Coming Back From the Brink
Chapter 3
Issei had been in Chaldea HQ for some time now, enjoying his new position as 'breeding stud.' Any other man probably would have been drained by now, desperate for some relief, but Issei was made of sterner stuff. He'd discussed things with the woman in charge, da Vinci and while she was willing to send him back to his own world, eventually, she simply lacked the power to do so right now. She explained that the events that led to him being brought here in the first place were down to preparation, but also to factors lining up just so, factors that would be impossible to duplicate, at least in the short term. Issei was a little bothered, but he was well aware his situation could be a lot worse than fucking the beautiful and sexy Servants of this place, doing his part to breed humanity back into existence.
While da Vinci had also explained that time worked a bit differently here, apparently they still had Halloween parties in this world, and Issei couldn't have been more excited. He of all people knew the true value of Halloween was in watching girls flounce around in their costumes, the skimpier the better. He wondered what Mashu had in store, and the other girls besides. Issei was so excited in fact, that he wasn't paying much attention to where he was going, so when he rounded a corner, he ran face-first into someone approaching from the other end. Well, his face-first anyway, because Issei actually walked right into a pair of enormous, soft, pillowy breasts, a marshmallow heaven that eclipsed his face from view as his head was surrounded by the huge, bouncing and firm jugs.
"Ahh! W-watch where you're going, you-oh. It's you."
Issei stepped back, slowly, having to nearly peel his face away from the amazingly soft, large, peaches and cream complexion expanse of cleavage to get a look at who he'd walked into, his face slightly red. He'd seen this woman around Chaldea a few times, though he'd never spoken to her. She seemed surprised to see Issei, and something else as well, an expression he couldn't quite read on her face. She was shorter than him, though wearing large, purple platform boots…and not much else, if Issei was being honest, wearing a costume that was both elaborate and skimpy. Her boots came up to the middle of her thighs, outlined in gold trim, with her top consisting of two purple hearts that covered her nipples and barely anything else of her enormous tits, along with long sleeves of purple, gold and lavender lace. Red gems capped off the heart shape just above her belly button and in between her breasts, along a tiny pair of panties that barely covered her puffy pussy mound, with a matching set of heart cut-outs showing off her hairless pubic mound and her flat, inviting stomach.
She was saying something, though Issei found it hard to focus.
"You don't even have a costume." She said, sounding a little disappointed. He remembered her name was Irisveil, as he took in the rest of her gorgeous body, her elegant, angular face, piercing red eyes and long silvery hair that fell below her wide hips and fat, bouncing plump booty. A set of golden horns and a purple tail completed her costume, as Issei chuckled and realized she was dressed as a succubus, beings he had a little experience with back home.
"Oh sorry, I wasn't laughing at you or anything. And, er, I'm sorry about just running into you like that. I guess I'm still getting used to the layout of this place. I'm actually just wearing my uniform from back home, I've missed wearing it since I've been here." Issei tugged at his open collar, finding it comforting to be out of the usual Chaldea uniforms.
"Yes, I suppose it must be a difficult transition for you, Issei. I'm Irisveil, a Caster-class Servant." she smiled warmly, clasping her hands in front of her, which washad the unintentional (or was it?) effect of pressing her breasts together and pushing them up, until they nearly reached her dainty chin.
"You must be on your way to the party, right?" She asked, taking a small step closer. Issei tore his eyes away from her breasts, trying to nod, noticing that she seemed to be studying his face, like she was looking for something.
"Yes, that's right. Uh, I guess I must have taken a wrong turn though, to run into you-is it back the way I came?" Issei still was confused by the sheer number of corridors packed into the small space, none of which were labeled in any way that made sense to him.
Irisveil was quiet for a moment, touching her chin and adopting a thoughtful expression.
"Well, yes, I was on my way to the party but, actually…maybe there's something you can help me with first."
Issei rubbed the back of his head, not wanting to miss the party, but finding it hard to say no to anything Irisveil might suggest at the moment.
"Ah, ok, sure. That's what I'm here for after all, to help out, any way I can."
Irisveil smiled at him, taking him by the hand gently. "It's just this way."
As they walked, Issei couldn't help but stare at her ass, which was almost completely exposed like the rest of her body, with her tail doing more to cover up all that jiggling, enormous rump than her actual clothes were. They hadn't been walking for long before Irisveil opened a small side door in one of the many corridors, a room Issei could have sworn wasn't there when he went down this corridor earlier…if he had gone down this corridor. They all blended together after a while.
