"Alright, now on to the master."
After the study session with Cody, the day went smoothly, it was already time for his training with the old man.
"Oh, there you are. How are we doing today?" the old master asked sneeringly.
He had already heard from Cody, about Rei's "special" treatment of him.
"Bad! I really almost died out there! That girl is really short-tempered..." complained Rada.
"Ohohoh! Rei has always had to fend for herself, growing up without a mother isn't easy son" the old master sighed.
"I sensed something, generally it's always the woman who takes care of the house and the guests, that time it was Rei and Cody who took care of me..."
He had already guessed about their family situation, but not having such a close relationship yet he preferred to avoid it.
He thought back to those moments in the boys' house. There was a strange atmosphere about the house, as if to say, it lacked that feminine touch, which all houses have when a family resides there.
"The story of those boys is a lot tougher than it looks from the outside son, Cody and Rei have been through some tough times, to tell you the truth, I find them much more changed now that I see them."
The master smiled at him as he said this, from his kind expression you could clearly see the gratitude he had towards the boy.
"All thanks to my charm, ha!" with a proud look and chest out, Rada postured making the atmosphere even lighter.
"So much modesty! How about we get to work instead!" scolded the master in an amused tone.
"On that subject, my dear master, I have a doubt that assails me!" said Rada in an energetic tone.
"I bet it has to do with what I told you to do last night, my dear pupil," replied the Elder.
"As I thought it might! There was a reason you told me that."
"I did what you had asked, concentrating and meditating I dropped into a kind of dream. In front of me there was a gigantic door that I had never seen, however whatever I did I could not get through it..."
Rada explained in detail everything he saw in his strange dream.
"Have you been able to visualize it yet?!" the elder gasped.
"Is that bad?" asked Rada doubtfully.
"Ahahah! I'll be damned if it's bad!" the elder exclaimed almost hysterically.
"You're a constant surprise my boy, it really seems like heaven is on my side, haha!"
The boy could hardly imagine what was going through the Elder's head, who almost exulted with joy at the news.
"I'm glad you're happy for me master, but I didn't understand a thing..." continued the young man lost in doubt. He scratched the back of his head, a little embarrassed. He didn't expect to receive such a reaction.
"Let me explain..." said the old man, after having regained control of himself. He coughed just a few strokes out of embarrassment.
"Before one can interact perfectly with one's spiritual pearl, each individual must enter the so-called 'visualization' phase," he explained.
"Visualization?" asked Rada.
"Yes, it is a phase that everyone with a Spiritual Pearl must go through," replied the Elder.
"Visualizing... the door?" asked Rada wittily.
"Exactly, it all begins in visualizing the inner door that acts as a conduit, between you and the Pearl."
"I see, but why were you surprised to learn that I already managed to visualize the door?" asked the student.
"Eheheh, generally all those who start Visualization, start since childhood, because the process can even take years, so the earlier you start the better!" replied the Elder with a new light in his eyes.
He knew that Rada's talents didn't stop there, but he couldn't imagine that he was so talented in more fields. What teacher did not find satisfaction in such a student?
"In fact, this stage is used to assess the potential that each bearer has in interacting with their pearl, for the faster the interaction between the two, the greater the power that can result."
"In this regard, special people come into play to whom the appellation 'geniuses' is given" at that exact moment she stared into his eyes.
"Me?" asked Rada in amazement. He pointed his finger at himself almost in disbelief.
"Yes, you! It took you only one night to visualize the door, although you are older than most of those about to become possessors. Nonetheless, your accomplishment is nothing short of against the laws of all logic, if you are not a genius then no one deserves to be!" the Elder's mood was nothing short of hilarious.
Damn, could it be that this student of his was practically the perfect student? He no longer knew what his eyes were seeing, with potential like that he had all the makings of either the savior of this world, or its destroyer.
Thoughts of all kinds passed through the mind of the elder, thoughts turned to the future of Rada, a future that would change the disposition of the forces of the world. Taking note of this, he began to look at him in a new light, not as a mere gifted pupil, but as a true prodigy of nature.
In his heart the elder sighed, such a person could not remain confined by the simple confines of a realm, but had to go further than anyone else. Even he would not be able to keep him close to him for too long.
On the other hand, Rada listened carefully to every single word the elder said, it was almost as if he had been charmed. But not for the compliments he received, but for the notions he learned, he couldn't wait to see what he would be able to do with his new powers. That's the way he was, generally he didn't care about almost anything, but if by chance something caught his attention, then he would devote body and soul to it, so much so that it became an obsession.
Everything he was living in that moment, was all fantasies fruit of his mind, until recently. What was even more incredible was his ability to adapt, not only physically, but also psychologically.
What sane person, could be okay after all he had been through?
Yet he felt completely at ease, almost as if until then his entire past life had been a dream. As if his true reality was living there, and not on Earth.
This thought had been bothering him ever since he arrived in Aurora's world, but what could he do about it?
There seemed to be no remedy at the moment, all he could do was adapt or die.
So he decided, to keep all his memories of Earth close to him, so that he wouldn't forget who he was and where he came from.
"Well, having said that, you said you couldn't get through it, right?" asked the old master.
"Yeah," Rada nodded.
"Um, at your speed it wouldn't have been strange if you had crossed it right away, it means something is missing..." said the master thoughtfully. Stroking his beard, he lost himself in the countless thoughts hoping to find a solution to the abnormal situation in front of him.