The word of the funeral of the witness boy was announced and as the news spread; happiness faded away quicker than it had come. The lively atmosphere of the village had died down.
The villagers visited the dead boy's house near the wheat fields to pay their respects and mourn for the boy. Some people were sitting in the verandah on the ground and their heads sunk into their breasts due to grief, while some were standing close to each other and gossiping about the boy's family and telling the boy's cause of death to the ones who were about to enter the house to see the body.
Inside the house, sat people, who were close acquaintances or relatives of the dead and were bawling their eyes out. The boy's mother was weeping uncontrollably and she had to be held back from throwing herself on to the ground screaming at the top of her lungs. She was screaming out something which wasn't as clear to the people there as crying too much had made her lose her voice and the ability to speak properly.
The boy's cadaver was placed in the middle of the two- roomed house, after being visited by the people who had to visit, was being taken away for burial. As the men carried him away, the mother cried even louder and began running towards the body but had to be pinned down by the others as she wasn't in the best of her conditions to witness the burial. As she was pinned down, she suddenly fainted from all the bawling as she hadn't eaten anything since early morning. As the corpse was being taken away, Haqikah came to visit the boy's mother to learn about the incident.
In she went with her two men who accompanied her till the verandah; she entered the house and sat down wherever she found a place to occupy on the floor. She asked for the boy's mother only to find out that she had fainted. So she asked the relative who had come by to visit. They told her that the boy had had panic attacks in the day and sleep paralysis in the night before going to bed ever since he witnessed the incident. This continued up until he breathed his last. Unable to take the mental pressure, he stopped eating and starved himself to death.