'll survive" He picked and the gun was shot.

A bullet came out and dev screamed.

"'Two shots in a row, this isn't boring at all!" The monster yelled with joy as blood pour down of Kevin's nose.