Chereads / Fate/Genshin : Genshin Impact x FGO crossover / Chapter 6 - It's Called Speedrunning...(pt.2)

Chapter 6 - It's Called Speedrunning...(pt.2)

"Dang, Liyue has a ton of notable people compared to Mondstadt."

"Actually, Mondstadt has more. Who have you met or heard of so far?"

"Uh, the three knights of Favonius, Diluc, Diona, and you mentioned Venti."

"Uh, well, even though we aren't in Mondstadt, let's go ahead and cover the others you haven't met."

"Uh-huh. Paimon will take it from here! There's adventurer Bennett, wolf-boy Razor, idol Barbara, alchemist Sucrose, and..and librarian Lisa and maid Noelle."

"How is that introducing? You literally just dumped a list of people!"

"Yeah, well that's Paimon's way!"

The two continued to argue, drawing some attention from the citizens of Liyue as the four walked through town.

"Oh, look who it is!", called a voice from above, "If it isn't the little miss from before!"

Jumping down from the place he was at, an orange-haired man straightened up and smiled.

"Hi Childe! You aren't up to anything shady this time are you?"

"Relax, Paimon, I'm just saying hi. Seems like you got new companions, Lumine. Nice to meet you, I'm Tartaglia, but you can just call me Childe."

"I'm Lancer. The guy in red is Archer."

"Hey Childe, these two are also other-worldly travelers. I'm just taking them around Liyue for a bit before we head to the palace."

"Oh, the boss fight with your memories me?"


"Sweet. Hey can I watch?"

"Sure. There's still a slot open in the party."

"Well, let's get going then! I want to watch them fight. And maybe fight them as well later."

"Hey, we're right here you know. You can just ask."

"Actually, Childe, if you fight them, you'll be beaten in literal seconds."

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Let's go watch them fight 'you' first."

"Fine, fine."

The five made their way over to the Golden Palace.

"Alright. You two ready? Childe?"

The three nodded and Lumine sent all five into the palace in her memories.

"Woah. This place looks sick!"

"Is that gold and gems over there?"(Archer)

"Why, want some? Not that you can get it though."

"No. Just brings up some bad memories."

"Oi! Carnival was great! I actually got a chance to live for once!"

"Only for a bit."

"But I still stayed alive for a while!"

"Carnival? And staying alive?", asked Childe.

"Long-story short, Lancer died every day."

"So you two really are zombies."(Paimon)

"Hey! We're more like spirits than zombies!"


Appearing out of nowhere, a Tartaglia look alike stood in the middle of the arena.

"This opportunity is quite hard to come by."

"Well then. Amuse me."

"Surrender is a valid option. I promise I'll be gentle."

After hearing the second line, Cú suddenly let out a laugh.

"Amuse me? Bwahaha! It sounds just like that other sword chucker! All that's missing is 'zasshu'!"

Face-palming, the real Tartaglia had a blush on his face.

"Shut up and fight. It's embarrassing hearing myself say that over and over again."

Laughing, Cú drew out his lance.

"How many times has Lumine fought him with you here then? Haha, it's almost as bad as Archer's case."

"I said", Archer roared, "Let's NOT go INto the PAST."

"Alright, alright. Anyway, you said he had phases right, Lumine? Then Archer! Leave this phase to me."

"Sure, sure whatever, I'll just stand here and do nothing then."

"Well, I know we three are watching, but it gets a little annoying to have to dodge everywhere so can you protect us please?"(Lumine)

"Why? You have the backline subspace for a reason."

"But the subspace is annoying."


Moving in front of where Lumine, Paimon, and Childe were standing, Emiya crossed his arms.

"Not drawing a weapon? Or a bow?"

"Oh you're an archer?"

With an exasperated "can't you tell by my name?", Emiya simply shook his head.

"Well I dunno. Maybe you just called yourself Archer for fun and to throw people off. As a warrior from a battlefield, I don't assume any opponent's weapon of choice."

"I suppose that's fair."

"Hey Archer!", Cú called from where he was standing, "I'm done with this phase! Oh look, he's turning purple!"

"Electricity huh. I'm assuming 'you' also have resistance to it?"

"Yes, and stop asking me about the boss."

"But you are also the boss."

"I know, but still. Don't ask me and just fight him. You don't normally have a guide to every enemy whenever you fight do you?"


