Chereads / Solitude's Requiem / Guilds and orders

Guilds and orders

Keep in mind that like all chapters of volume 0 this can all still be changed.

Below you can find the general information of guild and orders:



"The preserver of oaths": A chivalric order founded by a group of deserters who were forced to commit several atrocities commanded by their higher-ups. This order shifts the power balance so that this doesn't happen again. The knights created 10 oaths that will be the guideline of the knights from this order. These oaths also surpass any order from a higher up, even the leader of this order. Continuous disobedience of these oaths will lead to banishment from the order. The 10 oaths are as followed:

- Oath of humility: A member should never announce himself to others as a member of this order to receive self-indulgent glory from it. A knight does not serve self-interest. Being a knight is not a rank, but a way of life. You should always act like a knight with the following in mind: you are better than no one, and no one is better than you.

- Oath of gratitude: There is only one way to be grateful for the gift called "life" and that is gratitude. For everything that has been your reply will be "thank you" and for everything that will be your reply will be "yes". Life is the greatest gift, cherish it.

-Oath of Courage: A knight is a symbol of light of hope. Anything that dares to be the light must endure burning.

-Oath of Justice: Do not turn a blind eye to injustice. Make your judgement fair and objective, you're only human, so perhaps what you decide might not be right. As a knight, you have a virtuous hearth and a well-trained brain to help you surpass these trials.

-Oath of Generosity: Every child is born naked and without anything, completely equal. And everyone receives the same ending, death. No matter your status, you are born equal and will die an equal death. Be generous to your equals, after all, it doesn't matter how rich you are. We will all die as equals anyway.

-Oath of Discipline: Be diligent, be prepared and give your all. There is no good way to prepare a man for battle. Your nerves of steel or any other quality you might have had will most likely disappear in the face of bloodshed. There are only a few things that will certainly not betray you your oaths and your training. Give everything you have, all the time.

-Oath of faith: Faith is a commitment, to believe without knowing. This is not just for your religion, but for all paths of life. Have faith in humanity, have faith in the future, have faith in yourself.

-Oath of Equality: Equality is an unwavering truth for every knight. If there is a situation where women and men were being degraded, well then there was no knight. Because if there was a knight this situation would not occur.

-Oath of Love: Love is the color of this gift called life. A life without love is a dark life. Love each other and love yourself.

-Oath of Death: there is nothing more equal than death, and nothing more terrifying. When you die, thank the life you've been given. Just like all those, you helped will have thanked you. Do not fear death, the others of the order are there to continue your work. Instead, make some space, because I would love to sit down with all you virtuous knights and listen to your tales.

"Eternal Paragons.": The order accepts all applicants and personally trains them. Firstly in the way of priesthood and afterward in the way of knighthood. Many applicants of this order tend to become religious figures instead of knights.

Drearoth: the academy of wizards/sorcerers in the world of Genesias. Besides being an academy, it is also a political structure. Excellent students of this academy tend to either become teachers or apprentices of court wizards. Court wizards are advisors of rulers when it comes to the matters of arcane. This can be quite beneficial seeing that you as a wizard can have the economical and political backing of a kingdom. Becoming a teacher is also a very popular career decision for wizards, creating connections with other teachers and talented students gives a wizard the chance to have many connections in this political world. If a wizard has proven himself, he will be invited to the upper echelons of this society, a place where the most powerful wizard meets and can make decisions that affect the entire continent. The higher-ups of this academy also decide if someone is allowed to be considered a wizard. Less powerful individuals, simply have to be registered to see that they pose no threat. However, if a powerful individual is considered dangerous by the upper echelon, they can be branded as a witch. Which would make the individual outlawed in most countries and could cause the academy to send their own forces and use connections to get the individual killed or locked up.

Adventurers guild: An attempt to make adventuring less chaotic and more organized. It all began when noblemen needed adventurers to solve certain problems or appease curiosity. Often the case when a large amount of gold is thrown in the occasion, even those not qualified foolishly threw away their lives. Having seen enough unqualified adventurers die, noblemen created the adventurer's guild. This guild ranks an adventurer and gives them appropriate tasks, it also gave adventurers a centralized place to get their quests. Not all adventurer guilds are sponsored by the same noblemen, resulting in different adventuring guilds. Luckily, however, "the maesters" intervened in this matter before it go too serious. The maesters recognized the importance of keeping all guilds streamlined and decide to dictate some general rules. First of all they decided that the noblemen could not use the adventurer's guild as an entity to promote their own business. Secondly, the difference between guilds could cause confusion, in response they ordered that every guild can have an animal as a symbol. However, this will be the only difference. Thirdly, adventuring guilds cannot be used to hurt other noblemen knowingly. Lastly, the adventuring guild is of importance to the entire continent of Asarius, not just your own country. If without proper reason, an adventure from another origin than your own cannot be refused to do quests in your guild.

The convention of maesters: A meeting is held every 5 years by all the maesters in the realm. In this meeting, they discuss the pressing issues that they have authority over. Measters are considered a necessary advisor for every king and are all trained in healthcare and other knowledge. This makes most maesters alchemists by trade. However, the maesters also have authority over matters concerning the workings of the continent Asarius. For example, Time, calendar dates, and recognition of kingdom titles are all under their neutral authority. Even when captured during wars maesters tend to be praised as they have no official allegiance to the court they serve. Still, the maesters have no military power and thus do not involve themselves in political conflicts such as the throne's successions. The Maesters have their own headquarters located in Pierden called the Citadel Of Words. Here apprentice maesters are thought and the "Historia Warsdum" are stored.

The Forgotten Cabal: Like the name suggests, very little is remembered about this assassination guild. That's even the case for the members themselves since they are aware that this assassination guild was derived from another destroyed assassination guild, there is no idea actually which one. To form a contract with an assassin of The Forgotten Cabal it is believed that carrying a bouquet of white poppy's into a nearby river and attaching a note with the specified target could fulfill the contract. After the assassination, they will visit the client and ask him to pay whatever he deems worthy. Whilst this might seem very generous, it is not. An insufficient payment is often times repaid with the murder of a loved one or of the client itself. When a sufficient payment is given, nothing happens, leaving the client behind with the anxiety and worry that he might die at any moment since he doesn't know if he paid what was required. The victims of these ordered assassinations have one of the white poppies of the before mentioned bouquet put into their body.

Mercenary companies: varying companies made of primarily sell swords and those who listen to the one with the biggest coin pouch. There are thus incredibly popular in the richer regions such as The Merchant Republic Of Crewent or The Silver Merchant Trading Company. There are many different companies with the charge of a task dependent on the difficulty and also their established fame. Most mercenary companies have a connection with "Enver" or called "The Free City" by the mercenaries. Unlike knights they do not have a chivalric code and are sometimes nothing more than paid thugs.