Chereads / Fate/Genshin : Genshin Impact x FGO crossover / Chapter 12 - Teleported! But to where?

Chapter 12 - Teleported! But to where?

"Are you sure about this, Lumine?"

"Of course, Jean! I've been using these teleporters since I first entered this world! Nothing should go wrong!", Lumine replied, smiling encouragingly at the Acting Grand Master.

"C'mon Si-I mean Jean. We've seen the Traveler use this strange device lots of times! And we even used it with her before. Why are you still worried about it?"

"But Barbara, what happens if it goes wrong? This is the first time we're teleporting to Dragonspine. What if we get teleported to some random place far away from Mondstadt. I can't-I can't risk that!"

"Jean", Barbara said, "it'll be alright. Besides, I'm going with you too! So if anything goes wrong, I'll have your back!"

"Yeah!", Lumine agreed, "Relax Jean. We're only using these teleporters to get you to the top of Dragonspine. We'll be back before Venti knows it!"

"Uh-huh!", Paimon chimed in, "Besides, you should relax a bit every once in a while Jean or else you'll make everyone worried!"

"Alright", Jean said, somewhat convinced.

"Then let's go!"

The two sisters placed their hands on the teleporter along with Lumine.

"Waypoint, activate!"

The teleporter glowed a bright blue before suddenly-


A single red cube appeared out of thin air. Floating in front of the teleporter, it began to change the teleporter's color to purple.

"That's a cube from the foreign god! You! Where-?"

"Lumine! Help!"

Lumine was suddenly drawn to the sound of the two voices calling for help.

"Barbara! Jean! Oh no! They're getting dragged into the teleporter! Except this time, we don't know where they're going!", Paimon exclaimed.

"Sh*t! Jean, Barbara! Grab my hand!"

"Lumine!", the two sisters cried out in unison.

Jean tried to push Barbara towards Lumine, but the suction force was too strong.

"", Lumine fell to the ground on her knees as she watched the idol and knight disappear into the now purple teleporter.

"Oh no! Lumine, lumine! What do we do now? Paimon doesn't know how to fix this!"

"I don't know. All we can do is await their return I guess. I only hope they were sent somewhere with help."

Lumine and Paimon watched as the purple teleporter shot a beam of pure light into the sky, creating a portal to who knows where.

As the light containing the sisters went through the portal, Lumine prayed that the two would go to somewhere she could find them. Or at least a place they could find help to return.

As if in answer, an object fell out of the portal.


Running over to pick it up, Lumine and Paimon instantly recognized the object.

The object belonged to another being who had accidentally traveled into this world.

He had came with a partner and the two had managed to leave a couple months back after they were detected by the organization they came from.

As Lumine and Paimon looked up at the closing portal, they both knew exactly where the two sisters had gone.

And both hoped that the people they knew on the other side could help the sisters return.

When the portal fully closed, Lumine and Paimon began their trek towards the Favonius headquarters to inform them of the news.

And in Lumine's vice-like grip was a white sword with a yellow hilt, decorated by a symbol in the middle of the sword. In this world, it had no name and did not exist in any records, but in the other, it was called Bakuya, one of the signature swords of Emiya.

~In Chaldea~

"Huh? What the?"

"What is it Emiya-san? Is something wrong?"

"No, it's just....the knife I projected. It's gone."

"Strange. Well, maybe you accidentally undid the projection."

"I don't think so Boudica. I'd be able to tell if I undid my own magecraft."

"Then maybe it's a sign that something is happening or going to happen."

"Yeah, maybe. I have a feeling someone will be visiting soon. How strange."

"Mm. Well, let's not worry about it for now. It's almost lunchtime and we have to get the food ready before the servants come down."


~In the summoning room~

"Senpai, it's almost time for lunch. When are you going to summon?"

"Shh, Mash. I have to focus and pray to the gacha gods so that I get someone good. A 4 star, maybe even a 5 star!"

"Okay. Are you hoping for Abby-chan?"

"Of course. After the events of Salem, she deserves to find a place of calm. Chaldea can totally provide that."

"Okay. I'll wait outside then Senpai. Let me know if anything happens!"

"Thanks Mash."

Smiling, Mash left the summoning room and stood outside the door. Pretty soon, the sounds of Gudako summoning could be heard from inside the room.


A loud shout pierced Mash's ears. Wincing, Mash turned to open the door and step in.

