Chereads / Monster Unit / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7

It was ten years ago at a large English manor, in England. It was normal afternoon we see two 9-year-old boys who were Isaac and Richard. They were sword fighting on the stairs with wooden swords as they reached the bottom. Richard ran around the grand foyer, while Isaac stopped and looked at statue that was nearby. It was of King Arthur and in front of the statue was a Celtic sword that looked antique and battle worn.

"Oi, I!" Rick shouted.

Rick waved at Isaac as he ran towards him. We then see them bust out of the front entrance as they were wrestling each other, rolling around on the ground.

"Alright you two. That's enough." Said a man.

A man in swordsmen training clothes with dirty blond hair and blue eyes separated them both by pulling on the back of their shirts.

"That's no way for two princes to act, now is it?" The man asked.

"We were just having, Edward. Right, I?" Rich asked.

"Uh-huh. And I was winning." Said Isaac.

"Oh, yeah, right!" Rick responded as they continued to mess around.

"Now, now. You two are Pendragons. You both have a reputation to uphold." Said Edward.

"Since mom and dad are gone, right?" Said Rick as he and Isaac looked sad.

"Yes. And the meeting with my fellow knights is about to start at the castle. So no eavesdropping. And most certainly, do not misbehave. Head over to the manor's training yard with Jenny to practice." Said Edward.

"Alright." Said Isaac.

"But why with Jenny?" Rick responded.

"You've got a problem with that?" Jenny asked as she arrived.

It was Jennifer, age 9, as she was approaching the with her arms crossed. She was dressed similar clothes as Edward as stood proper.

"She's going to make sure you boys do what I say." Said Edward as he missed Rick's hair.

"Since we all know you like being lazy, Rick." Said Jennifer.

"Says the girl who can't use magic yet." Said Rick.

"Quiet you!" Jennifer responded.

"Is that a way to talk to your lord?" Rick responded.

"Why you…!" Jennifer responded.

"Easy, now. Be nice to each other. And behave. And no use your royal status, Rick. You too, Isaac." Said Edward.

"Yes, sir." Said Rick, Isaac, and Jennifer.

It would be moments later as Edward was walking down a castle hallway. He then reached a guarded room as he entered. It was a circular room with many men and woman of different countries and races from around the world. Some dressed normal or in traditional clothes. Edward sat down at one of the chairs.

"I do believe everyone is here. Let us begin." Said elder woman.

They all sat down and started the meeting as the elder woman turned towards Edward.

"Edward, would you like to start us off?" The elder woman asked.

"Yes, thank you, ma'am. The children of Gwen and Everette are at the age where one of them should be giving the sword." Said Edward.

"But who which of the two should wield it?" One of the knights asked.

"That will be up to Nimue." Said Edward.

Meanwhile, Isaac and Rick were sparring with each other as Jennifer was by herself watching over them. She then looked at her hand and conjured up some magic to her hand. It then formed into a sword as she was having trouble maintaining its form. We then see Rick push Isaac back as he fell backward and landed on his back. Isaac teared up, while rubbing the back of his head.

"Is that all you got, I?" Rick asked.

"N-No. But did you have to be so rough?" Said Isaac as he stood up.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Said Rick.

"Such a brute. Surprisingly, you've gotten better." Said Jennifer.

"Are you being nice? I don't know how to feel about that." Said Rick.

"Are feeling sick, Jennifer?" Isaac asked.

"Stop being ridiculous! And you didn't even let me finish. You've gotten better, but you have a long way to go to reach the status of your mother." Said Jennifer.

"Well, duh, genius." Said Rick.

"Don't you, Duh, me!" Jennifer yelled.

"Calm down, children." Said a woman.

They all looked and saw a woman in blue dress with straight flowy blue hair and blue eyes. She was beautiful looking woman as she approached them and crouched down.

"Who are you?" Isaac asked.

"No one important. Just a knights assistant. But you can call me, Lady. I overheard you two. You are quite the loud bunch." Said Lady.

"No thanks to her." Said Rick as he pointed as Jennifer.

"Bugger off, Rick!" Jennifer yelled.

"Hmm, I wonder if you both have feelings for each other." Nimue teased with her hand on her mouth, while Rick and Jennifer blushed.

"What!?" Rick and Jennifer responded.

