That is what Cyan thought when she started flying through the air for no reason whatsoever. She thought about bread. She liked white bread but it was never in her house. It always ran away from her.
Wait, wasn't she flying through the air or something?
Yes, she was. And all her friends were flying with her. And then she heard the most annoying noise, some sort of beeping, and it was coming from everywhere. Everyone else heard it too and dove into the park they were apparently above and she hit the ground and sat. Then it all turned to nothing... and she was in a bed, looking at a weird blob of... green? No, it was a peach-colored blob with a bright blue blob on top of it... or was it a person? It seemed to be a person.
"Ah, you're finally awake. I shut up your alarm for you. You want to head out?" her girlfriend asked. Yes, it was her girlfriend Arin! Arin, who loved bread and video games and laser tag and cats and food and Cyan and dyeing her hair, which was blue at the moment. And Cyan, who loved video games and Arin and new things.
"Yes, heading out sounds fun!"
And they jumped out of their house into the galaxy.