"It's right this way~" Irisveil said, a twinkle in her eye. Issei was expecting a large room for the party, or more corridors, but he was wrong on both counts. It was just a simple dormitory room, with a bed, a chest of drawers, and an attached shower stall. There were plenty of rooms like it that most of the girls stayed in, though the more important ones had larger ones, but this seemed to be empty and unused by anybody.
"Uh…sorry, what are we doing here?" Issei said, smiling in a cute, confused sort of way, his eyes nearly closed in a sheepish expression.
Irisveil was suddenly much closer to Issei, her breasts pressing against his arm as she was holding his hand again, this time with both of her own, staring at him intently.
"Tell me about yourself, Issei. You sure seem…popular with all the other ladies. Mashu just won't shut up about you, honestly. She seems quite smitten."
Issei smiled, his brain playing catch up to what his body had been telling him already, picking up on the signals Irisveil was sending. He was staring at her breasts now, thinking she would be rather popular herself if she ever visited Kuoh Academy.
"Well, everyone has been really nice. But I think I know what you mean. I was brought here for a reason, after all." Issei said, smiling broadly.
Irisveil nodded, her breasts nearly jiggling out of her tiny costume, showing off her insanely lewd body without even really meaning to. "So…what makes you so special?"
Issei nodded, understanding exactly what was going on here. Halloween really was his favorite holiday…followed closely by Christmas (he could only imagine Irisveil, Mashu and the others dressed up in slutty Santasanta costumes).
"Well, why don't I just show you? Here, kneel down." Issei said, closing the door and standing in the middle of the room, near the bed.
Irisveil slowly complied, not quite understanding what was going to happen next. For all her inherent sexiness, Irisveil could still be quite naive sometimes. She was soon on her knees right in front of Issei, her face inches away from his crotch as she stared up at him, eyes twinkling.
"So…now what do I do, Isse….eh?"
Irisveil was stunned as Issei unzipped his pants, causing his massive, veiny, heavy shaft to fall out of his pants with a heavy flopping sound, striking her in the face hard enough to leave her stunned. Her eyes shrunk to tiny pinpricks in her head, staring with flushed cheeks as that cock began to grow harder and harder right in front of her face. Still mostly soft, that cock had to be longer than one of Irsiveil's arms, and thicker than her bicep…and it was getting bigger by the second. She took in a few shocked, gasping breaths, inadvertently huffing Issei's musk directly from his cock and enormous, swarthy, hairy balls. It smelled bad, a more pungent and nasty smell than Irisveil had ever experienced before, but some part of her body couldn't help but be aroused by it, her nipples growing hard and pushing the little hearts of her outfit out in obvious lust. She thought she heard someone saying her name, but it was hard to concentrate.
"Irisveil. Irisveil!" Issei had to speak up, almost shouting.
She blinked rapidly, as if coming awake out of a deep sleep, clearly dazed and in cock shock.
"H…how?" She finally asked, unable to believe the enormous cock in front of her was real.
Irisveil was hardly sexually experienced, but she had seen a penis before (only one), and it was nothing like this! That one had been a little bit longer than her index finger, and just a bit thicker. This monster was an absolute pipe that looked like Issei could use it as a club if he wanted. Issei just chuckled in response.
"Just lucky I guess, and having all the power of a dragon doesn't hurt…well, not me anyway. Now, I showed you mine, now you show me the goods, Irisviel."
She blinked, still quite confused. "The…goods? What do you mean, Issei?"
Issei smiled, beginning to realize that Irisviel was even more unfamiliar with the realities of sex than some of the other, virgin girls. She understood enough to be seductive, but with her body that was easy to do even by accident.
"Your boobs, Irisviel. I can nearly see all of them already, but don't you think you should show me everything?" Issei said, his voice quietly persuasive.
Irsiviel blushed, beginning to get undressed, tugging down the two little purple hearts concealing her nipples and the center of her tits, allowing Issei to see her large, full G-cups in all their glory. Wearing a dopey grin, Issei's cock nearly jumped at the sight, flexing like a muscle and reaching its full, massive size. As Irisveil scooted a little closer on her knees, not even realizing she was doing it, she couldn't help but take deep, powerful breaths of all that musk, slowly corrupting her as her body grew flushed and warm, feeling little drops of sweat trickle down the nape of her neck.
