Chereads / Entity / Chapter 2 - Class

Chapter 2 - Class

After sitting in the nurse's office for a couple of minutes I was finally allowed to go. She gave me an ice pack and sent me off to class. The hallways were unusually empty as everyone had already gone to learn. I made my way to the classroom and sat down discreetly in the fourth row of chairs. I took the tissues out of my nose and threw the ice pack away. The room was decently big, there were a total of 5 rows each with 8 seats. I put my backpack under the desk. The chair was soft as always. "Mr. Wang? Why are you late?"

It was Mr. Gargantuan, he was a stout man probably in his forties staring directly at me with wide eyes. I told him about what had happened and gave him the note from the nurse. After reading the note he immediately threw away his frown and in an almost playful tune said,"Okay, I understand try not to run into a wall again." I heard everyone else in the room laugh. I brushed off their comments. Mr. Gargantuan immediately bellowed for everyone to be quiet, and started the lecture. In the nurse's office, I had said that I ran into a wall being chased by a wasp. It wasn't the truth but trust me If I told her about Brone it wouldn't matter how many days he was suspended he would beat me into several pieces then scatter me around Greenville, or at least that's what I thought he'd do. I stared at the board, he was writing down something about radical equations. As tiredness kicked in and my eyelids slowly fell and my world got darker and darker.

"Hello? Mr. Wang, are you asleep in my class?"

I jolted up, "no! Of course not!"

He then said with a smirk, "Okay can you answer the problem on the board?" I heard a couple of chuckles in the background.

It read: The geometric mean of two positive numbers is the positive square root of their product. Find two consecutive positive integers whose geometric mean is 4 times the square root of 39.

I looked at the board for a couple of seconds making finger motions to show I was thinking and answered.

He stared at me incredulously, but not before quickly returning to his original state. He asked, "how did you figure it out?" I answered,

"I made an equation". He stared at me and grinned.

"Explain," he said. I gave him an explanation, yawned, then took a little bow and slipped back down into my chair. Mr. Gargantuan sighed, "Good job, but next time don't sleep in my class."

"Got it," I replied and sat back up in my chair feeling the stares of everyone behind me. He then told us we were doing group work and to partner up around the room. I sighed no one ever wanted to partner with me. I think they thought I was mean or something. I didn't care, at least I could then work by myself and not have to explain anything to those imbeciles.

Then out of nowhere I heard, "hey!" I looked up, my heart racing. It was a girl. "Ah sorry I'm so bad at this. My name's April. Do you wanna be partners?" I looked at her, took a deep breath, and managed to mumble,

"Sure, I guess." We sat down. After everyone had partnered up Mr. Gargantuan explained that each group would finish their packet and hand it in when it was done. After that, you could feel free to study whatever you wanted. I sighed reluctantly and picked up my pencil.

After about 30 seconds, out of nowhere, I heard, "Hey whatcha doin?" I looked at her, her brown hair waving from side to side. It was surprisingly long. I shook my head and told her I was doing the work. "I thought it was group work?" She asked spacing each word almost like a detective. I stared at her eyes, they were big and brown. I closed my eyes and looked back at her and told her,

"We'll split the work, okay you'll do the first half and I'll do the second". I returned to my paper, and as I was about to finish a problem I felt a warm breath on the back of my neck. I jerked away. It was her again. I freaked out and shrieked "what do you want?"

''I wanna work with you!" she said. I stared at her, for a second then with a sigh of defeat

"Fine." She grinned and we started to work together.