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Rav Wow Hardcore

Vom CEO zur Konkubine

Yan Zheyun wurde als Gewinner geboren und gezüchtet. Seine Eltern standen auf der Forbes-Liste, er war der Abschiedsredner seiner Abschlussklasse an der besten Universität des Landes, und als Sahnehäubchen wurde er von seinen Mitschülern vier Jahre in Folge zum "Schulbesten" gewählt. Und jetzt, mit nur fünfundzwanzig, war Yan Zheyun stolzer Vorsitzender und CEO seines eigenen Technologieunternehmens. Doch der Tag, der eigentlich der glücklichste seines Lebens hätte sein sollen, wurde zum schlimmsten, als er auf dem Weg zum Kaffee eine seltsame Roboterstimme hörte, nur weil er es nicht erwarten konnte, dass seine Sekretärin aus dem Kopierraum zurückkam. [FEHLERBERICHT #193842347: ANDERSWELTLICHE SEELE ENTDECKT. ABSCHIEBUNGSSEQUENZ EINLEITEN]. Und dann ist er gestorben. Bei einem sehr langweiligen, sehr alltäglichen Autounfall. ...außer vielleicht, dass er es nicht tat. Das erste, was Yan Zheyun dachte, als er die Augen öffnete und sich in einem Schlafzimmer wiederfand, das aussah wie die Kulisse eines dieser inneren Palastdramen, war: Wow, der Kaffee war es nicht wert. Das Zweite, was er dachte, als er feststellte, dass er sich in einem historischen BL-Roman befand und in den Körper einer tragischen Schönheit gewandert war, die von ihren zahlreichen Geliebten benutzt und missbraucht wurde (werden sollte), war: Ich muss meine Augen mit der falschen Technik geöffnet haben, lass es mich noch einmal versuchen ... nein, immer noch da. Naja. F**k. Vom CEO zum niederen Sklaven, Yan Zheyun konnte sein Glück nicht fassen. Gefangen in einer fremden Welt und umgeben von verrückten Oberhäuptern (auch bekannt als "Der Kindheitsfreund", "Der Sohn des Generals", "Der Kronprinz", "Ein anderer Prinz", "Der unheimliche Herzog" usw.), wurde Yan Zheyun klar, dass seine eintägige Erfahrung als CEO ihn nicht ausreichend auf dieses neue Leben voller Elend vorbereitet hatte. Aber er war nicht der Typ, der kampflos aufgibt, und so beschloss Yan Zheyun, sich von dem schrecklichen romantischen Handlungsstrang fernzuhalten, sich einen neuen politischen Handlungsstrang zu suchen und dabei ein paar dicke Schenkel zu umarmen und sich die Gunst der Mächtigen zu sichern. Und wessen Schenkel würden sich in einer dynastischen Monarchie besser zum Umarmen eignen als der des Kaisers selbst? Liu Yao: ...Dieser Herrscher erlaubt Euch, auch andere Teile zu umarmen. Paarung: - Der-Souverän-schaut-stern-aber-ist-geheim-lieb!Kaiser oben VS-ich-schaue-aus-wie-ein-Kaninchen-aber-ich-bin-geheim-ein-Fuchs!Sklaven-unten - KEIN Harem, die ganze Geschichte ist 1v1 Warnungen: - Dieser Roman behandelt einige schwere Themen, die sich aus der Sklaverei und dem Kastensystem ergeben. Ich habe Triggerwarnungen hinzugefügt, wo es relevant ist, aber nur als Vorwarnung, die Drecksäcke werden nicht ohne Grund Drecksäcke genannt! Aktualisierungen: 21:00 GMT+8 Illustriert von: HAZHE
Queeniecat · 3.7K Views

