You will get through this season of life that you are in.
If you are in a hard place mentally, goes through difficult times. All these that you are going through feels heavy, dark, and never-ending. It feels as though you will never be able to push through what you are going through to your goals. Everything feels uncertain, lost, and pointless.
But know this– "life is tough and unpredictable". Know that you can regain control and happiness. Don't give up! This too shall pass.
Many of us are all too familiar with the emotion of depression. But unfortunately, too often people are unwilling to discuss it for fear of further rejection or self-deprecation.
When you have depression… everything has its season, its timing, and it will not be your forever… Just like monsoon season, there will be a time it can be cloudy.. there would be a time it would rain down when lightning discharges as a bolt causes the rumbles of thunderstorms, meaning everything needs to go through pain. As hard to believe, there is a reason for everything that you are going through. It is painful, but it also signifies immense growth. It is difficult, but you will be stronger than who you were before. It is chaotic, but you will meet more amazing people.
According to Robert H. Schuller, "Tough times never last, but tough people do." You are strong and beautiful! Know who you are. Know your worth. You have to realize and understand that these hard times you are facing right now is NOT going to last forever.
Remember you have the power to be, have, and do anything you desire. You are not alone.