"What? You do?"

"That bastard gets to cheat with info about enemies from his past!", Cú called from where he was fighting the boss, "And Archer! I thought you were gonna take this phase!"

"I was thinking of helping until you mentioned the past, AGAIN. Not anymore, you're on your own. Anyway, I don't feel like showing off either."

"Fat lie! What about all those broken phantasms you shot at the wolf?"

"It was faster that way."

"Then do it again!"

"No. It'll break the floor."

"Archer, the floors will break anyway during this fight. It's part of my memory. Don't worry about it."

"Ugh. Fine."

As Archer began walking towards where Cú was fighting the boss, the floor suddenly broke.

"Done with this phas- what the hell?"

As the four tumbled down(Paimon had gone back to whatever subspace she had), Lumine and Childe landed gracefully while Emiya simply vanished to spirit form before reappearing on the new floor.

Cú, on the other hand, had the bad luck of a couple rocks falling on him.


"Is he okay?"

"Of course. It'd take more than a couple stones to do that dog in....sadly."

"Hmm. So you two are like coworkers who hate each other huh? I'm in a similar situation to you then."

"Close. We're actually enemies most of the time, almost always summoned on opposite sides of a war. So far, there's only been two 'worlds' where we were on the same side."


"Timelines would arguably be a better term. I have much better memory of them compared to Lancer."

"Archer! Stop yapping and just beat the boss already!"

"Oh? I thought you wanted to?"

"I do! But you said you would help! And c'mon, I can't be the only one showing my skills!"

"So what?"

"Fine! Don't help me! I'll just kill the boss myself."

Fed up with Emiya's stubbornness, Cú prepared to face the boss who was on its third and final stage.


With a grunt, Emiya projected an arrow and notched it.

"That arrow-", Lumine started.

"Has a LOT of energy in it", Tartaglia finished.

"Lancer, move away."

"Finally, you bastard."

Emiya released his bow string and the arrow flew towards the boss at blinding speed.

Right before the arrow hit the boss, Emiya manuvered himself to where Lumine and Childe were watching and used his burst. He had chosen Rho Aias as the burst for this fight knowing that everything would be in close quarters making it easy for the broken phantasm to hit allies as well.

Cú also hopped to where the three were. Emiya had just put up Rho Aias when the arrow hit the boss.


In a single instance, the arrow exploded, knocking the boss's hp bar down to zero.


Lumine was speechless, "That was even stronger than the arrows from before!"

"That's 'cause the bastard put more mana into that arrow. Showoff."

"Did you tie a bomb to that arrow or something?"(Childe)

"The best way to describe it would be that I concentrated a massive amount of energy into the small frame of the arrow. Then, because the arrow is so fragile, it would break on contact, releasing all the pent up energy as an explosion."

"Damn. If I tried to do that with my arrows, they would explode from the pressure. What kind of arrow are you using?"

"The bowman uses swords as arrows. Except the swords are copies of famous swords from our world."

"Explains the resilience."


"Also, nice shield. Flower huh? What are you, jack of all trades? Crit dmg, Burst dmg, Defensive, Long-range offensive. All you're missing is healing, debuffing, buffing, and close-range offensive."

"He has all of those, albeit some being conditionally", Cú remarked dryly.


As the dust settled, all the remained was the exit to the domain and a single flower.

"Well, fight's over, lets leave."

~Outside the Palace~

"Realize why I don't want you to fight them now?"

Ignoring the question, Childe turned to the two Servants,

"How did you two even clear it that fast?"

"Stats. Skills, what else man?"

"What are your stats?"

"Both of us have over 10k atk. What about you?"

"....2,064, although I have another artifact set that gives me lower base atk, but basically higher everything else. But that's a real high atk. How..?"

"Well, that atk stat is higher than Lumine's with whatever artifact you currently have."

"Of course it is! I spent such a long time grinding for artifacts for him. In fact, I grinded for everyone's artifacts."

"Ahaha. Thanks, Lumine. But still, you two are insane. Fight me."

"Wha-, Childe! I though I told you-"

"So what? Can't I have a little fun once in a while."

While Paimon muttered "fun while getting blasted to pieces", Lumine simply coughed.