Du PDG à la concubine

Yan Zheyun avait grandi destiné à gagner. Ses parents figuraient sur la liste Forbes, il avait été le major de sa promotion dans la meilleure université du pays, et la cerise sur le gâteau, il avait été élu « beau gosse de l'école » quatre années de suite par ses camarades. Et maintenant, à seulement vingt-cinq ans, Yan Zheyun était le fier président et PDG de sa propre entreprise technologique. Mais ce qui aurait dû être le jour le plus heureux de sa vie se transforma en pire quand il entendit une étrange voix robotique en traversant la route pour aller chercher un café, juste parce qu'il ne pouvait pas attendre que sa secrétaire revienne de la salle de photocopie. [RAPPORT DE BUG #193842347 : ÂME D'UN AUTRE MONDE DÉTECTÉE. INITIATION DE LA SÉQUENCE DE DÉPORTATION.] Et puis il mourut. Dans un accident de voiture très banal, très quelconque. … sauf qu’en fait, peut-être pas. La première chose que Yan Zheyun pensa après avoir ouvert les yeux et s’être retrouvé dans une chambre qui ressemblait au décor d'un de ces drames du palais intérieur fut : Wow, le café n’en valait pas la peine. La deuxième chose qu’il pensa après avoir réalisé qu’il était maintenant dans un roman BL historique et qu’il avait transmigré dans le corps d'une beauté tragique qui allait (être) utilisée et abusée par ses nombreux amants fut : Je dois avoir ouvert les yeux de la mauvaise manière, essayons encore…non, toujours là. Eh bien. Merde. Du PDG à l'esclave insignifiant, Yan Zheyun ne pouvait croire à sa chance. Coincé dans un monde étranger et entouré de tops fous (respectivement connus sous le nom de ‘L'Ami d'Enfance’, ‘Le Fils du Général’, ‘Le Prince Héritier’, ‘Un Autre Prince’, ‘Ce Duc Flippant’, etc.), Yan Zheyun réalisa qu'une journée d'expérience en tant que PDG ne l'avait pas suffisamment préparé pour cette nouvelle vie misérable. Mais ce n’était pas le genre à abandonner sans se battre, alors… Yan Zheyun prit fermement sa décision d'éviter la terrifiante trame romantique, d'essayer de se créer une nouvelle trame politique, et pendant ce temps, de serrer quelques cuisses puissantes, d'amadouer les puissants. Et dans une monarchie dynastique, de quelles cuisses serait-il mieux de se rapprocher que celles de l'empereur lui-même ? Liu Yao : …Ce Souverain vous permet aussi d'étreindre d'autres parties. Association : - Empereur au Sommet-Air-Sévère-Mais-Secrètement-Bienveillant VS Esclave au Bas-Face-de-Lapin-Mais-Secrètement-Renard - PAS un harem, toute l'histoire est en 1 contre 1 Avertissements : - Ce roman traite de sujets lourds résultant de l'esclavage et d'un système de castes. J'ai ajouté des avertissements déclencheurs là où c'était pertinent, mais juste pour information, les salauds sont appelés salauds pour une raison! Mises à jour : 21h00 GMT+8 Illustré par : HAZHE
Queeniecat · 10.8K Views