"Well, those are really amazing, Irisviel." Issei said, making her smile warmly, feeling slightly embarrassed to have a man ogling her tits and telling her how sexy she was, but another part of her felt flattered and oddly…proud. She did have very large, very nice firm and bouncy tits, after all, it was only natural for men to look at them, to want them all for themselves.
"But, that's not all. I can show you what really makes me special, why so many of the other girls can't wait to get me alone, just like you did. But once I start, I won't be able to stop, especially with such a sexy girl like you. And you might never go back to normal, ok?" Issei could tell no amount of warnings would have made a difference at this point, Irisveil was already looking hypnotized by his cock, unable to stop staring at it. Well after he'd finished speaking, Irisviel blinked several times before she looked back up at Issei's face, reaching down to heft her tits up, acting on some unknown but powerful impulse.
"Ok, Issei. Whatever you say~" She said cheerfully, nodding her head fast. Issei stroked his cock now that it was fully hard, being already backed up despite having fucked more than a few girls this morning. Issei's throbbing purplish tip shook for a second, nearly covered by his thick hood of foreskin and then spurted out a thick, heavy wad of sperm onto the top of Irisviel's head, wetting her long hair down and spilling onto her lithe, sensual back as well. The heat of it nearly burned her skin, making yelp at the strange feeling of getting splattered by more jizz from just that little dose of Issei's pre-come than she'd ever imagined a man could produce in a week.
Irisviel let out a breathy moan, her plump ruby red lips forming a perfect, tempting 'O' shape. Something about it felt oddly like stories she had read about baptisms, feeling like Issei was blessing her with that nasty come, marking her as special and desirable in a way the Caster, who had once been a homunculus in a previous life, had never felt before.
"Ah, I'm afraid I'm a little dirty, Irisviel. You're going to need to clean my cock first." Issei watched her eyes narrow in focus, nodding sharply.
"Ok! I guess we can….shower together~" Irisviel began to stand up, her voice husky and seductive, slowly growing more confident in her body and the lust she felt beating in her chest. Issei stopped her with a hand on her shoulder, crouching down slightly which only made his cock bob closer to her face, stretching over her body and well past even Iri's fat ass.
"Oh, not like that, silly! Though I'm sure we'll make our way to the shower, eventually. But for right now, you need to clean it with your mouth and those big fat, bouncing perfect tits of yours."
Irisviel blinked just once this time, beginning to understand what Iseei meant, what he wanted from her and what she wanted for herself, more intimately now, on a base, primal level. She was still somewhat embarrassed, blushing almost beet red. Still, she knew what to do, even without having done it before. She leaned forward, sticking her face right up to the tip of Issei's massive, almost flared cocktip, giving it a small, almost chaste kiss at first that, in other circumstances, might have been downright cute. The taste was powerful, a pungent aroma that almost hit Irisviel like a punch in the stomach, making her nostrils flare as she sucked in a deep breath. But though it was so strong it made her red, shimmering eyes water a little, it wasn't all bad, not really. It was like some strange food, lighting up her taste buds in ways she hadn't felt before, and yet she wanted more.
"Mmmwah…mmmff, schllrrrup!" Irisviel licked and kissed at the tip of Issei's cock, reaching out to hold onto it with one hand, to steady the enormous truncheon of dick, bobbing in the air under its own weight. Her delicate fingers didn't even reach halfway around that beast of a dick, and as she began to stroke it, her tongue pushed into Issei's foreskin, watching it peel back and exposing a ring of nasty, yellowish lumps of smeemgma and dry jizz, along with the juices of othertoerh girls he'd fucked today-Mashu and that slutty little Sion girl. The taste made Irisviel cough, nearly choking on the fumes but deep down, she loved it, unable to deny how much it aroused her.
As she kissed and licked all over that cock, spitting on it at Issei's instruction, Irisviel kenlt upwards, wrapping her enormous tits around the lower half of Issei's cock, amazed at how hard he was, how hot and firm that cock felt in between her tits. She'd never imagined a man could be huge enough to not be swallowed up by those tits, but she was beginning to realize that Issei was in a class all by himself. As she slowly wrapped her lips around the tip of that cock, which by itself was larger than her husband's had been, Irisviel choked, gagged and suddenly felt pleasure surge through her body like electricity.
"Mmmf! Mmm-HNNNGGG!" Irisveil's thick thighs rubbed together as she suddenly came, practically creaming the panties of her tiny little costume, all from choking down Issei's cock and slurping up his dick sweat, tasting that pungent musk, all for her. As she polished Issei's cock, leaving it shining with spit, he reached down, grabbing the horns of her costume.