"Uh, well sure I guess. Let's do it tomorrow as the sun is already setting", Lancer shrugged, pointing a thumb at the sunset.

"Alright. Hey, since you two showed me something pretty amazing today, I'll pay for a nights stay in Liyue's best hotel."

"Eh, it's fine. We don't need to sleep anyway."


"Yeah, those two are Servants or something! Paimon was also shocked when they didn't need sleep!"

"Alright fine. See you four in the morning!"

With that, Tartaglia quickly disappeared back in the direction of Liyue.

"Hey wait! Paimon wants free money!", but it was too late. "Aww."

"Well, I guess we'll see you two in the morning."

Nodding, the two Servants went into spirit form and jumped away.

"What a long day!", Lumine groaned, stretching.

"Yeah! But hey, couldn't those two kill every single boss really quickly?"

"You mean speedrunning the bosses?"

"Yeah! Something like that!"

"I guess they could. Probably would set a world record at the same time."

"Hmm. Let's do that tomorrow!"

"Haha, I feel like we're just forcing them to farm for us."

"Of course!"

", no shame Paimon."


"Well, I agree with your idea anyway. Farming is a pain."

"So any idea on order?"

"Uh, let's go from top left down to bottom right on the map."

"Okay. Paimon can't wait for tomorrow! It feels like everything got 10, no, 100 times more exciting with the two new travelers!"

"Haha, me too Paimon."

"Oh! We forgot to ask Archer to copy some of the weapons!"

"Right, we did. Well, lets ask him tomorrow."

"Free temporary 5* weapons hurray!"

The pair walked back towards Liyue, another exciting tomorrow waiting for them on the horizon.


~talking about Keqing~

"Her name also sounds similar to one of the singers that Master listens to occasionally."(Cú)

"Shut it, we can't bring real people into this story."(Archer)


~talking about Beidou~

"Sounds like an anime character."

"Like the short dude from that one anime Master always rants about?"

"Oh? Is something wrong with that anime?"

"You know what an anime is?"

"Please, I'm from another world. We have anime there."

"Cultured. Anyway, something about sub-par animations and wishing that whatever studio did our story had done that anime."

"Huh. Well, is the storyline good?"

"Master says it's pretty good."

"Hey! Someone explain to Paimon! Paimon doesn't want to be left out!"

"I'll explain it to you when Teyvat gets motion pictures. Until then, sorry."

"Hmph! Lumine's so mean!"

What-if scenarios if the story had progressed further in F/GO than currently:

*spoilers for Arc 2: Cosmos in the Lostbelt, Lostbelt 3: SIN*

"Xingqiu? A Liyue-originating sword style? Which sounds vaguely Chinese anyway?"

"You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"

"Yeah. This Xingqiu sounds a lot like Lanling."

"No kidding."

"Probably looks like him too."

"Soft features, female-like beauty?"

"Xingqiu? He's got something like that. He's also a hydro support", Lumine offered.

"Blue support?"(Lancer)

"Uh, yeah that's another way you could put it."

The two servants looked at each other and said in unison.

"Definitely a Lanling copy."

"I'm sorry, who's Lanling?"

"Oh, another Servant back home. He's a saber-class arts support. Master actually fought him in one of the seperate timelines called Lostbelts."

"I don't know what a Lostbelt is, but saber class? As in 'uses a sword'?"(Paimon)

"More or less. Although a couple of Servants who use a sword aren't saber class, but whatever. Throne's weird."

"Xingqiu uses one too."(Lumine)


"Really similar huh?"(Cú)

"Yeah. Like alternate world self similar."

~Beidou extended(spoilers for LB5: Atlantis)~

"She sounds pretty badass."

"Yeah, she is. One eye, uses a massive sword, drinks a ton, cracks her knuckles, what else?"

"She defeated a great beast, Haishan and conquered every sea."(Paimon)

"Oh, that too. She gets fined a bunch by Ningguang, but doesn't seemt o mind."

"Sounds more like Francis Drake, the female pirate who navigated every sea in our world."

"Yeah. She likes spending money and partying, and loves navigating through storms."

"Drake also defeated Poseidon, a literal god, once."(Lancer)

"Drake sounds really similar."

"I wish they could meet each other."(Lancer)

"Yeah. Me too. They'd get along so well.


Childe/Tartaglia - MANA Feraldoto's stats.