Dari CEO Menjadi Selir

Yan Zheyun terlahir dan dibesarkan untuk menjadi pemenang. Orang tuanya masuk dalam Daftar Forbes, dia adalah lulusan terbaik dalam kelasnya di universitas teratas di negaranya, dan yang menjadi puncak dari semua itu adalah dia terpilih sebagai 'idola sekolah' selama empat tahun berturut-turut oleh teman-temannya. Dan sekarang, di usia dua puluh lima tahun, Yan Zheyun bangga menjadi ketua dan CEO dari perusahaan teknologi miliknya sendiri. Namun yang seharusnya menjadi hari terbahagia dalam hidupnya berubah menjadi hari terburuk ketika ia mendengar suara robot asing saat menyeberang jalan untuk membeli kopi, hanya karena dia tidak bisa menunggu sekretarisnya kembali dari ruang fotokopi. [LAPORAN BUG #193842347: DETEKSI JIWA DUNIA LAIN. MEMULAI SEKUENSI DEPORTASI.] Dan kemudian dia meninggal. Dalam kecelakaan mobil yang sangat membosankan dan sangat biasa. …kecuali mungkin dia tidak mati. Hal pertama yang dipikirkan Yan Zheyun setelah dia membuka matanya dan menemukan dirinya di sebuah kamar yang terlihat seperti set drama istana dalam adalah: Wow, kopi itu tidak sebanding. Hal kedua yang dia pikirkan setelah dia menyadari bahwa dia sekarang berada di dalam novel BL sejarah dan telah tertransportasi ke tubuh seorang kecantikan tragis yang akan (segera) digunakan dan disiksa oleh beberapa kekasihnya adalah: Sepertinya saya membuka mata dengan teknik yang salah, mari saya coba lagi…eh, masih di sini. Ya sudahlah. Sial. Dari CEO menjadi budak rendahan, Yan Zheyun tidak percaya dengan nasibnya. Terjebak di dunia baru dan dikelilingi puncak-puncak gila (dikenal sebagai ‘Sahabat Masa Kecil’, ‘Anak Jenderal’, ‘Pangeran Mahkota’, ‘Pangeran Lain’, ‘Duke yang Menyeramkan’ dll.), Yan Zheyun menyadari bahwa pengalamannya selama satu hari sebagai CEO tidak mempersiapkannya dengan cukup untuk kehidupan baru yang penuh penderitaan ini. Namun dia bukan tipe orang yang menyerah tanpa perlawanan jadi…Yan Zheyun dengan tegas memutuskan untuk menjauh dari garis plot romantis yang menakutkan, mencoba menulis garis plot politik baru, dan selagi melakukannya, berpegangan pada paha-paha besar, berusaha mendapatkan kebaikan dari yang berkuasa. Dan dalam monarki dinasti, paha siapa yang lebih baik untuk digenggam selain kaisar sendiri? Liu Yao: …Sang Penguasa mengizinkanmu untuk memeluk bagian lainnya juga. Pasangan: - Sang-Penguasa-Tampak-Keras-Tapi-Rahasia-Baik!Kaisar Top VS Aku-Tampak-Seperti-Kelinci-Tapi-Rahasia-Serigala!Budak Bawah - BUKAN harem, seluruh cerita adalah 1v1 Peringatan: - Novel ini menangani beberapa masalah berat yang timbul sebagai akibat dari perbudakan dan sistem kasta. Saya telah menambahkan peringatan pemicu di mana relevan tetapi hanya sebagai pengingat, bajingan disebut bajingan karena alasan! Update: 21:00 GMT+8 Diilustrasikan Oleh: HAZHE
Queeniecat · 8.6K Views


****EXTREMELY SMUTTY Julian, the son of Duke Alden and the grandson of Grand Duke Augustus stood Infront of the crystalline ball that emanated mana. The crystal absorbed his mana and started glowing with purplish hue, with a sparks of lightning. "Yes, I have unlocked Lightning Affinity," Julian said, a spark of excitement lighting up his blue eyes. Suddenly, the ball began absorbing too much mana, Julian's eyes widened in horror as the energy swirled out of control, crackling with an intensity that was and terrifying. Just as he realized the danger, the ball erupted in a blinding flash, a shockwave of power surging outward. Julian wasn't hurt, but he felt a strange sensation as a dark mist swirled in front of him. Suddenly, he saw a strange entity, a shadowy figure, slip into his forehead. Then, Julian heard an unfamiliar sound echo in his head: “WELCOME TO THE MILF SYSTEM.” Connecting....Success Initializing.......Success “FUCK THE MILFS AND GET STRONGER, CONQUER THE MILFS, CONQUER THE WORLD.” , The voice said Curiosity piqued, Julian quickly asked, "Can you tell me more about the MILF SYSTEM?" The voice continued, "Sure, The MILF SYSTEM will help you reach unimaginable power as a mage. You will need to complete the tasks assigned to you and earn points." ********************* MILF SYSTEM - TASK POINTS CHART Handjob - 10 Points Blowjob - 20 Points Sex - 75 Points Creampie - 100 Points Threesome - 200 Points Spank - 15 Points Anal - 150 Points ********************* Julian grinned, excitement bubbling up inside him. “Well, if that’s what I should do to be stronger, I guess we don’t have any other choice,” he declared, determination shining in his blue eyes ************** [Huge Harem] [In Depth R-18] [Hardcore Fetishes] [Extreme Sex] [Gore] [Big Boobs] [MILF] [Incest] [Best Girls] [Anal] [Threesome] [Foursome] [N-some] [Big ass] [Impregnation] Some smut scene may contain: [Spitting] [Slapping] [BDSM] [No NTR - No sharing - No mind control - No drugs or potions that influence the girls A lot of Netori and Stealing] Contains long and detailed smut.
author_210 · 1M Views

