Chereads / Monster Unit / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

It was moments later as Isaac quickly noticed a glowing light on the ogre's vest pocket. Isaac quickly points his gun at the ogre's head, scaring him.

"D-D-Don't shoot!" The ogre shouted.

"What's in your pocket?" Isaac asked.

"F-Felicity, come out. Don't be afraid." Said the ogre.

A fairy poked her head out of the ogre's pocket and saw Isaac with his gun. She hid back a little as Isaac holstered his gun back. She saw he put his gun away as she flew out of the ogre's pocket. She looked adorable, but frightened as she flew to the ogre and hid behind the back of his head.

"Why do you have a fairy with you?" Isaac asked.

"She lives in the same sanctuary. Her home was destroyed and her family…well…they were part of those who refused to cooperate. I knew them. And she had no place to stay and I couldn't leave her alone." Said the ogre.

"That's very kind of you. Guys, look around the area. Just in case those people are nearby." Said Isaac.

"Sure thing, boss." Said Marcus.

"Let me introduce ourselves. I'm Olan. Just Olan. And this is Felicity Murphy." Said Isaac.

"Olan and Felicity. I'm Isaac Atwood. I'm part of the Hunters Organization of Salem. And don't worry, I'm going to make sure you guys will be safe. More hunters will be arriving soon. Just answer their questions and you'll be fine. You're safe now. I can promise you that." Said Isaac.

"Thank you." Said Olan.

"Um, thank you." Said Felicity.

"She talks. Are you alright?" Isaac asked.

She didn't respond as Isaac pulled out his locket and opened it. He showed her the picture inside as it was of his parents as she gazed at it.

"You're not the only who's lost family. So, I get what you're going through. It…sucks. But you'll pull through. I promise." Said Isaac.

Felicity looked up at Isaac and gave a faint smile, until Franklin flew out of the trees and landed in front of Isaac, startling everyone.

"Franklin!" Isaac shouted as checked on him.

"Isaac, it's a giant." Franklin groaned as he got back up.

Isaac felt the ground shake as a giant showed itself as its body looked modified.

"Get to a safe distance!" Isaac shouted at Olan.

The giant charged towards them as Isaac drew his pistols and changed his ammo. He fired real bullets, but they were bouncing off the giant. Franklin then pounded his chest, turning on an inner tesla as his hands charged up with electricity. He then shot lightning blast at the giant, causing it to slow down. Isaac then pulled out some concussion grenades from his back pouch and tossed them at the giant's face. They stunned the giant as Franklin charged at it and tackled it to the ground. He then charged his fist and slammed his fist down on the giant. He shocked it with large amounts of volts as it then passed out. Franklin then stopped as steam emitted out of the giant's body.

"What happened Franklin? And did he just throw you?" Isaac asked.

"No, punch. He snuck up on me." Said Franklin.

"How?" Isaac asked.

"You got me. But my head's killing me." Said Franklin with his hand on his head.

"Olan, is Felicity alright?" Isaac asked.

"Yeah, she's okay." Olan replied as his head popped out of a bush with Felicity next to his head.

Felicity then flew to Franklin and saw his bruise on his head. She then placed her hands on his bruise and healed it.

"Oh, thanks a lot." Said Franklin.

"Your welcome." Said Felicity with a smile.

"Garry, what's your status?" Isaac asked through their coms with his finger on his earpiece.

"We got everything under control. Jasper told us about the ogres. As well as some orcs nearby the park. Bad news is that those guys got away." Said Garry.

"Make sure to call HQ to send a cleanup crew. Marcus, Violet, Jasper. Where are you are at?" Isaac asked.

"Some huge bastard knocked us out for a second. But we're alright. And right now, I'm trying to stop Violet from sucking my blood." Marcus responded.

"Come on, Marcus. Just one bite?" I'm so hungry!" Violet begged.

"I said no! Isaac needs us." Said Marcus as he hit her on her head.

"Ow, I hate you!" Violet shouted.

"You two act like a couple." Said Jasper.

"Shut up. We'll meet you guys where Berta is." Said Marcus.

Suddenly, a magic portal opened near him. Out came out an old man with blue and yellow wizard robes that had a hood. He has gray hair and blue eyes as he approached Isaac.

"Merlin, I was about to send you a message." Said Isaac.

"Scarlet told me everything. Was there something that you learned, Isaac?" Merlin asked.

"The person responsible for this is man with a black sword with immense dark magic. I think it's him, Merlin. He's escape." Said Isaac.

"We will speak of this later. Now's not the time. More hunters should be here in a few. And who are these…." Said Merlin as his eyes glowed.

He paused for a second as his eyes moved around as if he was looking for something.

"Merlin…?" Isaac responded as everyone was confused.

Merlin's eyes turned back to normal as he looked at Felicity.

"We will send you and your friends to another secure sanctuary nearby." Said Merlin.

"Uh, thank you." Olan responded.

"And as of for you, little one. I'm going to need you to stay with Isaac." Said Merlin.

"W-Why?" Isaac asked.

"Trust me on this one, Isaac." Said Merlin.

"Olan…?" Said Felicity as she turned and flew closer to Olan.

"Is she going to be safe?" Olan asked.