"I know my cock is maybe too big for you, Irisviel. So I'll just give you some help ok? Like I said, there's no going back now!"
Yanking on those horns, Issei began slamming his cock past Irisviel's lips, fucking her face in a rough frenzy. The inexperienced little cocksucker opened her mouth wide, naturally submitting to Issei's cock, but he was so huge that he still had to push with all his might.
"Gllchh! Glawwgh, glaggh, GLURRRRKKK!" Irsiviel choked on that cock, orgasming again and again, getting her throat used like a whore's pussy. She looked up at Issei with her pupils glowing pink, shaped into clear little hearts as his cock finally, after several minutes of rough but shallow face fucking, punched down into her throat. Her slender neck bulged out, and Issei's cock slammed into Irisviel's stomach, causing her tits to wrap around that bulge, titfucking him from the inside out.
"Ahh, fuck that feels good Irisviel. Just relax and take it like a good slut, ok! I'm gonna go balls deep, so just hold on."
She gurgled weakly in response, drool running down her chin as her hands grabbed hold of Issei's thighs, trying to steady herself. It didn't do much good as Issei simply pulled her face up and down the length of his cock, controlling the pace and tempo of this throatfucking completely, but it was enough to keep Irisviel from getting knocked over by the sheer force of that cock. The sounds of nasty, glottal gagging and retching filled the room as Irisivel experienced her first monster skull-fucking, feeling spittle froth up in her mouth with how fast Issei was fucking her throat. Minutes passed, first ten, then twenty, then thirty and Irisveil worried she would pass out, unable to breathe properly and coming so much a rapidly spreading pool of juices appeared on the floor between her legs, her panties completely soaked.
Finally, with the sound of his balls smacking into her chin, Issei let out a series of rough, animalistic groans as he hilted his cock inside her, coming like a firehose. Her nose smashed into his pubes, huffing the smell of those sweaty, dark curly hairs straight into her brain like a drug, making her hands smack against his thighs weakly as she came again and again while Issei filled her stomach up. There was a sudden crack as Issei looked down and saw that her horns had come apart in his hands, broken into pieces from how strong he'd been slamming into the bottom of her stomach, unable to hold back with how good her hot, wet, tight throat felt.
"HNNGGGG!" Irisviel's body shook, her eyes staring up at Issei, her thoughts written on her face
I love this fucking cock! I…love having my body used by Issei and his amazing fucking dick!!
Further thoughts were quite literally fucked out of Irisviel's head, as she shook and stamped her feet on the floor. She was coming nearly as much as Issei was, her pussy squirting out everywhere, splattering due to the tight panties nearly stuck to her body due to all the juices leaking from her tight pussy. Having her face, throat and even her stomach used like a condom for Issei made Irisviel's brain simply short-circuit, her eyes crossing as her vision went dark for a second, an orgasm so powerful it nearly turned her brain off for a moment. It hurt, she couldn't deny that, her body still getting used to this treatment, but she also couldn't deny how good it felt, the pleasure outweighing the pain as she had an embarrassing, hands free ahegao orgasm.
Issei tossed aside the broken horns, beginning to slowly pull his cock out. Irisviel's throat-pussy was wrapped around him so tight he had to stop, gathering two fistfuls of her hair and yanking back. His cocktip was clearly visible in the middle of Irisviel's sternum, making her tight costume rip as her body was bulged out. With a final harsh yank, his cock popped out of her throat like a cork, causing backed up saliva and spunk to dribble down the front of Irisivel's slutty body, coating her tits and making what was left of her clothes tacky and shiny with spunk.
"Fuck, not bad for your first time Irisviel. Don't worry, I'll make sure you get plenty of practice!"
Irisviel coughed up thick, spaghetti-like strands of saliva, jizz and throat slime, feeling her nostrils expand as more of that slop came spilling out of her nose. Her brain felt scrambled, like Issei's cock had been stuck inside and simply stirred her up like a butter churn. As she struggled to come back down from the intense highs of oxygen-starved orgasms, Irisviel didn't even notice what was happening to her body. Issei had grabbed Irisviel by the waist, picking her off the ground and putting her in a full nelson position, right in front of the room's one, almost floor length mirror, his arms locked behind her neck.
"Guh…whuh?" Irisviel muttered, struggling to speak, her tongue thick, still tasting that spunk in her mouth, filling up her nose with every breath.