I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

Here's the link to the discord server: The convolution of worlds are govern by a set of gods, each god is given a world to rule and there can be skirmishes between them – as a result of one between Nexus, the god of trickery and a senile old hag Elliot reincarnated into Ul’Tra-el by mistake. Ul’Tra-el is a world that grew a voice, because of this voice, it began to take a different path from other worlds -- it was filled with a core anomaly – rifts. Dimensions began to leak into each other, vomiting outrageous monsters. In response or as an auto-correction to such anomaly, talents were awakened in the inhabitants of Ul’Tra-el and they gained tremendous power, for every rift they close down, they were rewarded massively by the voice of the world called Ul. In a hardcore world like this one, our MC (Northern) reincarnated as a talentless individual but in the face of a death and a head splitting revelation... ...when all hopes seemed lost. {System Notice} Your Soul cannot take a form Searching for Unique pattern ability for your soul searching... search found. Unique System ability has been found... Unique System Ability [CopyCat] has been gained. Awakening Unique ability... Northern gained a talent copying system! ... Follow Northern through his journey as he becomes the pinnacle of this world. This a story about a white-haired boy’s rise from rubbles!! Note: This is an overpower genre but MC does not just start off like that. Even though MC can copy talents he doesn't just jump around copying talents because there's a limitation. However, his rise to strength is depicted and is an experience to enjoy. The first few hundreds would be frustrating to follow because MC is weak but that makes the experience all the more interesting when MC finally gets freaking strong and starts wiping the floor with everyones asses.
RighteousFilth · 2.9M Views

I am supplementing the database in the cultivation world

When Ma Nong Mo'an was struggling to type data, he accidentally crossed over and became a passerby in the cultivation literature. Good news, the body is connected to big data, it seems like a golden finger; The bad news is that we have to replenish the database before we can go home... Wow, no matter how long we cross over, it's fate! The database of the entire cultivation world is so vast that it cannot be replenished, it cannot be replenished at all! In order to survive, Mo An could only barely enter the libraries of various major sects to copy books and supplement data, striving to be a knowledge transporter. But unexpectedly, moving around, he became the savior of the sect?! The master brother was poisoned and the dantian was destroyed. Oh, it's not a big problem. Big data can analyze toxins and provide on-site teaching for surgical repair of dantian. Second Senior Brother has demonic bloodline and is hiding silently, afraid to reveal his true face to others? Oh, what a big deal! Big data activates dual bloodline skills, switch anytime, seamlessly connect. Little senior sister is beautiful and can still refine weapons, but she was captured by the demon race after being noticed? Don't worry, big data detection and scanning have directly reached the lair of the demon race. Are there not enough talismans for the demons to launch a massive attack? Try using a rune printing machine, print one sack at a time. Evil energy invaded, and a large number of cultivators' hearts were destroyed. When a divine consciousness brick fell, they immediately became clear and refreshed. The evil energy disappeared, and Mo An himself did not expect it. He only worked as a code farmer in the cultivation world, but managed to become a junior sister in the entire cultivation world, and even saved the cultivation world!
lvv7788 · 6.3K Views

Master Bai! This Celestial Fox Spirit Is Asking For Divorce

Dangerous Omega Series #1 After dying in a horrific hate crime, Suki, a certified Fudanshi and a covert celestial fox spirit living in the human realm undergoes a mysterious transmigration. He was unwittingly transported into the very world depicted in "Their S-Class Affairs," an intense, hardcore and smut-ty BL manhua. The story that he was reading before his untimely demise. Suki, as the legendary nine-tailed fox, would have an easy and comfortable life if he possessed a body of a nameless extra. He could watch the betrayal and messy lives of the characters in the Manhua without throwing himself into the eye of the storm. However, fate proves harsh for a demon spirit like Suki as he unexpectedly becomes the omega husband of the enigmatic alpha and wild stallion ML, Bai Tingfeng. In the panels of the manhua, Bai Tingfeng harbors no affection for his vain and irresponsible husband. Suki, who now assumes the identity of the renowned model omega, Shen Yuan, knows this all too well. There's no way in hell that he can rely on the S-Class alpha's help in consolidating his new body. Since Suki can't acquire help, he doesn't want to be affected by whatever drama that the ML's halo would attract. Who would want to get all the trouble without reaping the benefits? No one. Shen Yuan/Suki decided to stand on the sidelines while munching popcorn, ready to watch the drama. Let Bai Tingfeng unleash his beastly nature and become the notorious f*ck boy in the city. Suki/Shen Yuan doesn't care about that. All his concern was to be separated from this difficult man! Will the husband and husband fall for each other? No one knows. Only the electronic billboard asking someone's WIFE for a coffee date would do the talk. #omegaverse #alphaxomega #MPREG #dungeons #magic #transmigration #powercouple #childraising #beast #nonhumanMC #supersmutBL #misunderstanding
Imsuperberbs20 · 1.2M Views

