"What does he do? For work, I mean." He had already told me his father's occupation-- so hearing this one was a little expected to Rune. He didn't have any problem in answering it, of course.
"We have farm land next to the house that he works on. My mother does too. Just crops, we don't care for animals. My dad does want to get horses, though." Rune loved the place he grew up at.
He couldn't help but think about how long it had been since he last was so far from home. He think the last time was to visit some relatives up state. Even then, it was only about an hour and a half away from home. A sudden thought came to mind, causing Rune to laugh a little to himself, "I guess it's not really as impressive as a minister, huh? We get by pretty well though."
"No." How honest.
His expression and tone made it obvious to me that he was just being honest, rather than blatantly rude.
"What's it like?" Draco had scooted to the edge of his seat now, his eyes remaining on me as he displayed such natural, childish curiosity.
He appeared less like his father-- or would it be better to say that he appeared that he wasn't trying to keep up to his father's expectations anymore.
A major difference than when he was at the train station.
It was a bit amusing.
"Well--" I was cut off by our compartment door opening.
There stood a girl with unruly brown hair. She wore the same robes as they did except they wore pants and, her a knee length black skirt. Her gaze moved around the compartment with a soft frown before sighing irritably, "Do... you need something?" Rune spoke in confusion while Draco remained quiet.
He had scooted back in his seat now, leaning against the back like before. He was watching the two of them carefully, though his narrowed gaze was mainly fixated on the girl who stood out the door.
The brunette looked to Rune before speaking, "Have any of you seen a toad? A boy named Neville lost one." She shifted her weight from one leg to another as she waited for an answer.
Draco spoke first, surprisingly, though his tone was far from kind, "No. Go bother someone else." His arms crossed over his chest once more.
Rune quickly turned his head to the boy with a slight look of bewilderment. That was rather uncalled for-- unnecessarily rude, actually. This girl was only trying to help someone. Rune gaze narrowed at him, a gaze he caught for only a moment before looking away to glare outside.
Rune looked back at the other girl and began to stand. "No, but I can help look." Rune's hands straightened his sweater and his robes when he had completely gotten to his feet.
"What? Rune--" Draco began to protest, even sitting up in place with furrowed brows, but Rune caught him off before he could.
"I won't be long, I promise. I'll come right back afterwards." Rune made a patient smile his way.
Draco continued to stare at Rune.
The look on his face told Rune that he was unsure about letting him go with some random girl. However, he sat back with a huff of defeat.