"Ah!" Irisviel yelped as Issei tugged on her tails, which had been enhanced with her Wishcraft magic to actually be bonded to her body somewhat, somewhat like her horns, though she hadn't noticed when they'd broken because she'd been too busy coming herself stupid. Only now did the gorgeous Caster notice where she was, being held in Issei's arm like a plaything, with his cock pushing against her weeping pussy, still clinging to her panties.
"You know, for a married MILF you sure are wet Irisviel. I think you came more from sucking my cock than a lot of girls that I've actually fucked, you must be a real slut, huh?" Issei said, mocking her as he held her up with one arm, spanking her fat ass and makoing her yelp again.
"Nuh…no, I'm not a slut. I just…I just really love your co-awwwkkkk!!"
Before Irisviel could even finish speaking, Issei slammed his cock upwards into her dripping snatch, tearing her panties apart before he stretched her wide open. Irisviel howled, feeling incredible pleasure and pain battering at her brain while Issei grunted in her ear. In this position, her legs kicked weakly as she could do nothing more than watch herself get fucked in the mirror, her tits bouncing and her arms limp at her sides. Issei was so strong, so manly as he fucked her, going at a brutal pace and just using her body like an onahole.
"Ahhhg….I'm fuggen' cumminnggg!!" Irisviel yelled, her pussy clenching as she squirted juices all over the mirror, splattering onto the floor. She could barely see herself now, the image of her body cloudy and distorted as the remnants of her horns jostled on her head, her tits bouncing up so high they hit Irisviel right in her own face, over and over again. Irisviel moaned and gasped and panted, feeling orgasms more powerful than those she'd felt before tearing through her body in an unstoppable cycle. She felt like she weighed nothing at all, which was how Issei treated her too, simply hilting his cock balls deep inside her like a fucksleeve, those fat balls bouncing of her dripping pussy lips and her engorged clit, making her come even harder, her mouth open but unable to even make a scream.
As she eventually recovered a little of her sanity, she felt Issei jostling her body again, dropping her to the floor on one leg.
"Ahh, here we go, Iri. Let's see how flexible you are." He chuckled, while Irisviel just moaned, feeling delirious. With one leg on the floor, Issei took her other and pulled it up high, pointing at the ceiling as he slammed his cock into her again and again. Fuckign into the short, petite yet curvy woman at a frenzied pace, Irisviel heard a thunk from far away, seemingly, as her head bounced off the dirty mirror. She could barely balance, feeling like Issei's cock was holding her up like a tentpole, making her body shake and clap as her face pressed against the wet mirror, smearing her face across with loud, obscene streaking noises as Irisviel's face and hair were used by Issei as nothing more than a dirty rag to clean up.
"Get a good long look, Irisviel. You've got one of the lewdest, sluttiest orgasm faces I've ever seen, and that's saying something~" Issei said, grunting as he somehow went even faster into her pussy. She could only stare ahead, obeying his commands as she saw her own face twisted up in an embarrassing ahegao expression, her tongue out, cheeks flushed. Irisviel kept trying to talk, but nothing except babbling, moaning and panting, animalistic noises came out, watching her own body get wrecked in slow motion as her cheeks flushed, looking like some comfort woman pushed beyond her limit.
"Ohh gawddd!" She shouted, hearing another thunk as her head bounced off the mirror again and again. Irisviel squirted like crazy as Issei growled behind her, hilting himself in her pussy. She'd been pushed over the edge by being forced to watch herself get fucked so hard she looked insane, body and mind crumbling under the rough assault. Issei was also coming, unable to resist Irisviel's wet, frothy, incredibly tight pussy, which seemed to be milking him with a mind of its own.
Splllrt! Spllrt! Spllrt!
Irisviel came again as she watched her face in the mirror, her hands coming up and grabbing at her face, fingers spread and only letting her eyes see slightly. As she felt all that hot, tacky spunk fill up her womb, she could also see her stomach expanding, being used like a living condom for Issei's pleasure….again.
In moments (though Irisivel barely had a sense of time passing), Issei tossed her onto the bed. He clambered after her, groping and squeezing at those perfect tits. It was a little tricky with her come-inflated belly in the way, so Issei stepped onto the bed, lifting one leg up high. Irisviel looked at him through bleary eyes, unable to focus.