A Zoologist’s Guide to Surviving Magical Creatures

Author's note: Hi all, thanks for checking out my story .... Just to to clear the air. This story isn’t your typical chosen one saves the world by swinging a magical sword at the last boss type of deal. Nope. This is a heartfelt, occasionally chaotic exploration of magical ecosystems, quirky gods, and an unsuspecting zoologist thrust into a realm that barely understands the meaning of “stable biodiversity.” //What It Is\\ This story is a blend of -Adventure: We’re talking globe-trotting (or Mythica-trotting) to fantastical locales inspired by mythology and folklore from all corners of the world. -Comedy: Think less brooding hero vibes and more “Oh no, the dragon baby ate my shoe again.” -Fantasy: Mythical gods, magical creatures, elemental disasters—standard fare, but with a twist. -Mystery: There’s a deeper story here, unraveling memories, secrets, and betrayal that shaped Mythica. -Slice-of-Life: Yes, there will be moments of Carl trying to keep his sanity while arguing with a nine-tailed fox about proper table manners. //What It’s Not\\ -Grimdark: If you’re looking for morally grey antiheroes and constant existential dread, you’re in the wrong realm. This is more about finding humor and hope in the chaos. -Romance-Driven: Carl’s too busy keeping berserkers from wrecking Mythica to worry about swooning over anyone. -Hardcore Action Fantasy: Sure, there will be battles and drama, but this isn’t about slaying beasts for glory—it’s about saving them (and occasionally bribing them with snacks or whatever). //Who Will Like This\\ -Fans of mythology: If you geek out over legends from Norse, Chinese, Celtic, and other traditions, you’ll feel right at home. Nature enthusiasts: Conservation vibes? Check. Magical ecosystems? Double check. -Comedy lovers: Enjoy laughing at a poor intern’s magical misfortunes? Welcome! -Readers who enjoy quirky, wholesome adventures: It’s not about being perfect, it’s about learning, adapting, and growing. //Who Might Not Like This\\ -Readers craving high-octane action: There are fight scenes, but this isn’t “Battle Royale.” -Fans of brooding protagonists: Carl’s more likely to cry over spilled coffee than launch a monologue about his tragic backstory. -Romance-first readers: This story focuses on relationships, but not the swoony kind. ------------------------------ Carl Suis, a recent zoology graduate with a deep love for animals and a fascination with mythology, stumbles upon an ad for an internship at MECCP (Mythical and Endangered Creatures Care and Protection)—a mysterious organization tasked with protecting magical creatures. Desperate for a break, Carl accepts, only to find himself magically transported to Mythica, a fantastical world where dragons, mermaids, and krakens are real. What Carl thought would be a straightforward internship quickly becomes a whirlwind of chaos. His responsibilities go far beyond feeding and caring for these creatures—he’s thrust into solving ecosystem crisis, mediating interspecies conflicts, and navigating cultural clashes that no zoology degree could have prepared him for. And get this—none of the magical creatures are anything like what Carl expected based on the myths in the mythology books. Add in a series of increasingly bizarre situations, and Carl quickly realizes that this is far more than a job—it’s a test of survival. But it’s not all wild creatures and funny mishaps. With Mythica’s fragile ecosystems on the brink of collapse and MECCP under threat of being shut down, Carl must use his wits, empathy, and zoological knowledge to save not just the creatures he’s come to care for, but the future of this extraordinary world. Amidst the humor and calamities, Carl discovers that he may hold the key to preserving the very heart of Mythica… if he can survive long enough to prove it.
Draserraney · 48.4K Views

