Chereads / Eternal Regalia Original / Chapter 18 - Chapter 17 Distant Winds

Chapter 18 - Chapter 17 Distant Winds

The gardens, bathed in the moon's dim light, allowed for some movement through the many paths that weaved every which way. In the center stood Lanthim. Eyes closed, and many different creatures would come out during the night, so it was an opportunity to train.

With the tiny pitter-patter of mice and other small animals going here and there, Lanthim could sense them deep inside their tunnels. While observing these creatures was interesting, it was not the only training he was working on.

Since his first use of Purified Mana, Lanthim felt an interest in how Elemental manipulation worked. Especially its uses without magical sequences, so he had walked out onto the small lake that made up the center of the gardens. Doing so did require active regalia to keep his mana supply constant. Having his mana flow from his core to his feet.

Then, changing aspects of the water itself so he could walk on it not only took a great deal of concentration but almost all of his available mana. One of the four Regalia that Lanthim had in his possession, called frienriha, had been created specifically for this purpose.

Providing a limited stream of purified mana for his use. So he could learn magic he desired to try and experiment. That, being said he could not just constantly pull mana ceaselessly from his regalia. If he, at some point, used a spell or manipulated mana. In any way, that man was taken from his pool.

In the process, he could not take in any more purified mana from the Regalia because the seal on his back continued to absorb any extra mana. So due to the amount of mana he could use that was not taken, by the seal. He was greatly hindered, in the size and complexity of magic he could use.

Mainly he used Frienriha when he performed mana manipulation without sequences. Doing so allowed him to use a limited amount of his mana while using the regalia so he would not run out of mana. At this time, Lanthim had dedicated almost all of his training.

In the field of magic without incantation or sequence. Having not left the center of the lake Lanthim, began to levitate small orbs of water around him. About four orbs were all he could form and deploy effectively anymore. And he would run out of mana, and Frienriha would not be able to keep up with his usage.

Moving his hands back, and forth, the orbs obeyed the motions instantly. Lanthim smiled as he continued with his training routines in the back of his mind, he could sense new arrivals had come to the estate. He could not make out who they were all he could tell was they had arrived through the portal gates deep in the estate.

'There have not been many visitors for some time.' {lanthim}

Said Lanthim to himself as he continued to manipulate the orbs.

Litralia's Study

"I remember when he was brought, for testing that I thought nothing of him, a small child with a seal on his back that had not been seen, in almost four thousand years. Sending him to the pool of Hynrest was meant to serve as a measure to see how the seal would react. If he was to have an increase in Purified mana. Never expected for all the Natural mana as dense as it is there would all be purified then use to dismantle most of the seal itself?" [Mynrea]

Reflected Mynrea openly to everyone present. It had been almost a week since the sparing between Reiflin and the boy she had remained to observe Lanthim as he went about his daily actions. In doing so, she felt strangely uneasy when she would watch Lanthim perform any kind of magic. Even now, she looked out the window down on the gardens seeing him standing in the center of the lake surrounded by little orbs of water.

"He will not stop searching for new magic or means to rid himself of that seal." [Litralia]

Litralia said softly sitting, on one of three large sofas she had placed in this room for such meetings. The group present was not one Litralia was used to hosting, rarely did all four of Nedral Frenost's wives meet in one place. Usually, they lived separately, from one another, only meeting in the capital where the clan's main estates reside. Fienya stood looking out the same window with Mynrea down towards Lanthim. Careful not to show unintended emotion she, watched in amazement.

"He is only six years old correct?" [Fienya]

She asked, turning toward the rest

"Never have I seen such ability so young true some talented individual will enter one of the academies and cause a stir for a time but this." [Fienya]

There was an excitement in her eyes that fed the growing sense of awe that was present in the room.

"I have wondered these last few days." [Mynrea]

Spoke Myrnea having, not taken her eyes from the window since the conversation began

"Why would you choose to have him spar? Revealing his ability to the world, while I am in no doubt, that he could defend himself from most assailants. That any clan could send against him does cause an issue for you to find a family that will be willing to marry their daughter to a man more powerful than she is. The whole idea behind marriage is to raise one's self while not being threatened from within." [Litralia]

Litralia looked at her tea, thinking through the reasons behind the match in truth, were many. Firstly she desired to know the full extent of Lanthim's abilities. Never seeing them used in actual combat or even in training meant she at the time knew almost nothing. He had become increasingly skilled in evading the many Familiars.