"Sorry about this, Irisviel, but I'm sure you can't be comfortable all swollen up like this, so I'm really doing you a favor if you think about it.:
Before she could process what he was doing, Issei lifted up one bare foot (when had he gotten naked? Irisiveil couldn't remember that either) and then stomped on her stomach, instantly deflating the jizz-balloon inside her belly. Spunk blasted out of Iri's pussy, her mouth open as she let out a mixed moan and scream, body shaking. With that obstacle out of the way, Issei got back to playing wit those fat tits, his cock sliding right back into her sloppy pussy, able to go faster and faster with how much spunk there was inside her. They shared a wet, sordid kiss as Issei fucked down into her pussy, her legs trying to wrap around his waist, but he was moving too fast and she didn't have enough strength in her body to make it happen.
"Ahh….Issei, please, please slow down~ Your cock feels so good, so amazing! But my poor little pussy can't take much more of this, I feel like I'll go crazy!"
Issei didn't seem to hear her at first, just licking and biting at her perfect tits. Eventually, he pulled out, letting Irisviel lay on the bed, panting, sweaty and exhausted. Issei flipped her onto her back, and Irisviel barely responded at all, letting out a moan and trying to blow a strand of sweaty silver hair out of her face. In a few moments, however…
"Uh, wait! Issei, w-what are you doing! You can't put your cock inside me there, you're too big! You'll split me in half! Aggh, oh fuckk!!"
Wham! Wham! Wham!
Issei had to use a lot of force to cram his cock inside her ass, practically sawing his way inside. Irisviel's shitpipe gaped and trembled around him, being fucked down into the mattress in this prone anal position, feeling Issei pick up the pace. She moaned and screamed, eventually trailing off as her arms scrabbled on the bed, finding a pillow and biting into it. Her muffled cries and the sound of Issei's hips smacking off her fat ass filled the entire room, and Irisviel burned with shame to think that she could probably be heard well outside the room as well, getting fucked up the ass like some sordid, nasty bitch. Her pussy clenched and squirted again, coming out of her ass and pussy at the same time, pleasure she'd never imagined before.
Issei waited until her ass was thoroughly stretched out, he slammed in faster, rearranging her guts with every thrust. Issei grabbed Iri's long, sweaty and tangled hair, pulling her face off the pillow. Her mouth only reluctantly let the pillow go, her eyes rolled back as her mouth trailed drool. She was moaning like mad, her eyes showing larger and brighter hearts than ever before.
"Gah…Issei, that feels so good! My ass is so small, your huge cock busted me open! It hurts…but I fucking love it, it feels amazing. More, more more, please fuck my ass!"
Wham! Wham! Wham!'
Issei was happy to comply, slamming into her bowels balls deep, stretching Irisviel out so hard she thought she would never go back to normal…and she didn't want to. Issei pulled on her tail again, and Irisviel nearly came from just that, her body so sensitive and even her tail felt like a powerful erogeonsous zone. Combined with the relentless thrusts from Isse's cock, she squirted all over the bed, helpelessly. Irisviel's tight ass gew even tighter, squezing Issei and nearly stopping his progress. He could have waited a bit to let her loosen up, but Issei was never one to wait.
"Hmm, so you wanna play hard to get, huh Iri? Well, you've been a great slut so far so I think you've earned something special!"
Before she could ask what that meant, Irisviel's eyes widened as she felt Issei's cock get even stiffer in her ass. Then it began to change, growing and expanding, getting even larger than before as Issei used his full dragon powers, giving himself a huge, reddened Dragon cock, his balls doubling in size, his cock growing much thicker and longer, and finishing with an enormous, almost dangerous-looking knot.
"Oh my gawdd, you're splitting me in two Issei! I can't take it, my body is burning up! I'm gonna die, I'm really gonna diee-GLRRRKK!"
While she was hardly going to die, not with her own magic powers and Issei's keeping her being a prime piece of fuckmeat, Irisveil was pushed over the edge as that cock slammed in and out of her ass. Eventually, with the sheer force he had at his disposal, Issei went all out, his balls bouncing off Irisviel's ass as his knot pushed against her ass for a few long, tortorous seconds and then slammed inside. More choking sounds came from Irisviel's throat as she gagged, with that enormous dragon cock fucking her all the way through, After another twenty minutes of rough, imaplement sex, making Irisveil be nothing but a cock ornamanet for his dragon cock, Issei grunted and came again, filling her ass up so much Irisviel's pussy squirted just before her eyes rolled up in her head and she blacked out.
