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The Dragon's Tale

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a World exists where Monster roam and branded Heroes exist a Heroes job is to fight these Monsters but what happens when a Hero is saved by the very Monsters and evil she must face as she meets Ryu Sakai who fights for the monsters Is good and evil so simple are the Heroes good and Monsters evil or is it reversed find out as the truth is revealed

Chapter 1 - A Diffrent View of The world


(Midnight in the dark skies the moon is full and three figures hover in the air the first is a man with long dark hair and dark eyes he is 5'9 tall wearing black pants and boots his pants are tucked into his boots and he is wearing only a chainmail on his chest light but durable it hangs the length of a trench coat he faces two knights in full armour one in silver the other in platinum colour armour the man's name is Ryu Sakai.)

Ryu: So this is where you have chosen for your final resting place you the great Heroes are you not tired of this pointless battle you have waged with me for 300 years?

Platinum Knight: (He has a deep voice and you can tell he is a man 5'11 tall and by the looks of it quite muscular) No we will never tire until you and your evil nation is killed so we may live in peace again free from you!

Ryu: Ahh yes you hero types are all the same vanquish the great evil now then here I stand in front of you let's end this!

(Ryu summons his sword it has an orange glow to it as if it's on fire the sword of chaos, the knight draws his sword from its shiny scabbard it's golden in colour and starts glowing the silver knight draws a blade not as shiny or flashy as the platinum knight's but still impressive. They start the attack on Ryu the duo are relentless as the attack they're formidable Ryu only defends for now blocking and parrying their blows, they back off and charge at him again but Ryu slashes and a great force of fire slashes they dodge it barely, the platinum knight releases an attack and it blinds Ryu temporarily he feels something around him as if someone is holding him and as he regains his sight the silver knight holds him his arms unable to move. The platinum knight holds his sword at the ready the blade shining brightly.)

Platinum Knight: Now you DIE Ryu your time is at an end I will strike you down once and for all!!

Ryu: Would you strike me down and sacrifice your companion?

Platinum Knight: Yes I would if it means the world will be saved from you then I would not even lose a minute of sleep.

Ryu: Then I see what separates the both of us.

Platinum Knight: CURTANA strike true!!

(He lunges at Ryu and pierces through him and the silver knight seemingly a death blow both of them fall in the ocean.)

Platinum Knight: I'm sorry Veranda your death was necessary for this victory not even Ryu could survive this blades strike through the heart if that monster even had one.

(The knight leaves the area of battle the bodies appear to be lost in the ocean he returns to his home victorious it would seem.)

Four days have passed since the battle

(A woman wakes up in a strange bed that is not her own she wakes up to a maid that had opened the curtains she is shocked she has no memory of how she got there or where she is the maid is wearing a maid outfit and glasses with black hair tied behind her head in a proper posture of a maid she speaks)

Maid: Morning m'lady you look well rested today it seems you are healed.

Woman: (Confused at her surroundings looking around but seeing no one but this maid) W-where am I how did I get here who are you?

(She jumps out of the bed she has ashen hair that is loose at the moment hanging just beneath her shoulders, she has magenta colour eyes and her body is athletic build. She soon realises she is naked and the maid seems to bare her no harm)

Maid: Please m'lady it's not proper to parade the goods around in front of strangers there is clothes I set aside for you in the closet put it on and come with me the master wishes to know of your condition and seeing you up you can also speak to him.

Woman: And why should I? Who is your master?

Maid: You'll see soon enough.

(The woman puts on a normal white dress normally one would sleep in and she goes with the maid, as they walk down the halls she sees all manner of servants of different species the halls are long and as they walked she found herself admiring the craftsmanship of the castle it is old easily 500 years but still in a well-kept condition soon they enter the throne room and several pillars support the roof all of marble and as she looks up she sees none other than Ryu sitting on the throne wearing the same type of pants and boots but no chainmail instead he is wearing a black leather coat it hangs by his ankles and he is not wearing a shirt underneath revealing part of his upper body)

Ryu: I see you've caught up with your beauty sleep and on your feet again.

Woman: (Shock upon seeing Ryu struggling to find the right words) H-how are you n-not dead right now that sword was our ultimate weapon forged to kill you.

Ryu: Oh you mean Curtana, I admit it did sting a bit as it pierced my heart.

Woman: Impossible he must have missed we have killed many night creatures with it even the Immortal vampire Dracula.

Ryu: My dear I am something else entirely it doesn't bother you that your sacrifice would have been in vain being killed by your very own companion?

Woman: (Falling to her knees in disbelieve) N-no it would have been worth it had he not missed. (She looks up) But me still being here proves that he just missed and that's why you're still alive as well he never used it because he was worried about my safety.

Ryu: (In an angry tone) He did sacrifice your life to kill me you were only lucky to have not died on the spot! Follow me and I shall show you the truth woman.

Woman: My name is Veranda not woman you monster!