Reincarnate and Become The King of Orcs

"Ahhhhh…this is the orcs tribe!!!! Abraham was shocked when Mary told him where he was now. " Ehhh…who is this….impossible!!!!.is this me!!!!!" With a loud voice Abraham shouted when he saw a green figure in the reflection of the river water. ###### " What !!! You gave your blood in the transformation potion!!!!" Ramon the leader of the Antilia orcs tribe's voice of disbelief was heard as he spoke to Juana the witch of their orcs tribe. " What can I do, because of the emergency I didn't think much, so only my blood was used" Juana replied with a slightly embarrassed tone but there was clearly no regret visible on her face. ###### " You let him stay near the outer area of ​​the tribe? Are you sure?" Ripley the captain of the Antilia orcs tribe knights asked Ramon. " Isn't that good, if he can survive just think of it as his destiny, but if not, then Juanan's problem will be solved right!" Ramon replied with a calculating tone. " But, what about Juana's response?" Ripley asked confused. "Don't worry, it's better to suffer in the beginning than to suffer longer in the future. Don't you know, the side effects of drinking this change potion, and Juana is our tribe's witch!! So she has to get a candidate from the tribe, not another!!!" Ramon replied with a determined tone. He couldn't possibly give anyone outside his tribe to marry, their witch because it was the same as allowing problems to be nurtured, and he didn't want that. ####### " Ehhh….what kind of house are you going to build Abraham?" Mary asked!! "It's a stilt house" Abraham replied with a smile. "Stilt house, what kind of house is that??" Wall asked Abraham. "I want to know too" Gros also responded. ##### " Come on…come on…you can do it Gros!!!! Abraham's enthusiastic shouts to Gros were heard. " Ahhhhhh...I failed" Gros replied with a helpless tone as he failed to lift the 1000 kg test stone with one hand. ##### "Are you sure Abraham can lift the stone?" Mary asked Wall and Gros. "I doubt it, Abraham can lift it" Wall answered in an uncertain tone "Abraham can definitely lift it, I believe in him" on the other hand Gros said with a different answer. ####### "Wow…..he's amazing!!!!!!!! "He did it!!!!! "This…this is unbelievable!!!! "Abraham….abraham...Abraham…..the sound of cheers echoed across the field, shouting Abraham's name….
Wijaya_Kesuma17 · 17.2K Views

Until Dusk Protocol

At the heart of a wish lies an attempt at completion, a human desire to become our true and final selves. Wishes are fuelled by regrets and are bound eternally to the past, serving as approximations of what once was. We all experience regret and nostalgia, leading us to make wishes and find despair, but can we become our true selves despite this all? That's where the story of a girl who struggles to control her desires begins... Two souls sharing the same body and memory are living in Kyoto 2031. Tang-Ji Shizukesa, a girl who's grown up in her previous life with a hardcore passion for gaming, is now a bookworm in her new life who has no interest in video games. Along with her, Kazami and Hoyeon, the three childhood friends who separated 7 years ago due to an accident, have now been reunited again in a VRMMORPG game known as Dusk Protocol. The game has a unique combat system known as "Leere," a physical manifestation of an individual soul that can be conjured into deadly weapons. As Tang-Ji navigates this virtual world, she confronts the echoes of her past and the dissonance between her former self and her present identity. How will she cope with the rediscovery of a life she thought she left behind? How will Kazami and Hoyeon react to the new Tang-Ji? In a world where reality is malleable and death is just a click of a button away, the boundaries between past and present blur, forcing everyone to grapple with the truth of who they truly are. Disclaimer: This novel contains explicit language, violence, racism, and sexual scenes. There are also scenes that deal with various traumas, from physical to emotional to mental. (THE CHARACTERS’ CIRCUMSTANCES , TRAITS, AND BELIEFS IN THIS NOVEL ARE ALL BASED ON A TRUE STORY.)
Hiese_Kirisaku · 30.7K Views