"Like I can ever like him!" Jennifer yelled.

"Yeah, she's like the worse!" Rick yelled.

"Then why are you blushing?" Isaac asked, teasingly.

"Shut up, Isaac!" Jennifer yelled.

"Yeah! You're my brother! Aren't you supposed to have my back?" Rick responded.

"Now, now. I was only teasing. But my I see both of your hands, Isaac, Richard." Said Lady.

"Uh, sure." Said Isaac as he and Rick left her see his hand.

She gently grabbed their hands and closed her eyes. And in one second, she immediately opened them in shock, flinching away from their hands.

"I've never seen that before." Said Nimue.

"What? Having your eyes closed?" Rick responded as he snickered.

"Two lives, that hold will determine that fate of the world. One will lead to stop the great threat, while the other will help aid the great threat. Excuse me, I must go." Said Lady as she stood up and quickly left.

"That was weird." Said Rick.

"I wonder what that was about." Said Isaac.

Nimue soon entered the meeting as everyone looked at her as she looked deeply concern.

"What did you see, Nimue?" Edward asked.

"Those two boys hold the key to stopping Arthon. But I couldn't see who. My foresight only saw what will happen if one of them gained the swords power. And the outcomes are the same. The end of man and monsters. Arthon is going to win, no matter what we do." Said Nimue.

They all stood in shock and worried as Edward sat down, not knowing what to do.

"Do not fret, my brothers and sisters. We must think smart about this. But either way, one brother must gain the sword. But who is the question." Said the elder woman.

"Edward, you know them best." Said Nimue.

Edward took a long second to think, until he remembered something as he stood up.

"At one point, Gwen wanted Richard to be the next wielder of the sword. While Everette wanted Isaac to follow in his footsteps. Maybe following their wishes may be the best choice. But in truth, I do not know." Said Edward.

"As respect towards our fallen comrades. We will keep their wishes. Let us hope it is the right one." Said the elder woman.

It would be later on as Rick was giving a sword by his grandmother, Summer Pendragon. She was sophisticated and intimidating looking woman as she held the sword, Excalibur, to Rick. It was a beautiful knights sword of amazing craft. We then see him training with Edward as he starts out bad. But slowly progresses as Jennifer watches, admirably. Isaac watches too, but feels left out, until a man in black coat and black hat approaches Isaac and puts his hat on Isaac as he looks up to him.

"Why the long face, kid?" Said the man.

"Hey, Van. I was just watching Rick." Said Isaac.

"I see. And I've seen that look before. Are you jealous? Or are feeling a bit left out?" Van asked.

"A little of both. I'm happy he was chosen. But what can I do?" Said Isaac.

"(Chuckles) That's why I'm here, kiddo. I'm going to train you to be a hunter." Said Van.

We see them both training as it would be 3 years later as Rick was sparing with Edward. He was holding a fencing sword, while Rick had a knight's sword. Rick was swing at Edward as he was deflecting his strikes. Isaac was watching, while Van was with him.

"He's gotten better." Said Van.

"Yeah. He's grown up. He really wants to live up to our mother's reputation." Said Isaac.

"And you, Isaac?" The man asked.

"I want to live up to our dad's reputation. We'll make them both proud. Right, Van?" Said Isaac.

"I wouldn't doubt you'll both live up to it. You are their sons. C'mon, let's keep at your training." Said Van as he placed his hand on Isaac's shoulder.

We then see Edward and Richard take a break, while Jennifer approached them and handed them bottles of water.

"Thank, sweetie." Said Edward.

"You're welcome, father." Said Jennifer.

"That was refreshing. You didn't poison it, did you?" Said Rick.

"Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't." Said Jennifer as she looked to her side.

"Careful now. You witch side is showing." Said Richard.

"Whatever, princess." Said Jennifer as they both laughed.

"You still free to spar?" Rick asked.

"Why not ask Isaac to help you?" Jennifer asked.

"Because he's busy with his training. And you're like the one of the best sword fighters I know. Right behind me that it is." Said Rick.

"Sure. But yes. I'm free. And I'll show you who's the best sword fighter." Said Jennifer.

"I can't wait to see you then." Said Rick as he got back up.

He walked back to Edward as they continued, while Jennifer looked bashful and smiled admiringly at Richard.