Chereads / Royal Awakening / Chapter 1 - Ch1

Royal Awakening

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Chapter 1 - Ch1

"I'll get you out of here, you will be loved and happy, I swear!"

Alarms raging behind as she runs not looking back.

The fear of being taken back, a worse fate than death awaits her.

Holding onto her belly, she continues running straight. She and a few others who wish for her escape 'The Rebels' they call themselves.

She didn't care who helps her, she just wanted to leave. Nothing was good for her and now her baby.

"Keep Moving!"

Heart racing, she continues to tell herself "we're almost free"

But that was long from the truth. The king isn't going to just let her get away with his heir. It was already hard enough for vampires to even conceive and now she's running. Running away with what belongs to him.

Candance, one of the helpers who are risking their lives for us. Gets shot while creating a wall of fire.

"Noooooo!!…" Maria stumbles to the ground.

She instantly felt the piercing pain of guilt, this being all her fault for being the only one who can get pregnant.

Candance gave out a loud scream, helping the king's men locate where they are.

Now it's against more than just time but also everyone's lives are on the line.

A hand grabs Maria by her arm. Screams continue from behind, she can't bear the pain anymore.

EVERYONE was DYING because of HER!

"Get up! We need to get you out of here! NOW!"

The hand turns into two arms pulling onto her.

But that didn't last long with a huge thud,

The man's body falls right next to her….

Adrenaline kicks in forcing her to dart through the forest nearby. Lucky for her, no one notices the sole woman everyone is fighting for, runs away.

Her pain, her screams, she couldn't feel or hear any of it. She just kept running until she couldn't anymore.

She ends up deeper into the woods on the ground going in and out of a state of mind.


The stress of everything leads to her baby's early arrival. Nothing to help her, nothing to tell her to push.

Just dirt, animals, and insects watch the tormented woman struggle.


Gunfire, explosions, and gut retching screams' all welcome the future king.


"Order up, Kim!"

"Okay," Great! Another day with greasy food.

Grabs the plate fill with scabbled egg and 5 fried sausages. Passing by tables, maneuver around people.

With a sigh that follows, "Excuse me?"

Been here at Dixie's Diner for over 2 months, this is probably the longest location we have lived in. The diner isn't too slow which is great being able to save up on money for whenever we need to make a run for it. But what make's these jobs and running scary/hard for me is that I'm bringing Max here every day. I'm exposing her to all sorts of people and one of them might work for the king.

I'm thankful every day for a kind and sweet daughter. She is what makes these days not so bad. It makes me feel more confident in keeping her safe.

"Here you guys are. Scrabbled eggs and 5 fried sausages. Anything else?"

"Thanks, Kim! How's Sue?" Says, one of our regulars.

"Ask her yourself, she's right behind you," I say juggling empty plates from a distance table.

"Waiter!!" Another customer calls.

"I'm coming," I say placing the dirty dishes into a bend

"So Sue, how're the chickens? You get old gal to lay?"

"Daisy's still having a hard time adjusting but you wait I'll show ya she'll get comfortable pretty soon." Max, props up in the booth behind them.


Smiling at their monthly check-ins, I make my way to the customer's table.

"I need a refill," the customer waves their cup in my face.

"Well sure. I'll be right back," I say, giving a fake smile.

2 hours later the morning rushed settles down.

"Max, go hang out in the back, please and thank you,"

"Okay....." Max says, dragging her feet.

"Don't forget to work on that homework packet,"

When it dies down like this I try to keep Max out of the public's eye. When it's busy, it's easier to blend her in.

I can't risk her getting taken.

Quickly kiss Max on her forehead before going back to washing off the tables.

Ding, the bells above the door shake.

"Take a seat and I'll be with ya in a few" I shout.

We've been running for 8 years now. So far, Arizona has been nothing but friendly faces. Sadly, I have to always stay alert even in these parts, there are always eyes.

Intensely scrubbing the dried ketchup, I start daydreaming.

We change our names every time we move locations. Max goes by several names, I change my accent or personality depending on the location. Luckily this diner is on the side of the highway. We constantly get different people.

Finally! I got the stupid ketchup.

Patting myself on the back. Good job Maria!

Looking around, I find the customer sitting in a booth away from a window on the left side of the diner. Taking glances a the kitchen?

I confidently walk over to the man's table.

From close up he looks beautiful and muscular… I assume. With neatly reformed locs that goes past his shoulders.

"What can I get for you?" I say reminding myself to breathe.

"I will take the coffee. Just black. Thank you," the mystery man slowly says.

"Coffee?" I say staring.

Eyes widen, crap.

The man chuckles "Yes, do you not sell coffee?" He says, slowly looking up.