Issei didn't miss a bit, still fucking her for a while before he stood up, Keeping her impaled on his dick like a criminal on a spit, he walked into the shower, bouncing that dick enough to wake her up once they were both in the stall. Irisviell was facing away from him, her fat ass bouncing in his face. Seeing she'd regained consciousness, if only from the grunts and moans and the way her curvy body shook, Issei let Irisviel drop, her body slowly sliding off his cock. She landed right on her face, which ordinarily would have hurt but compared to a rough ass fucking from Issei, she barely noticed it.
"Now there's a view fit for a harem king…" Issei muttered, watching as Irisviel rested on her face, knees on the shower floor and her huge ass sticking straight up. His knot was still lodged inside, forcing both Irisveil and Issei to struggle to yank it out. By the time he did, her asshole was still gaping, with jizz leaking out onto the floor while Issei hotdogged her amazing ass. He grunted as Irisviel babbled, her hands slapping the white porcelain before another blast of come splattered onto her back and hair, an enormous amount that was barely anything special for Issei.
Irisviel felt herself waking up a bit more as the shower turned on, water splashing onto her back, making her eyes blink rapidly.
"Hey there, Iri, don't lay down on the job. My cock got all dirty again thanks to your slutty body and amazing ass, so I'm gonna need you to clean me again."
This time, Irisviel didn't need to be told twice, as she slowly pushed herself up to a lewd stripper squat position. As she turned to face him, her body dripping with water and looking even more sexy than usual, she grabbed his cock and almost attacked it, sucking on that tip with gusto. As she bobbed her face up and down, happily choking and gagging on that cock.
"Glacck, glacck, glllcchhh! ♥"
She was completely giving into her base instincts, sucking and kissing that cock, going all out and worshiping Issei with her body. Irisviel rubbed her tits on his huge balls, sucked at his nasty knot, tasting her own ass and feeling a shudder go through at the strange but pleasant taste. Even without Issei's 'help', Irisviel managed to deepthroat more than half of that cock, letting her tongue stick out and rub along his veins as she gagged happily.
This went on for nearly forty minutes before the bedroom door opened, and a familiar voice called out.
"Hello? Is anyone in here?"
It was Illyasviel, Iri's daughter, who had just turned eighteen a few months ago. To her shame, Irisviel didn't even stop sucking cock, feeling the weight of that enormous dick press her tongue flat against the bottom of her mouth, the taste smothering her brain like a warm blanket. Issei tried to pull back, and eventually had to hook his arms under her armpits and haul her off his cock, smirking as he spoke.
"Isn't that your cute little daughter? Find out what she's doing here, and ask about me."
Irisviel couldn't understand why he would want her to do that, but it didn't matter. Issei had told her what to do, so she was gonna do it. She leaned against the glass door of the shower, disappointed that she had to stop sucking and worshiping that enormous, amazing dragon dick.
"Hi Illya! It's me, I'm just in here, getting cleaned up….before the party." Irisviel said, trying to think of an excuse with her mind fogged up in pleasure.
"Oh, ok, that makes sense I guess." Her daughter replied, sounding like she was moving around in the outer room.
"Whose room is this? There are clothes here, but they don't look familiar, I don't think it's a Chaldea uniform."
Acting fast, Irisviel tried to throw her off. "Oh, that doesn't matter, I think it's just spare storage, lots of people use it. Say, I think Issei might be at the party later. What…what do you think of him?"
There was silence, and then when Illyasviel answered, it sounded like she was blushing.
"O-oh, him? Well, he's not bad I guess, it's always nice having a new face around, it can get boring with all girls. And…well he can be very kind sometimes, he seems like such a gentle guy. I might, just maybe a little, have a teensy, tiny little crush on him."
Irisviel was shocked to hear that, and even more shocked to hear that Issei was considered gentle in any way shape or form. Before she could answer, Issei grabbed Irisvile's hips, smashing her against the glass, making her fat tits balloon out as one of her cheeks was pressed flat. That fat enhanced dragon cock slammed nto Irisviel's pussy, making her tight little twat clench up around him as she came almost instantly, gritting her teeth.
Wham! Wham! Wham!
"Uh…mom? What's that noise? It sounds like banging or something. Is everything ok in there, do you need a hand?" Footsteps approached the door as Issei leaned closed behind Irisviel, whispering in her ear.