Used to watch over him but she was not able to get a full understanding of the extent of what he was capable of until Reiflin came. Secondly, the discovery of regalia was something that should have been years down the road for him. It took her almost forty years to construct her first regalia it took this boy a year to form four.

"At six years of age, he defeated a dragon, who is of the highest order of being living in our world, in less the three strikes. The final strike, with the aid of his regalia, nearly killed him. Reiflin while destroying the entire southern portion of the estate. If anything, I think it is, more likely he will catch the interest of some dragon female who will seek to use him in some way."

Litralia looked up from her tea and turned to the woman next to her who had spoken. Pamreila spoke with a calm voice. The almost ice-white colour of her hair gave the impression of age, which for those here it did. Among the four present. Litralia was the youngest having, only lived about two hundred twenty-four years Pamreila, was this year four hundred seventy.

Now it is common for witches to live for extreme lengths of time. Mainly due to the flow of control of the flow of mana in their bodies. Both of these two being human the distance in age was average.

After these two, the age gap starts to expand Feinya's age which was not something much talked about due to elvish customs strange as they were. Only her husband would know her true age and only him. Most, however, would place her around a thousand years old, with Mynrea being the oldest at four thousand and some.

"An interesting idea. I would have thought the same thing sadly our honoured husband's mother always has a bride ready when a boy is born." [Mynrea]

Mynrea now turned her attention to the others Lanthim having left the lake.

"Regardless of what we say here, she already has a prized daughter from some great clan ready for when the time comes." [Mynrea]

East Corridor

A light breeze filled Lanthim's hair as he made his way to bed for the evening. Nightly training had gone well today, and he felt ready for bed. Looking around as he made his way, he noticed a light in one of the rooms that were lit. Investigating as he always did, he knew the room immediately. This was his younger brother's room.

Melryn, the oldest of the two younger boys, stood atop his bed throwing all kinds of toys, pillows and anything he could get his hands on and in his little three-year-old voice exclaimed.

"No, I will not go to bed." [Melryn]

On the bed, just adjacent to his. Aldain, the younger brother with a massive smile on his face looking almost amused by his older brother's antics. Then there was their caretaker Mierrin who did not look in the least way pleased by the situation. As Lanthim entered she looked in his direction, a look that could destroy a man's soul. Giving a smile and walking over to the rampaging toddler he watched.

"Melryn you, do need to sleep now. It is very late, and you will not be able to play as you would." [Lanthim]

Finally, after a few minutes, Lanthim spoke.

"I don't feel tired." [Melryn]

Having stopped throwing the whole room about, the small boy was still defiant. Looking at each other, both older and younger brothers slowly came closer to one another, Melryn eventually sitting on the side of his bed. Standing before him was Lanthim, placing his index finger on his brother's forehead and the boy instantly fell asleep.

"I will take my leave now, Mierrin. He will likely make a fuse when he wakes. However, it is better than having him sad and tired tomorrow." [Lanthim]

And so Lanthim left, himself feeling tired, having spent a large portion of his day in training. Reaching his room, he felt relieved that he would be able to stop. Touching the door, he suddenly sensed something on the other side, a presence that he had only sensed once before when he was in the heart of the mountain.

Opening the door slowly, he prepared a little earth in his hand, a pebble just large enough that it would, with enough speed would split a man's skull. Slowly he entered the sensation, which was overwhelming. But how was it possible that only when he came in contact with the door? He was able to feel its presence.

Turning inwards as he advanced through the half-open door, he came upon the culprit. A man levitating just of few inches off the ground, a look of delight on his face.

"You are Lanthim Frenost, are you not?"

The man spoke suddenly, still keeping with his smile.

"Who is the one that asks that I may know whether I give my name to enemy or friend."

Lanthim asked calmly. Fear was not the best emotion for this situation better, to kill with some level of emotional control than just to act. Both looked at each other the man. Who looked older with a great white beard, slowly caressed it deep in thought. While Lanthim simply observed the motions wondering what would happen.

"You seek knowledge of how to remove that seal from your back."

The man's words pierced Lanthim's soul unease filled him.

'How does this person know of the seal? Few know about it.' {lanthim}

He thought to himself, his thoughts growing ever more unnerved.

"The things you seek can be yours. However, you will not find them here in this safe house with people to protect you. Go to the forest of Legrcstim and seek the witch by the name of Grialren. Tell her you to seek the Library of Denymiel. If you are strong enough? You will find all that you desire if not more."

Never ceasing to smile through the whole conversation, the man vanished as if he had never been. With Lanthim exhausted, fell asleep on the floor where he stood.