I quickly turn away "I'll go get it,"

Quickly marching away. That was stupid why can't I just stay calm it's not like he'll bite, right?

After 5mins, I carry his coffee.

My mouth falls open once I look up from the coffee.

What is Max doing?! It's not busy enough for her to be out here. Plus I don't even know if he's 'okay' enough to talk to Max.

Jogging over "Zac? Sweetie, let's not bother this man,"

"Oh, it's fine. She's quite... fun," the man says taking a pause.

That flipping sounded like a red flag there! Placing his coffee in front of him.

Yup! Weird.

"Zac, go get my purse real quick," I say under my breath.

Max gets up calmly, not even her auburn bushy hair gives our secret away. I watch her head to the kitchen.

That's our code for when there is danger. I made sure every day of her life she practices it. Because like now we need to move fast.

Giving the man a quick smile, "how's the coffee?"

"It's fine, Thank you!" He says, with his pearly whites.

Turning to leave, I see a bunch of motorcycles, and the people riding felt familiar but not a good one. One that screams in your head to leave!

"You okay there?" The man stands up.

"Friends of yours?" I say blood rushing.

He looks past me, I instantly knew I'm in trouble. He looks at them like something that crawled out of a trash can.

He's not with them but he too knows who they are!

CRAP! Where's Max!

Shaken by the idea of Max being taken away from me. I jog into the kitchen.

We need to go!

Quickly informing the other two waitresses, my father died and we need to go to him. They accepted the excuse and answered back they'll cover for me.

With that, I grab Max and run as fast as I could to our car. "Mom, mom!!"

"Max, quiet! They'll hear you!" pushing her out the backdoor "Get in the car!"

"Mom? He…. Isn't a bad guy,"

Max gets into the car as she is told and I jump through the open window.


Before I put on my seatbelt I rep up the engine and speed out to the ongoing traffic.

Periodically taking glances at the rearview mirror.

"Hello," a deep voice comes out from behind.


"Mom watch out!"

-------- King

"Sir, we found them,"

"Okay, and where is he, STOP REPORTING AND GIVE ME RESULTS!"

The king gets up from his throne and walks away with every step loud and powerful.

"Yes, sir,"


Quickly pull over to the side of the highway.

"FUCK! I thought you didn't work for them," on the verge of tears.

My baby, it's all my fault "Max run!"

Max glancing between the both of us.

"Woah! Calm down there, I'm not working for anyone, and two, I'm just here for the joy ride," The man from the diner looks over at Max "I thought your name was Zac. Max suits you,"

"Yeah but mom says…" Cupping Max's mouth, why is she casually chatting with this man.

"If you aren't with them and you just want a joy ride, you need to look elsewhere. We are busy!" I say, holding on to Max.

"I saw, but why would you run from what looks like the king's people? Are you a runaway? Plus my estate has been boring and I was looking for some... fun out here in the human world," His eyes piercing me.

Looking away, "I don't care, get out!"

"Mom, he's good!"

"MAX! Quiet!"

"Woah! I'm not trying to cause you any trouble but it appears to me, you might need my help," He leans in close, I can smell pine on him. "The name is Cain, I am one of the 7 Dukes in the underworld. I can be of help if you let me tag along,"

"What's in it for you? How am I supposed to trust you?"

With a wide knowing grin "You don't, it's called 'taking a risk'. I just want to spend more time with my little pupil. She smells like a vampire but an inexperienced one. I'm just curious,"

"Bullshit! Get out!"

"Mom! Stop, I want him to stay, something is telling me I need him. And I want to learn more about this 'vampire' stuff,"

My mind starts spinning, this is all my fault! I can't protect my baby! I'm just a weak human….

"Mom, stop thinking so hard. I want to be stronger and learn about myself, please," Max puts on a pouting face.

I look up to Cain, he is also putting on a pouty face with his sharp teeth showing.


As I watch the frightened human run away. "Interesting,"

I was just on a business trip to check up on Mario to see what are the king's whereabouts. Since he's been too quiet for 7 years. He has to be cooking something up…. But what?

I slowly follow the weak human, curious as to how she obtained a half-vampire child. They smell alike but something else is there, I can't pin it. But this looks fun, she even knows who the king's people are, meaning they're after her but why.

Could this be why he's been so silent? Maybe this is a gold mine. I must follow!


King's people--

Walking in the diner looking bewildered!

"Can we help you?"

"Yeah!" eyeing down one of the waitresses "we are looking for a woman and a child, I heard they work here, no?"

The human's heartbeat gets faster "where are they?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know who you are talking about?"


"Kill them,"

The others run past and pick their prey, while the leader walks over to the front door.

'Open!' flipping the sign to 'Close'

"AGHHHH!!!! Help!"