Chapter 9 - Fond Memories of Cracking Embers

Well the fact you found this place. A cave over a hundred feet from the ground on a mountain, split in the middle with the half you stand on being lifted forever by a god. Then to top all this off you found the altar that the people of the lands forgot existed. Sulfear is one of the oldest kingdoms on the continent. Third in the Badlands alone so to find a place that even time itself had forgotten...Maybe since I fit the same parameters you can find me too. We will have a long chat that day. Since the setting of holy fire is all around you, I think I will give you a personal story. The reason why even to a once mortal man like me, Someone who spent his free life at sea, has always loved the flames.

There is not much I can say I remember clearly from all my lives but there are a few. The soft feel of the cold sea breeze on the exposed skin, The smell of the mourning rain near farmlands in the autumns. The feel of that first horn after weeks of walking but the one I always see the most clearly from each life is a simple one. The soothing sounds of the cracking embers. Be it from a collection of kindling landing in one space or from the wet and soaked bark starting to give way, to me it did not matter as it was still the sweet sounds of the crackling embers. Shame it was that most did not share my love of the amber glow.

I had been ambushed and killed many times. In bars, alleyways, shops and even castles but never once was it done around a campfire. The amber glow with the embers snapping soft made most who saw them melt at the soul. Any who saw people bask in its warmth were shunned for taking from nature. Mother Nature had already taken much from me so I would always push them to join me. Roasting the fattest hogs and game we found in the lands. Dealing with the local lord later. Many threatened and swung blades but like I said in the start, never once in my many lives had I been ambushed or murdered by a campfire.

I remember one life, sitting round a campfire by myself outside of Crowning. The crimson sun was about to take back the black of the night's void when a demon appeared from my fire, Small in stature but deep in tone, He smiled and asked if he could join me, I'm glad to this day that I said yes. We spoke in that spot until the sun set once more. He never gave his name and nor did I but he will hold a place in my memories. The words he spoke to me as he disappeared in the beautiful blaze will burn in my head forevermore,

''Eyes of violet and green, A demon will fight for him, Tiny but very mean.''

Now I know it to be true. My memories of old are helping me map out my mission much more easy. The Orcish king see as my brother was not the one to set me free, hard as he did try...Eyes of violet and green? Well I'm glad I know where he is. If you are still searching for the moral of my fable this time then I will reveal it for you once more. A demon can be the kindest creature you've ever meet while an angel could slit your throat for nothing. Choose who you keep close wisely in this world that is littered with those who only care for themselves. Do not lose this interesting life until the day we can share a Sand Storm.

-Signed Perry Lakefield