Chereads / I'll become the hero / Chapter 3 - Separated

Chapter 3 - Separated





As the number goes lower the door moved, slowly blocking its huge entrance with a cement wall

"Where's Kevin?" Dev looked around before his gaze locked on Allen.

"...." silenced answered him so he looked at the timer at the top beside it is a painting of a book.

"Where's the quill?" Dev asked looking up and this time Allen spoke to him.

"I don't know"

"So no idea if this is the correct door?" Dev asked and Allen nodded.

The two have that moment of silence before dev took action

"let's check it"

he said moving forward.

"Wait, what if the door closed," Allen said, dev sighed like he knew the probability of it happening, he look back and said

"We have no time, we need to check it so when we get back to my brother, we'll know this is the right door"

After that no question came from Allen, he followed quietly from behind as they enter the dark inside of the room.

"Barrier" someone spoke and the whole room was activated, the light bulbs were lit, the door shut and a full stadium greeted the two.

Hundreds of people were inside, and all of them have a weapon near them or on their bodies.

"No" Dev muttered he tried to run towards the entrance door but an invisible wall stop his progress.

"You already entered, no one can leave, we all try" A girl spoke, her groupmates all have their head down.

"My brother- he tries to speak pounding the invisible wall

"We lost our little sister, she's six years old, for goodness sake!" The girl shouted

"chill" The guy with an emerald collar who seems to be their appointed leader try to calm the girl and the others who have their head down earlier

All got revitalized and tried to calm her as well.

"Just believe her"

"She's a strong kid"

"If something happened- She hold back a sob, while the others comforted her.

Seeing the group, Allen approached Dev

"Don't" Dev spoke

He try to talk but just sat down near him

Sitting next to each other while the group near them has a dramatic time.

"you think my brother is okay?" Dev asked

"He's strong believe him," Allen said and dev replied

"Strong and smart are two different things"

"He'll probably wait at the promised place....until we meet with him"

Dev looked at Allen, his eyes have that redness you got from crying.

"If you can get killed for refusing to be a hunter-

"They won't kill anyone just for being late," Allen said, he doesn't know what the guy is feeling he just knows that he's scared for his family, that he can sympathize

"How would you know that?" Dev asked,

Allen try to search his memories but it was empty.


allen look around frantically before going over to the dramatic group and grabbing one of their swords

"let me borrow?" Allen asked and their leader smiled at him.

He take it as a Yes and took the short sword,

"what are- ignoring dev who tried to say something.

Allen rushes to the Barrier and swings the sword wildly,

As the Barrier and sword meet a spark happened and the sword came flying out of his hand.

"Come on!" Allen shouted getting almost everyone's attention.

He grabs the fallen sword and rushes to the Barrier hitting it, and the same thing happens.


That's what he did, he'll grab the sword that flew away and swung it at the Barrier.

The metal clashed and the spark got larger with each strike.

With a numb hand unable to touch the blade without feeling any pain, Allen looks at dev

He got a short frame like his brother, got almost zero muscles visible, and the other same trait the brothers have is the red fire hair cut as an army.

Dev was sitting on his back against the barrier,

"get up! crying won't solve anything"

Allen said with sweat falling from his chin and his trembling hand what he said actually felt believable.

Dev looked at him, they stared at each other for a couple of seconds until dev stood up.

He shove Allen to the side and grabbed a sword of his own.

"I'll try," He said wiping his tears.

Allen smiled at him and grab the sword of his own but it fall right off his hand.


The metal sound got dev's attention.


he didn't say anything and focused on the Barrier.

"you can do this" Allen murmured to himself, he grabbed the sword, and it was one hundred times heavier than before.


They swing the sword at the Barrier, repeatedly hitting it, then a man came forward.


He screamed as he poke his spear into the Barrier sending him flying.


"Don't laugh" Allen whispered.


They continue and without saying a word another man came up, then another a girl this time,

More people gathered to hit the Barrier.

The one who lost her sister stood up and watched from where she is,

but it didn't last she ran toward the others punching the Barrier as her hand got flooded with blood, and her group followed from behind.

It didn't take long till everyone was on it

A large group of fifty or so, squeeze themselves onto the Barrier hitting it with their blunt weapon.

On the front and feeling that he's the source of inspiration.

He couldn't help but smirk.

"What that smile for?" Dev asked

"I feel like a hero" He answered honestly as he hit the Barrier.


Watching from a small camera hidden from everyone by a separate Barrier.