(The travel to the blacksmith deep in the castle using teleportation spell, the blacksmith is a dwarf standing 4 feet tall with a full grey beard and wearing a bandanna he is wearing black pants and brown boots and a leather apron hammering away on the anvil.)

Ryu: Vivaldi good to see you busy as usual.

Vivaldi: Ryu what brings you here and bringing a lady here no less you shouldn't have I am a happily married dwarf after all.

Ryu: Yes that may be true but this is the woman whose armour you're repairing.

Vivaldi: Is this the lucky survivor well it's a miracle with that flimsy armour, who even made that piece of junk.

Veranda: That armour was forged by the finest blacksmiths known to man and not some dwarf sweating away underground!

(Vivaldi shows her the armour that she wore it is run clean through between the chest and shattered beyond recognition, she looks to the armour and sure it's the very armour she whore on that night they fought she is amazed she is even alive.)

Veranda: And what of his armour where is it he used me as a shield that's all!

(Vivaldi shows her Ryu's chainmail he wore it's run straight through the heart clean in and out the back proving that the blade did indeed hit its intended target.)

Vivaldi: This is the first time ever I have seen the masters armour pierced and I have personally forged all his armour for 300 years the weapon was indeed powerful.

Veranda: It was the most powerful weapon we could forge and all it amounted to was to simple blow my armour in pieces and pierce Ryu's armour can anything kill him then? How did I even survive it?

(Ryu has already left it's only Vivaldi, Veranda and the maid that's in the forge.)

Maid: There is only one who could have brought you here you refuse to believe it but it was Ryu and he personally put you in the healing baths that's the only reason you survived that night.

Veranda: NO! it's a lie he doesn't save people he kills them without a second thought he conquers and destroys nothing else why would he even care about saving me? He must have some sadistic plan with me to torture me that's all.

Vivaldi: Yes to heal you and then torture you to the brink of death your screams will echo through the castle and all us monsters will delight in it!!

(Veranda with fear in her face runs out the door and in any direction away from Vivaldi and the maid the castle is huge and she gets lost she finds a place to hide away in the darkest room she could find where she seems to lose all hope)

Maid: Vivaldi why did you tell her that you of all people know Ryu would not harm her in fact she is under his protection.

Vivaldi: Ahh well Mizuki my dear it was fun to see her run away I was just having fun with her she is so eager to call us monsters and such.

Mizuki: I guess so but for some reason Ryu saved her I can only guess for what purpose?

Vivaldi: Yeah maybe he will add her to his "collection" perhaps she has lovely eyes?

Mizuki: Oh shut it! We need to find her before she wonders into not so pleasant company.

(Veranda sitting in the dark room notices it's extremely cold she thinks to herself as to what manner of evil lurks here when all of the sudden something touches her shoulder a bony hand as she feels when suddenly the eyes light up green it's an undead the whole room lights up and she sees the tall skeleton standing 6'5 feet tall and speaking in a male voice.)

Skeleton: Excuse me but why are you here in my room the master will search for you? Don't be afraid I mean no harm we don't see many humans on the grounds you're fortunate Lady Death did not see fit to reap your soul.

Veranda: L-lady Death? You mean I just barely escaped death because Death did not want me?

Skeleton: Well if you put it like that it would seem she thought you still had a life to live or that Ryu asked her she seems to have a soft spot for him?

(Suddenly Mizuki stands in the room and is ready to escort Veranda to Ryu.)

Mizuki: Suker glad she found you and not someone else, come Verande I'll take you to Ryu he will answer your questions about this place and what we are doing here.

Suker: Farewell m'lady( he bows to Mizuki)

(Veranda and Mizuki travel once again through the castle to the garden Ryu is waiting there and in front of him is an enormous Lion he is petting it's mane is a dark chocolate colour the lion seems to be a pet to Veranda's eyes the sight is unusual as they were led to believe Ryu had no compassion and killed all in is way and destroy everything he is the very reason why heroes exist to defeat him and bring peace to the human world. He leaves the lion and goes to sit at a nearby table it's underneath a beautiful tree Veranda sits down Mizuki brings her tea and water for Ryu.)

Ryu: You have questions Veranda? Is this place not different from the horror stories you were told growing up more peaceful than what was lead to believe?

Veranda: I admit it certainly is a good façade to cover up who you truly are underneath you are a monster you're merely trying to make me lose my faith in the heroes and that will never happen, I don't have questions just one why save my life?

Ryu: It seemed a pity for you to throw your life away so that some coward could try and kill me, but enough of that will you indulge me as I tell you how I came to be what I am?

Veranda: Tell your tale and let's be done.

(Ryu sits ready and looks Veranda in her eyes as she looks in his he begins to tell his tale from 300 years ago. Will this tale convince a hero to listen to the monsters side of the story to the tale of Ryu Sekai only after he has told it shall she decide the truth for herself?)

End of Chapter 1