Chereads / The Hungry Hunter / Chapter 9 - Witch's Report #3: Dance of the Dragonborn

Chapter 9 - Witch's Report #3: Dance of the Dragonborn

"Can I really hunt a dragon?"

Allen coughed up blood as the unicorn lifted him into the air.

"I barely hunted that zebear."

Two more horns flew into the eye of the tornado.

"I ran away from every danger, then I ate you."

One of the horns pierced his shoulder.

"I am a failure."

The other horn whizzed past him, cutting a bit of his hair off. Although his hair is naturally black, white clumps of hair fell to the ground.

"I can't protect anyone, not even myself."

Sparks flew out of the puncture wound as every other flame protruding from his body extinguished.

"How did it feel?"

Inside Allen's head all he could hear was baby noises, a sparkling neigh, and a neighing growl.

"That's what confuses me most about all of this. We all die..."

Outside, in reality, the galloping of horses echoed throughout the forest as a sleeping Lily woke up.

"But it feels like there is something inside of me, that I can't let go."

Lily looked around her area, before noticing the sparkling stampede that she heard.

"It's this hunger. A need."

The palms of Allen's hands began glowing a deep orange, with the inner parts of the glow becoming a blistering white.

"Sylver once told me about a will that all creatures have."

Sparks began bursting out of his palms as he slowly began to lift them.

"It's not special or anything. I didn't work hard to gain it. I never even fully understood it. This will to live. Why do we want to live so badly."

Allen grabbed the sides of the unicorn's face; as it began screeching Allen stood up from the ground of his inner most thoughts.

"Is there some purpose in living? What is mine? What was yours again?"

Allen only heard baby gibberish and laughter.

"It was to kill the Last Dragon... Did you want to do that?"

The baby in his mind got up, stretched its wings and began chasing a dragon. The dragon circled around Allen, slowly getting bigger and bigger.

"I want to do whatever I want to do in life. So until I find a real purpose."

Allen firmly grasped the unicorn's face, he screamed as his hands ignited and exploded in an instant. Smoke emerged from the unicorn's head while its voice desperately tried to let out another noise. Its knees buckled down and it fell over to its side. Its face was mostly blown off, and pools of red formed around its head.

Allen slid off of the horn of the unicorn, he wobbled back to his feet. With horns protruding his left leg, right arm, and back; he stood his ground and exhaled out a streak of flames.

"I am a legend in the making," he screams out to the unicorns slowing their pace. The small tornado dissipated and the four remaining unicorns surrounded him on all sides.

"I cannot die to unicorns! You bottom of the food chain ponies," the unicorns eyes glow white as all their horns regenerate instantly. They stomped their feet and neighed. Allen's skin was stained red, his long black hair grew streaks of short white hair. The blood dripped onto the ground beneath Allen before evaporating.

The unicorn north of Allen began its charge alongside the unicorn to the west of Allen. He readied himself, lowered his body, and firmly held his position. As they approached he took out the horn in his right arm, he grimaced at the pain, but he held it in his left hand. He grabbed hold onto the bottom of the horn, then waited.

The closest unicorn to him was the on to the north. Therefore, once it got close enough for Allen to smell its breath, he sparked a flame in his left hand, and exploded the horn outward from his hand to the unicorn's head. It pierced straight through, as Allen spun towards the west and pulled out the horn in his left leg. He screamed at the pain, notifying the east and south unicorns to begin aiming their horns.

Inside Allen's mind, the dragon had grew so big that it encircled his body like a boa constrictor. It only left Allen's head out, as it began squeezing Allen. The dragon's head looked down on Allen, and Allen looked up to it. On top of its head he could see the baby dancing.

"Listen, Allen," a condescending voice boomed throughout his mind. The sound bouncing off of the walls of his skull. "You are nothing but a liar. You aren't some legend. You're a thei-"

"No, you listen," Allen returned a defensive voice as he fiercely looked upon the dragon. "My tale will not end here. This is only the prologue. My origin!"

The baby's dance was magnificently innocent, she fell as she danced. Laughing when she fell, but getting right back up. Her arms swayed through the air. Her wings expanding and contracting in rhythm to a nonexistent sound. Then she spontaneously combusted.

She looked like a phoenix with horns and a human body. Yet despite being on fire, she continued to dance, to fall, to laugh, and to get right back up. "Once I'm free. I will be the dragonborn."

Allen crushed the horn in his hand, he held the shards of the horn in his palm. Allen rushed at the west unicorn, he left behind streaks of flames as he ran. His hand glowed a blistering orange before exploding the shards outward, it pelted the west unicorn. A deafening neigh reached even the ears of Lily who finally ran back to see what was happening.

Allen jumps over the west unicorn, and use its falling body as a shield for a horn that was fired from the east unicorn. The south unicorn moved around to try and hit Allen from a different direction. Allen notices this and turns his attention to the south unicorn. However, the east unicorn's eyes glowed and began charging forward.

From a distance Lily leaped to the side, fully revealing herself, she ran toward the rushing east unicorn. It galloped faster than Lily's pace, but she chanted faster. She was running perpendicularly to the east unicorn. Allen inhaled, then pushed himself off the ground. He exhaled, leaving a line of flames from his previous position to his nose. He ignited both of his hands; while Lily began, "Oh father of flames, bless me with your strength. Bless the heavens with your worries. Let Prometheus' cries fuel me."

Allen's fire in his left hand transferred over to his right hand as he ran with his arms behind him. He let his left arm drop, as he twisted his body toward his right. He leapt into the air as the south unicorn fired its horn at him. He had a menacing grin as he thrusted his right arm forward aiming in the opposite direction the horn was being fired at.

He then spontaneously combusted. Although it lasted only a microsecond, Irene who was watching this all happen described the form as following; "Like a phoenix, he was on fire, yet he continued on like he hadn't felt it. He reminded me of the only demon I ever met in my life. That demon somehow managed to leave me with hope. Watching Allen Z. Truman fly through the air like that, with flaming horns coming out of his head, and flaming wings coming out of his back. A boy like that traveling with my sister... filled me with despair."

From Allen's right hand came a flaming fist that became more disfigured as it flew through the air. As it flew, Lily chanted the last word to her magical spell, "Fireball!" The ball of fire formed in front of her, at first it was a spark that then absorbed the air around it. The fire grew to a sizable ball, she then aimed it a few feet in front of the running unicorn and fired.

Both fireballs soared through the air gaining velocity as they went. Irene watched as the two fireballs made contact with the unicorns. Allen's burnt the horn that was coming at him to a crisp. The ashes of it flew by his face, as he heard the a wave of flames splash onto the unicorn behind him. Lily had hit her target just before it could completely jump over its fallen bretheren that Allen had used as cover.

Irene slapped Lea awake, pushed her off of her lap and stood up. Her misty void grew dimmer as she looked down on Lea who was on her knees.

"I was really enjoying that. Why'd you push me off like that."

"Contact the coven immediately."

"Huh, did you figure out the creature he ate."

"Yeah, it seems like our stork failed to deliver."

Lea scratched her head, "I don't really get the reference."

"Storks deliver babies. He was supposed to-" Irene raised her brow at Lea.

"Don't pigeons deliver babies.

Irene lifted her hand, her fingers crumpling to make a half fist before she let her hand drop and mumbled, "You're lucky you're such a prodigy. Stupid bitch."