I curled up in my bed. It was already 4 in the morning. I can't sleep. While it's hard to admit, I'm actually starting to take an interest in Kenkyo. However, I will keep my limits. Oh, I don't know! I don't want to pledge anything right now. I was afraid if I broke that vow.
The human heart is indeed scarier than the angel of death though. So, maybe someday your heart will change too, right?
I just realized, I can't sleep without looking at her innocent face first. Even though we never sleep in the same bed, I always kiss her forehead before going to bed.
"Kenkyo-chan, where are you right now?"
An incoming call, from Detective Lee.
Detective Kim Jae, there is yet another murder case at the Oakwood Premier Hotel Incheon. The victim is a Japanese singer who held a concert nearby last night.
"Okay, I'll be right there," I said as I walked away.