Chapter 1:
Jacoby Starwing's body lay motionless and cold, presented for every Silver to see upon the altar at Rivercross. They dressed him in the robe of Alargy, a gown laced with gold feathers from the wings of his eagle, which symbolized peace and harmony--the traits he was most known for. The grey in his hair had been there for years and probably darkened with the stress from the 10,000 year war. The wrinkles, only appeared as smile lines, something Jacoby Starwing did a lot as ruler of the SIlvers for he was known for his good nature which made him a very likeable and agreeable leader.
Thousands of Silvers from every part of the supernatural world had come to both look upon the still face of their former leader and be there when they read the death decree that would appoint one of Jacoby Starwing's two sons as leader. With over 25 years to get to know both sons, it was clear their differences outweighed their similarities. The eldest son Walter Starwing--referred to by most as Stone, was fierce, strong, and voiced his utter dislike for the Human race every chance he could get. The youngest, Lynx Starwing, was handsome, gentle, and favored peace between the Human and Silver races.
It was a common opinion of all the Silver's that Jacoby Starwing was one of the greatest leaders to ever run the Silvers. This may have been one of the reasons so many people waited anxiously to hear who would be appointed to replace him--as if anyone could replace someone so valued within the supernatural world. He not only halted the 10,000 year war between the humans and Silvers, he had essentially brought peace to the world. Of course there were those in the SIlvers who still had a strong distaste for the humans, Stone being one of them, but no one would ever think to do anything that would have disrupted that peace Jacoby Starwing had created.
The Silver people were rushed to a quiet murmur as Jacoby Starwing's most trusted advisor Elias Rosenthal glided out to a podium next to the alter. At 421 years old, Elias was one of the elders in the supernatural world. He walked with a wooden cane that was carved for him out of the oldest known oak tree in the world and always wore a blue colored robe to symbolize wisdom. His gift as a Silver came to him at a young 4 years old when he predicted the death of two Silvers that were in power at the time. Him being a seer is known as the rarest gift one can possess and as so he is one of the most valued and sought after Silvers as only 3 other Elders remained living.
He was followed by Stone and Lynx who were also awaiting the news that was so close to them. Stone stood almost a foot taller than Elias and Lynx and bore a very serious expression on his face, but he rarely smiled so his expression came as no surprise to anyone. Lynx, oppositely, boasted a gentle smile which made him seem very relaxed for what should be the biggest moment of his life.
Nervous energy flooded the streets where thousands of Silvers squeezed shoulder to shoulder to get a better view of the much anticipated reading. The microphone buzzed as Elias tapped it, "AhemâŠ.may I have your attention please?" He did not need to ask that, for basically the whole world of Silvers had ceased talking. "As leader Starwing's highest advisor, it is with deep grief and despair that I must read his final death decree and doctrine."
He reached into his front shirt pocket retrieving a set of reading glasses. After fidgeting with them to sit correct on the tip of his nose, he then reached into his back pocket, pulling out what seemed to everyone to be the smallest sheet of paper they could have imagined to have writing on. Elias unfolded the paper and cleared his throat. "MhmmAhmm." He paused for a second as if pre reading the words. "It saysâŠ..Walter Starwing will succeed me in leadership." The crowd erupted in a chorus of cheering and yelling. Elias said nothing more, he simply stood back, turned, and walked off.
Coming to the podium to make his first speech as leader, Stone hustled, a smile creeping onto his face. Beside him Lynx kept his mouth pursed tight, politely clapping until his brother took the podium. Stone surveyed the crowd, most of the Silvers coming to a silent murmur. "Thank you" he spoke into the microphone. "I am happy to accept my role as the leader of the Silvers. I will take this next week to get acquainted with the duties as leader and to establish my new policy for all Silvers." He smiled, waved, and exited. All within 2 minutes.
Over the course of the next week, the Silver world rumbled with either hushed talk of betrayal or loud approval of what everyone assumed Stone would begin to do with their world. Silvers began meeting in secret to discuss plans and to outline what they would never allow themselves to be a part of.
Finally the supernatural world was treated to the first of many of Stone's speeches on Human-Silver relations. "We cut any unsavory ties with the Human world that we can" Stone began, sitting at an oversized wooden desk that half the Silver population felt should sit his younger brother Lynx. This press conference was held to transition the Silvers into a new era, or as Stone called it, "No more oppression."
"For too long we have hid, scared of what might happen if exposed to the Human world again. But why?" He sounded nothing like his father. Stone was decisive, abrasive, and non yielding--which is how he came to earn his nickname Stone. "It is time we take our place as the rightful inhabitants of this world. We are after all stronger, faster, and each one of us has a unique power that makes us more dominant than anyone in the Human world." Even his voice echoed the ice cold attitude he possessed. Stone's power after all was the ability to freeze any object or being. There were some Silvers who had mocked him since he'd been appointed leader speaking to his ice cold heart and his bitterness, yet there were plenty of Silvers who agreed that they should no longer be in hiding--that they weren't the problem.
Stone continued, "I will meet with the ambassador for Human relations and we will ease our way into the Human world and hopefully assert our dominance and take our rightful place in the worlds." He smiled what some might call a cold insensitive smile. "My brother Lynx and I are in agreement that this is the direction we need to take. NO MORE HIDING." He pounds his fist on the desk after his exclamation as a declaration to his people.
Many Silvers gave each other inquisitive looks and murmured to each other about Lynx's real feelings toward Stone's plans. No one believed that he would go along with 'asserting dominance' over the Human world, after all many Silvers remember the time when they were hunted down and persecuted for their unique powers. "That was a long time ago. It would never happen again," was the argument many Silvers used to justify themselves. "Lynx would never go along with the harming of any humans," others spoke.
No less than 2 weeks later a war erupted as Lynx spoke out against his brother and his plans for the Silvers. Lynx earned a great following among the Silvers--they called themselves the Keepers. The war escalated, pitting Stone against Lynx, Silvers against Keepers, and neighbors against neighbors.
A great number of battles occurred but no headway seemed to be happening for either side. Elias Rosenthal, former trusted advisor to Jacoby Starwing intervened on behalf of Lynx.
During the battle of Sabertooth, Elias entered the tent Lynx was using as his headquarters to plan attacks. Lynx sat at the head of a very large antique looking desk, papers sprawled from end to end. "Lynx this needs to end. We cannot have Silver battling Silver. We don't kill our own kind. You know this" Elias scolded him.
Lynx fired back angrily, "What shall I do then? Huh? Should I accept that Stone is going to try and destroy the entire Human world. And don't let him fool you into thinking he just wants to assert our place in their world."
"This can't go on any longer Lynx! It's been too many years and I've seen too many good Silver's blood spilled."
"What would you have me do?! What would you do?"
"Find the boy."
"The boy?"
"The Ancient Prophecy of the Rivercross Mountain states there is a boy who will join the battle in the great war to defeat the leader of the opposition."
"I believed that to be a mere myth?"
"My father--Othero Rosenthal--himself saw the prophecy and I can guarantee you it is no myth. He is approaching his power birthdayâŠ.that is when we get him."
A great smile crossed Lynx's face. There was no doubt Elias had not told Stone about this. "Then I will find the boy and end this nonsense my brother is executing."
"Don't get too carried away Lynx for I must warn you there is an equal prophecy that states the boy will join the opposition and together they will rule the world."
Lynx shrugged, he thought Stone knew nothing of the boy. He leaned towards Elias. "How do I find him?" Lynx was intrigued and tired enough of his brother's antics.
"He's in the human world. Living as one of them, but I fear soon Stone might be onto this as well. Tread carefully Lynx"