"LOOK MASH! It''s Abby!"

A shining golden card of the foreigner class floated in front of Gudako before disappearing in a flash of light, replaced with an all too familiar little girl.

"Hello! I'm Abigail...Abigail Williams. I am a For...Foreigner... And you're my Master? You can call me Abby for short-"

Before she even finished her sentence, Gudako and Mash had already jumped up to hug her.

"Abby! We missed you so much!"

"Ah, Miss Gudako and Miss Mash! I missed you two too! How lucky to get summoned by you too! Ah, is Tituba here too? Or anyone else I met in Salem?"

"Yep, they're all here. Say, why don't you come with us to lunch? There's only a few minutes until lunch time anyway."


As Gudako turned to turn off the summoning system, a rainbow light suddenly shown through.

"Wha-? Double 5 star? No way!!"

Even Mash was shocked as she stared at the light, her mouth wide open.

As the light disappeared, a single saber card appeared before Gudako. Engulfed in a blinding golden light, a caster card then appeared next to it.

"Huh? Two cards in one go? That's not...that's not possible."

"Mash! How did I get TWO gold servants? Oh my god, the gacha gods have taken pity on me!"

"No, Senpai! The Chaldea summoning system is not designed to summon two servants at the same time. Something's wrong!"

And sure enough, something was wrong. As the two cards disappeared, replaced by the supposed servants themselves, a crackling noise was heard through the intercom.

"Gudako. This is Da Vinci here. Whatever is happening in front of you right now, don't panic. Something infilterated the summoning system and caused this mishap. I'm sending the three grailed servants down to protect you. They'll be there shortly. Please, do NOT approach the figures that arrive out of the cards."


"What's wrong? Mash, what's wrong? Why does Da Vinci talk like something bad is happening?"

"It's okay Abby. Chaldea will take care of it so no need to worry."


"Shh. Didn't you hear? Da Vinci just sent the most powerful servants in Chaldea to come protect me, Mash, and you. It'll be okay."


As if on cue, the door burst open, revealing Emiya, Cú, and Musashi.

"What's up, Gudako? Da Vinci called over to say something wrong has happened. Well no worries, the strongest saber of Chaldea has arrived! Just make sure to let me have some of Emiya's udon later!"

"Geez, is all you think about food? You're just like the little Paimon creature me and Emiya met a while back. Whatever. What's up Master?"

"You two, please focus. Archer, Emiya, reporting in. What's the situation?"

"Ah, hello Musashi, Cú, and Emiya. Well, you see, something happened during the summoning today and somehow two servants appeared at the same time."

"Well, who are the servants?"

"I don't know. The cards haven't flipped over yet....Ah! There they go!"

As if in response, the cards turned and were engulfed in another flare of light. As the light died down, it revealed two figures collapsed on the floor.

"Wha-...where? Barbara? Are you okay?"

"Urgh. I'm fine, Jean. Just, where are we?"

"Huh? Barbara? Jean?"

Looking up, Jean noticed too familiar faces among the 6 people in front of her.

"Archer? Lancer? What...are we in your world? How?"

"Ah, Mr.Archer and Mr.Lancer. It's...unexpected to see you two again."

"You know these two, Emiya, Cú?"

"Yes, Master. The girl is Barbara, an idol from the place me and Cú accidentally rayshifted too a while back. The woman is Jean, a knight from the Knights of Favonius."

"Well, uh, nice to meet you two I guess. Seems you two will be staying with us at Chaldea until we figure out how to send you back. Leave that to Da Vinci and Holmes. Anyway, I'm Gudako. I'm the Master around here. This pink-haired kouhai is Mash, my first servant. The little girl here is Abby, a new servant at Chaldea. You've already met Lancer and Archer, Cú and Emiya. The woman holding a bunch of weapons is Miyamoto Musashi."

" your names were not Archer and Lancer. Nice to meet you Gudako, Abby, Musashi. And nice to meet you again, Emiya and Cú."

"Sup'. Seems this time around, you two are the otherwordly travelers."

"Hello! Hey, you're carrying a sword! Say, why don't you spar with me? Like right now!"

"Musashi! Chill. They're new here remember."

"Fine. Fine. Just get me a bowl of udon please."

"Alright. Emiya?"


"Hey Cú, could you tour these two around? I'm sure Emiya has business to do. Me and Mash will take care of Abby here. Musashi, can you go and alert the rest of Chaldea that Abby and two acquaintances of Emiya and Cú from the other world have arrived?"

