Chereads / Imperishable Journey / Chapter 11 - Episode 11 - Recruitment [3]

Chapter 11 - Episode 11 - Recruitment [3]

I pushed my body and sat down on the bed, fixing my posture and trying to be formal.

My clothes are replaced with a hospital gown and I can see a cast around my left shoulder and both arms. It appeared to be fractured upon impact with the sword.

The walls of the room were made of concrete with light blue paint with white borders and the floor is made of cypress wood.

"Kash, is it?" the man spoke. His low voice tone sends shivers down my spine.

I hastily replied, "Y-yes?"

The man approached slowly towards me. Just from his presence alone, I can feel goosebumps.

He looks like is in his mid-twenties with eye bags looming under his eye. A lenient face with recent traces of shaving. His eyes are amber-yellow with wavy yellow short hair. His body is slim and slightly muscular and his height is at least 190cm.

He reached out his hand for a handshake and smiled at me. I slowly reached out for his hand and replied with a handshake.

"Hm?" the man said slightly surprised, as if he saw something within me.

"I see." the man spoke as he turned his back towards me. I can see the girl glaring at me with a detached face.

"I apologize for my assistant if she is staring at you." the man softly spoke.

"What's your name?" I asked.

He slowly turned towards me with a smile and said, "You can call me Villicus. This is my assistant, her name is Veritas. You can call her Veri in short."

I can feel a dominating presence from her after Villicus spoke of her nickname.

"Master, it's rude to give my nickname to a stranger," Veritas pouted in a monotone voice.

A robot? Her looks are like that of a young princess with blonde hair that is straight with wavy ends and a pair of amber-yellow eyes. Her body is slim and frail, it's as if she barely eats anything.

"You've been staring at me for a while and it's giving me creep," Veritas said with a disgusted look on her face.

I replied, "Ah, sorry."

Silence began to seep in as the tension is at its stalemate. To break the silence, at least one of us has to speak of something.

Luckily, it seems like Alpha wanted to say something as he looks at me with worried green eyes.

I pretend I got hurt when I slightly moved, and Alpha immediately came rushing for me to help.

"Sorry for not protecting you during that time. That was selfish of me." Alpha said as he puts his head over my hand.

"It's alright" I reassured Alpha.

"Anyways, we're here to tell you that at the gate you entered, someone tampered with the coordinates and placed you into the Hominum Academy Entrance Exam. We were informed after the Examination has ended that an unregistered duo was incidentally brought there. I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience." Villicus said as he bowed in front of me.

"But since you have passed the first exam, we have no choice but to formally register you." Villicus followed up.

"I'll be looking forward to your performance. Come meet me at the academy, I'll be waiting for you."

Villicus said before leaving the room.

After Villicus left, Veritas glared at me and said, "If you ignore master's orders, you will never walk again." with a subtle bloodlust, which made me promptly flinch.

After the door was shut, I wondered what do I do from now. Do I go? Or do I ignore the offer?

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you this but my team will be here shortly. I also forgot to tell you our leader's name. You can call her 'Yara' if you want." Alpha said.

I heard a loud bang right behind the door. As Alpha opens the door, I was immediately greeted by Eta holding a bag of fruits.

"Ah! Ma'am, he's awake now!" Eta shouted.

Yara immediately dashed through the door and gave me a diving punch in the abdomen.

"YOU MADE US FUCKING WORRIED!" Yara said while trying to drive her fist deeper into Kash.

What a harsh greeting for someone who nearly died. Now my stomach feels like it's convulsing in pain as I tried to apply pressure.

Yara is currently arguing with Alpha. But for some reason, I can't hear them. Eta is currently peeling an apple while humming.

I tried to use my left eye on both Alpha and Yara, and I usually see their white flames. Yara's white flames are more intense and overflowing, while Alpha's is more calm and reserved.

I looked at Eta and she made a confused face as we stare at each other. Her white flames are... Cat-shaped? Well, that's quite cute. I can see various cats from a small bean to a chonky blob.

There is a light fog covering Yara and Alpha slightly. I can see small sparks of white in the fog albeit small but a lot. Maybe it's the reason why I can't hear them.

"Ah, that's a barrier. It's made for defensive measures and privacy." Eta explained while eating the apple.

Come to think of it, I haven't learned on how things function in this world. I know there are mana and aura, but I want to be more in-depth and gather more knowledge.

I immediately pulled out the book from my inventory and asked,

"Oh yeah, I found this book lying on the streets somewhere. What is it?" I asked Eta.

Eta's eyes widen in shock as if she saw a miracle. She then immediately tried to grab the book like she wanted it. I immediately raised the book where she can't reach it.

Hm? My arms can move without feeling any pain anymore. And my shoulder also felt like it was never injured before.

Despite me sitting, she's still trying to desperately reach for it, without knowing that have already recovered.

"Just let me touch the book!" Eta pleaded as she tried to snatch it.

I smirked and said, "Not until you tell me what this is first,"

Eta immediately pouted and started to throw a banter. I quickly gave her the book and she unexpectedly stopped and her eyes started shining as if she hit a jackpot. Eta immediately went to the corner of the room and began to read it.

"Nya nya nya nya..." Eta mumbled while thoroughly reading the book.

I'll read it later, I need some time to gather my thoughts since this is going too fast. First, let's go back to the beginning. Since I can't recover my memories, I'll just look back at what I can remember.

The world that I'm in is not some ordinary world like Earth. It is filled with otherworldly beings and unexplained things. It's like I was reincarnated here.

The technology in this world is rather, lacking. There are necessities and sanitary health, but I wonder how much they have developed in terms of transportation, armory, and economy.

But from what I remember, I didn't die in my past life. I just... Got here. From that white space to this city, everything seems like it's moving at a fast pace.

Should I use「Akashic Records」again? No, it seems too risky. I immediately passed out after using it. But then again, I have no choice for now.

"Use skill 「Akashic Records」" I whispered.

I immediately began to feel calm beyond belief, and my thought process felt like it had accelerated 1000x times more than normal.

My surroundings began to simplify, and I can see words on Eta, Alpha, and Yara as soon as I used them. The light blue walls and the cypress wood flooring became slightly transparent that I can see through the people around me.

The simplified surroundings began to disappear back to normal if it is far enough. I'm currently in the 3rd-floor building of a hospital. There are approximately 46 people on this floor including us, 63 people on the 2nd floor, and 44 at ground level.

I looked at Eta and saw two big words that read, 'Money' and 'Freedom' while the rest are, 'War crimes' and '...Prophecy, again?'

I also looked at Yara. There's only one big word that reads, 'Stronger' while the rest are 'Improve', 'Refine', and 'Prophecy, again.'

I feel like there was more time left before it ends, so I wandered into the hospital. I can see a lot of patients on this floor with different illness and injuries.

There are people who watch beside the patients, presumably a family member. One is a man watching over a patient that has a bandage all over their head. The other one is... A kid? She's sleeping beside her mother, who had suffered burn wounds.

I can see a grey cat walking around the hallway, as if it's waiting for someone.

She suddenly woke up and opened the door, immediately greeted that grey cat and poured tuna on her tray. And for some reason, she's looking directly at me with a curious face.

The kid started talking, but I can't make out what she's saying. But then, a notification appeared.

[[<< 「Akashic Records」has worn off. Returning shortly. >>]]

I immediately opened my eyes to notice that I'm back on my bed with Eta on the corner still reading. I looked at Alpha and Yara, only for me to greeted by them looking at me with a puzzled face.

"The Barrier... Broke?"