In a conference room where the camera is connected, six people are circled, at the center is a screen where the video of the whole group trying to break the Barrier is filmed.

"What a chaos" one of them commented

"The boy in front zoom it," One of them said.

The video zoomed in and showed a small face full of wrinkles, brown muffin hair, and a white shirt showing his Scrawny body.

"Yes, he's the one that helped me"

"how?" One of them asked

Eva then spoke

"He took the monster's attention, you see his left arm?"

"no," One of them said and Eva replied


" let's score" A deep voice resonated in the room.

"bravery plus twenty," Eva said

"leadership, thirty" The guy on the opposite spoke.

"royal, ten," the guy at the very end said.

Kevin (pov)

At the place where Kevin dev and Allen were supposed to meet, only one of them was able to come.

His back against the wall, he looked at the path his sister took.

"I knew it, we shouldn't have separated," He said taking a wild turn at the path Allen took.

"Even he...

He was extremely worried as the two didn't arrive, he was happy before he got here, as he was about to tell them he found the door.

A giant stone door slowly closing, it has a picture of a quill at the top.

He didn't find a book engraved next to the quill or anywhere near the door, but it has the quill, that's good enough.





the timer was slowly reaching zero so he rushed to the promised place but found no one.

He was alone.

Kevin waited for minutes his face was already pale and he looks like he was about to collapse.

He wanted to leave and go straight to the path his sister took but what if they come back.

He ignored the idea of running after them cause of that thought.

What if something happened to her?

No, what if they come back and they didn't see me.

But if something bad happened.

He sat down to arrange his thought recalling a bad memory.

Coming home from school.

In the small room he calls house, he found his sister tied up in the corner while his father beat up the cold corpse of his mother.

It comes as a shock to him, he's father was...a gentle person, he would never-

As he stand in shock his father turned his way and he saw red eyes as if it was bleeding.

his father have an absent-minded face that drool was coming out of the small opening in his mouth.

as they stare at each other for a moment his father wobbles down, laying over his dead wife.

Everything went black then a loud shout

"A curse!"

send him back to reality.


He look around and saw a girl sitting beside him a kid to be precise.

She's wearing pants and a t-shirt that has a printed ape.

"Are you okay?" He asked and the child look at him snot shooting out of her nose.

"You are not okay" Kevin said wiping it off using his shirt.

'So even kids can enter this place' Kevin thought then an explosion happened,

It wasn't just anywhere the sound came from the path his sister took.

Panic was the first he experienced, he was ready to abandon his hesitation and shoot right to where the explosion was coming from

But someone tugged his pants before he could even move, he looked to his side and saw the kid.

Reminding him of a certain someone, he asked as he stands

"Wanna come along?"

At where the explosion happened he saw a door the complete identical to the one he found except the sign it have is a book, not a quill

A bunch of people gathered at the front forming a large group, the stone door was smashed and turned into a pile of rocks.

He waited in the long hall with the kid behind him. not planning to greet anyone here and just checking if his sister was there or if his idea was wrong and he should have waited for them.

Then a lady hiding among the group came rushing toward him, he was stunned but he moved his arm on defense just in time before she could approach him.

As they meet eyes, the lady lowers her gaze and ducks down, snatching the little girl behind Kevin.

"sister" the kid muffled and the lady squeeze the little girl tighter.

immediately having an idea of what was happening he turned behind and watched the two bond

'Daisy where are you' He pondered.

before a huge metal wall quickly separated him from the two.

He look to the other side where the door was and saw his sister beside her was Allen, the guy with one arm.

they're talking with the others in the group, her sister turned just to the right angle for her to see him

they look at each other for seconds until a wall separated Kevin from them.

"Its brother!"

He heard a shout before light banishes and he was trapped in a dark room.


He yelled pounding the wall mercilessly but he stopped minutes later his hand stinging cause of pain.

A small door opened up from his side showing a long tunnel leading to darkness.

"This tunnel leads to a room where a test will be held, you pass you survive"

A voice echoed from the walls.

Kevin didn't need to think long, he took a step into the tunnel, and before he could even start his journey he heard.

"Laney was killed by 132"


He took a step closer and started to walk feeling a little scared about what the test could be

Hearing multiple calls that someone just died made his step falter but remembering his sister could have the same faith as the one who got their name called was more terrifying.

His steps become slower for a moment but he never stops.

As he reached the light he saw a stadium where a giant shadow was resting

No one was present, so as soon as he came to light the monster rush at him

Its hundred eyes opened and a sound echoed in the room

"Dev was killed by 526"