"Sure! See ya, Miss Knight. Hey, make sure to spar with me some time!"

"C'mon Abby, let's take you to meet some people here! I'm sure you'll get along with them just fine!"


"I'll take my leave then. Remember, lunch is in a couple minutes."

"Well, guess you two are comin' with me."

Walking out, Cú lead the two sisters down the hall towards the dorms of the servants.

"So. Welcome to Chaldea, the organization that manages humanity's survival. I'm sure you already know, but I'll go over it again. I'm Cú Chulainn, a lancer-class servant here. Just call me Cú. Sorry for not tellin' you two my real name. Consider it an insurance."

"Ah, it's okay. Um, Lumine had briefed us a while back about servants and classes and all that stuff so we already know that, Mr.Cú."

"Really? Well, great! I guess the next part is to figure out how you two will integrate here in Chaldea's community until we figure out how to send you two back. Here, these are the dorm rooms for different servants. Normally, we're seperated by classes, but I'm sure Master put in a request to have you two share a dorm. So this empty one is yours for now."

"Ah, thank you."

Walking around in Chaldea, Cú introduced them to different areas including the sparring room, simulation room, rec room, and more. Eventually, they made it to the cafeteria a few minutes before lunch time.

"Well, you did see some servants in the hallways and in the different rooms. It'll be a pain to memorize all their names so let's start simple. Hey Chaldea Kitchen Team!"

"Oh, Cú! And the two servants from elsewhere. Welcome to the cafeteria! I'm Boudica, a rider-class servant."

"Nice ta meet ya! I'm Tamamo Cat, the best housewife around! I'm a Berserker! Make sure not to forget the Cat!"

"A pleasure to meet you two beautiful women. If there is any trouble, just call for me. I am Minamoto no Raikou although, calling me Raikou would be just fine. I am also a Berserker. Oh and do be kind to Kintoki please. He may be rude sometimes, but he is still a good kid."

"We've already met. Archer, Emiya. I'm the head of the kitchen and manager of this team. If you have any complaints about the food here, notify me."

"Nice to meet you four. I am Jean Gunnhildr, Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius as well as the Dandelion Knight."

"Hello! I'm Barbara Gunnhildr, Teyvat's greatest idol."

" idol."(Tamamo Cat)

"Is something wrong?"

"No, no. It's just...we have idols too. It's just that both of them cause quite the ruckus with their obtuse ways...but I'm sure you are different!"(Boudica)

"Idols that cause ruckus? Are they even idols then?"

"Haha, who knows. They claim they are though."(Cú)

"Anyway, it's lunchtime. Ready to get your minds blown?"


Suddenly, servants came pouring through the doors of the cafeteria.


"Haha. You'll get used to it one day. Who knows, mayb-ouch!"

"Cú Chulainn! Fancy seeing you here! How about you join your nee-san for lunch hmm?"

"Ouch, ouch! Okay I get it! Just stop pulling on my ear, Scáthach!"

"And who are these two women?"

"Ah, nice to meet you. I am called Jean and she is known as Barbara. We're the people from another world."

"I see. Nice to meet you. I'm Scáthach, lancer-class servant. I hope Cú here hasn't done anything to offend either of you."

"No he hasn't. In fact, he's been pretty great throughout the entire event."(Barbara)


"Alright, I'll let you go this time then."

Settling down, the four ate a delicious lunch with Barbara and Jean glancing around to try and memorize all the faces.

"Hey Cú? Scáthach?"


"Who's that blonde servant? This is the fourth time she's gotten up for refills."

"Oh her? Saber huh. Now that I think about it, you two would probably get along given that she's a knight too. She's Artoria Pendragon, saber-class servant. In our world, she's a legendary king of Britain. I'll take you to meet her later, Jean."

"Hmm. Barbara, I'll take you to meet the idols later. Would that be okay?"


"Jean, it's okay. We have to get to know some people here anyway!"

"Urgh..alright. I guess so."

"Alright! Let's go!"

"Huh? Right now? But we haven't finished eating?"(Barbara)

"Cú, take it slowly please."

"Ugh...sorry, sorry nee-san. Please calm down."

"...Is it normal for her to suddenly create a giant red spear and threaten to stab you with it?"(Barbara)


"Aw. I feel for you, Mr.Cú."
