"So, what'd ya want?"
I can't believe I am going to have to get her involved. I wanted Kuromi involved but the others except for Kate who stayed silent wanted her to not be involved since by now Tom and Jessie spread the word of what went down. Of course, they changed it. But none of us are trackers. It has been three days since we arrived here and we are trying to organize a plan. Dale had brought along a bunch of supplies and offered some to us. Of course, Jessie complained that she wouldn't need to carry all this stuff and it was too much for her. And of course, Vincen agreed with her because he's her boyfriend. Bruce told them we were lucky to have supplies in the first place and that Dale had been willing to give them to us. That shut her up.
Then Monika brought up a point. While she is a hunter she was in training she couldn't track something that has been missing for months. That was when Dale overheard and suggested we talk to Kuromi, as she has a world record for the best tracker.
Of course, we didn't believe it...until we looked it up and saw that indeed she had the award.
Kuromi Wenton, winner of world record for tracking in 2018. So far none have been able to beat her record. The age when she won the award was 14. At such a young age the world can only wonder what achievements she will make when she is older.
I wondered how she could be a tracker if she wasn't old enough to hunt. Dale responded that she was a child soldier and after the war ended she was allowed adult privileges. Sounds sketchy to me but there was something about her that doesn't make me believe it was made up.
After arguing with the others they finally agreed. I was surprised that it was Monika who agreed first. She normally just stuck with the majority.
"We heard from Dale that you're the world's best tracker. Is that true?"
Kuromi put her hands in her shirt pockets. I never knew shirts had pockets before today.
"Not sure if I'm the world's best tracker. Not even sure if I'm the world's best human tracker. But I am a pretty good tracker."
She closed her eyes before opening her left one and giving me a look that I couldn't make out.
"But yee already knew that, didn't ya?"
I would love to know more about her background. Why she is the way she is and such but now is not the time.
"Can you help find our friends?"
Kuromi let out a chuckle. Then she started giggling, actually sounding like a child.
"Yeah sure. But only if y'all can convince my other friends to join ya. I'm here to relax, not do work."
I let out a sigh. Makes sense. I offered her my hand.
"Promise then?"
Kuromi shook her head and put my hand down.
"I hate making promises. I can only say that I'll try my best."
I nodded. It was good enough.
I wonder why she doesn't make promises.
I could tell the thought was going to be nagging at me for a while but Kuromi didn't look like she wanted to explain herself and walked away without another word.