"Ooh, better think of something quick. If your daughter walks in here, she's going to see her mom getting fucked llike a dirty little slut. Making that dumb little retarded face you make, with your tongue sticking out and everything…you could have just locked thebathroom door, or the other door. But maybe you wanted somebody to catch us, huh? Maybe you want everybody to know you're a slut? Ah, fuck you're getting all tight for me, you must really be a pervert! Now, ask your daughter if she wants a little baby sibling."
Irisviel was barely hanging on to sanity, but she managed to speak.
"W-what? Why?"
Her face slammed against the glass again, feeling that knot push against her pussy. In seconds the door opened, though Irisviel couldn't see anything, and neither could her daughter.
"It's all steamy in here, you must have been running the water for a long time! Aren't you always the one who tells me to conserve what resources we have? Not much of a role model, huh mom?" Illya teased, unprepared for her mother's quick reply.
"Uh yeah honey, whatever you say. Listen, what…oh wow, uh what do you think of getting a younger sibling?"
Illya blushed, her hair getting frizzy in the humid bathroom. "Well, that would be nice."
Issei whispered to Irisviel again, smirking to himself. "Ok, you heard here, better not let your daughter down. Use that fancy wishcraft magic of yours, make your body ovulate, I want you nice and fertile."
Once again she obeyed without question or thought, not really understanding. It was hard to focus on anything when she was getting impaled on that monster cock. By the time it hit her, her mouth was in another 'o' shape, trembling in arousal excitment and a little bit of fear. With another slam, Issei was dumping jizz into her hyper-fertile womb, blasting her ovaries with fresh nasty spunk. Irisveil bit the back of her forearm, muffling her shouts as she came, Issei's thrusts forcing her up onto her tiptoes as she realized she was getting bred like a bitch in heat.
"Mom, are you ok? Sounds like you're hurt or something." She had no idea her schoolgirl crush was fucking the absolutely shit out of her mom, which only turned Issei and Irisviel on more.
"Yes, I'm fine! I'lll see you later at the party, okay? I'm…oh god, I'm a little busy right now!"
Illya shrugged, slowly leaving the room. "Ok, I guess. Weirdo." She muttered.
When she was gone, Issei let Irisviel slide onto the floor, in a limp little puddle. She realized now why everyone liked Issei, how could you not? All it took for her to truly understand was getting fucked so hard she turned from a peppy, nice, mother into a fucked stupid, used up three hole, jizz leaking broodmare. She would have done it again in a heartbeat, no matter what. Finally alone, Irisviel struggled to catch her breath as the shower turned off and she felt herself drifting in and out of consciousness.
When she woke up again, she was flat on the floor of the bedroom, being dragged along by her tail, which made her pussy ache all over again. As Issei picked her up by the tail, tossing her onto the bed, Irisviel just muttered, delirious.
"Oh…but what about the party?" She said, dimly remembering someone else was gonna be there, someone important.
Issei just chuckled, climbing onto the bed after Irisviel, still as hard as ever. "Well, maybe we'll get there. But right now, we need to focus on making sure Illya gets that brand new baby sibling. And we've got all night to do it."
A big dopey grin crossed Irisviel's face, making her swoon.The thought of getting a baby absolutely pumped into her womb by Issei made her even happier than the day she'd found out she was pregnant with her daughter Illya way back when. The size of that cock seemed impossible all over again as she got a good look at it, casting her body into shadow.
By the time the next morning came, Issei slowly worked his way to being fully awake, feeling something tight and wet around his cock. He glanced down, seeing that Irisviel was deepthroating his cock, and must have been doing so the entire night, practicing and stretching her throat out until her dainty nose was pressed firmly into his pubes.
"Huh, you really are an eager slut, huh?"
Irisviel just nodded, not wanting to answer because that would have meant taking her mouth off that cock. One hand rubbed Issei's magnificent, hairy and wrinkled balls,feeling how much jizz he still had churning in there, while the other rubbed her stomach. By the time she'd passed out again last night Issei had busted another six loads inside her ass and pussy, leaving her bloated and looking nearly eight months pregnant already. Issei began thrusting his hips forward, fucking his cock into Irisviel's tight throat as she got lost in lust. Wondering how many babies her new amazing master was going to knock her up with, and thinking of just the right way to introduce her daughter to Issei so that she could serve as the perfect offering to her new object of worship, practically a god in her eyes.
All she had to do now was keep practicing until she could deepthroat that knot, too. And if she struggled, well she knew Issei would just help her, he was so sweet like that.
The End…