"She's going to be with Isaac. He lives at a boys' dorm of Salem Academy. A school that welcomes all living beings. You have my word she'll be safe.." Said Merlin.

"It'd be best for you, Felicity. You'll be safe and away from danger." Said Olan.

Felicity teared up and hugged Olan as he hugged her with just his hand. She then let go of him and flew close to Isaac.

"Bye, Olan. Can I visit him and the others?" Felicity asked.

"Of course. Have Ms. O'Donald make her an ID. Look after her. Follow me. Olan, wasn't it?" Said Merlin she approached Olan.

It would be moments later as Isaac arrived back at Berta as Scarlet, Iris, Jasper and Garry were inside the vehicle waiting on the others to arrive.

"Hey, Isaac. Did it go well?" Scarlet asked.

"It could've gone better. But I need your help with something." Said Isaac as Felicity poked her head out from Isaac's shoulder.

"Say no more. And who's this?" Scarlet asked as she looked at Felicity.

"Her name is Felicity Murphy. I need you to make her an ID. She's…uh, how old are you?" Isaac asked.

"Fourteen." Felicity replied.

"Got it. Sending in ID and I'll give you her papers when we get back to the academy. And, aw, she's so cute." Said Scarlet as Felicity blushed.

"Thanks, Scarlet. I don't know what we would do without you." Said Isaac.

"To be honest, you guys would be lost without me. But I'm glad I'm in the group." Said Scarlet.

"Isaac…Said Iris as she approached him.

She handed him a handmade bracelet that had animal or monster teeth as decoration.

"Evidence? Orcish. I recognize this too well. Nice job. I'll get Merlin to look at this." Said Isaac.

"Hi, I'm Garry. The one with gray hair is Jasper. You've met Scarlet. And the silent one is Iris. Nice to meet you." Said Garry.

"Hello, it's nice to meet all of you." Said Felicity.

"Aw, I want to hug her!" Scarlet squealed.

"With that giddiness, you'll crush her." Said Isaac.

"I know, but I'll crush her with love." Said Scarlet.

"Don't worry about her. She just adores cute things. Franklin? Has the clean-up crew arrived, yet?" Isaac asked through the coms.

"Yeah, me, Violet and Marcus are heading towards you guys." Said Franklin.

"Good. Get your stuff guys. We're heading back to the academy." Said Isaac.

A couple of minutes later and they were all driving back to the academy.

"Isaac, come and hang with us." Said Violet.

"Yeah, it's not a party without you." Said Garry.

"Didn't one of you guys say that I was a party pooper?" Isaac responded.

"Sorry. But I was only joking." Said Scarlet.

"Anyway, I need my sleep. And Felicity is crashing with me. Just go ahead and have fun. But not too much fun. You don't want the party pooper to poop on your party." Said Isaac.

"Pff, poop." Said Violet.

"Alright, we'll be at the Shack." Said Marcus.

They stopped right in front of the boys' dorm of the academy. Isaac got out of Berta as Felicity was on his shoulder, already dozing off. She fell off his shoulder, but Isaac caught her as she woke up.

"I'll see you guys later. And be sure to be in class on time." Said Isaac.

"Okay, mom! We'll be on time." Said Violet.

"I'll make sure they won't do anything dumb." Said Marcus.

"Alright, see you guys tomorrow." Said Isaac.

Isaac then went to his dorm room as he opened the door. Felicity saw they arrived at his room as she flew off his shoulder. She floated around, looking at his dorm as it looked like a small studio apartment. She then saw a picture of Isaac with another boy that looked just like him with his parents behind them.

"Is this your family?" Felicity asked.

"Yeah, that was the last picture we took together. I was seven." Said Isaac.

"You look really happy." Said Felicity.

"Yeah. But that was long ago. Follow me. I'll show you were you can sleep." Said Isaac.

He showed her to his room as he walked in and she flew inside.

"This is my room. The restroom is over there if you need to relieve yourself." Said Isaac.

"You have a nice home." Said Felicity.

"Also, we're going to have to get you glamour." Said Isaac.

"Oh, you don't have to." Said Felicity.

She then grew to a normal size fourteen-year-old as Isaac was surprised. But noticed that her clothes looked a little worn out.

"Here put these on. They won't fit, but they'll do for now." Said Isaac.

"Okay." Said Felicity.

She started to take off her clothes, but Isaac quickly turned around to his closet and opened the door. He then started to put his gear up and take his coat and shirt off. Felicity noticed that Isaac had cut and battle wounds all over his body as if he lived through war all his life.

"You fight a lot, don't you?" Felicity asked.

"Yeah. But it's one of the few things I'm good at." Said Isaac as he changed shirt.

They both already changed as Isaac turned around and saw Felicity looking at him in clothes that were a bit big for her.

"You need a place to sleep. I think I have a spar futon." Said Isaac.

"You don't have to worry." Said Felicity.

She then turned small, along with her clothes and flew to the bed and sat down.

"Oh, well, that's convenient. I just hope I don't squish you." Said Isaac as he lied down.

"Don't worry. I'll stay on my side. Good night." Said Felicity.

"Good night." Said Isaac.

They both fell asleep, while out in the street. A young man with a long coat and a black sword strapped to his back was standing in front of the academy with a woman in a black witch's' dress.

"Soon, Isaac…" Said the young man.