Celestial Speed: Legacy

Ding [congratulations you have acquired the Celestial{God of speed}System] [Do you accept the term and conditions of the system] With a huge claw at his face ready to take off his head, sending him back to the dark abyss from which he had just arrived not so long ago, already accepting his fate for a second death. Henry saw a holographic screen flash in front of him, one that would change his new life for the better... or worse, seeing no other option in his current dilemma and with nothing else to lose. "Yes, yes i accept!" he screamed out with determination and hope that this might just be a miracle here to save him from certain doom,and indeed it was. [You have successfully acquired all the functions and priorities of the system,including its benefits and disadvantages] Henry saw the screen again but that wasn't all he saw to his disbelief everything in the surroundings including the ferocious beast trying to kill him, were now completely still with the lion's claws just a few centimeters away from his head. "Wow, i guess this must be part of the benefits the system granted," he exclaimed with surprise "But what about the demerits?" I guess we'll find out soon enough as this was only just the beginning. Now with his newly acquired "cheat" system in a new world he had just been reincarnated to. From an urban civilization to an even more futuristic, civilized urban utopia where magic and technology are well versed, Henry must find his true purpose in the new world as he discovers more beings like him both good and bad. And as he navigates his way to a better second chance, making new friends and encountering old foes courtesy of his predecessor. Going against both celestial entities and monsters from other realms and doing as he pleases, defying rules of the multiverses and discovering worlds beyond. "Or maybe I'll just kick back and relax in this New World." SNEAK PEAK! Henry stood face to face with the mysterious figure, their suits a stark contrast to each other. Henry's white and gold suit gleamed in the sunlight, while the other figure's black and purple suit seemed to absorb the light around them. A mask covered the figure's face, making it impossible for Henry to discern their identity. "You're quite the legend, Henry," the figure said in a low, gravelly voice "I've heard a lot about your skills." Henry's eyes narrowed. "Who are you?" The figure chuckled. "Someone who's been watching you. Someone who's been waiting for the perfect moment to strike." Henry's grip on his fists tightened. "What do you want?" The figure smiled, their mask glinting in the light. "I want to see how fast you really are." Without warning, the figure took off, their black and purple suit blurring as they sprinted away. Henry's eyes widened, and he grinned. "Game on!" he exclaimed, taking off after the mysterious figure. The two speedsters tore through the city streets, their suits leaving trails of distorted air in their wake. As Henry left a trail of gold lightning so did the figure leave one of purple. Henry's Nitro suit glowed with a brilliant white light as he pushed himself to his limits, his feet pounding the pavement in a blur. The mysterious figure was fast, but Henry was determined to catch up. He focused all his energy on the chase, his senses heightened as he navigated the crowded streets. The city became a colorful blur as the two speedsters clashed in a battle of velocity and agility. Henry's heart pounded with excitement, his mind racing with the thrill of the chase. Who was this mysterious figure, and what did they want? Henry was determined to find out. Crap! I wanted to write more but looks like I've reached the word limit. Sigh* Well I hope I've gotten your attention with all this, i like my summary to always look like a trailer, that's why it's so long. Anyways check more of these when you read my book and support, I'll appreciate. Gracias! Check my discord link in bio, join for more info.
Red_Hood69 · 91.1K Views

Conquest Of The Fallen: Dark Dominions

[DING!] [Congratulations, APOLLYON. You have unlocked the Infernal System!] [NAME: Israfel BlüdThïrste.] [FACTION: DEMON ¢ RANK A.] [DING!] [You have ascended to the realms of man.] [CITY: The medieval Empire of Eldoria.] [ALL HAIL THE BURNING ONE!] [CONQUEST: Level Up to NINTH INFERNAL CIRCLE.] [The battle for DOMINION begins.] [SYSTEM has graciously provided the most delicious and bosomy babes to compete for MC.] [ADDITIONAL TAGS: Ruthless MC – NSFW – BDSM – Cosplay – MILF – War Crimes – Unholy Trinities – Hybrids – BDE – Smut – EVOLUTION – Succubus – Slaves – Yandere – Ascension – Gore – ADULT CONTENT AND LANGUAGE – Anal – Dominant MC – Hentai – Lust – Demon – Extreme violence – R18 – Faceslap – Fistfights – Bestiality – Bloodsport – Exorcism – LOLITA – Brutal MC – Magic – UNDERWORLD – Politics – Demonology – Necromancer – Old Gods – Fae – Sword and Sorcery – System – Hardcore – Mermaid – Cat girls – Dragon girls – DARK – Vulgar – Epic battle – Hell Ranking – Fallen Angels – DOMINIONS – Incest – Dungeon – Leveling up – Cold MC – Sibling Lust – Taboo sex stories – MONSTER GIRLS – Debauchery – Utter fuckery – Demented SC – MANA – Invulnerable MC – Elf – Vampire – Demoness – MATURE – Murder – Psychopaths – Luciferan Bloodlines – Corruption of virtue – Chivalry – Villainy – Death – LEGION – Clashing armies – Weapons system – Resurrection.] [WARNING: This book features detailed descriptions of female humiliation, hardcore sex and depravity. There is a guaranteed Adult Chapter one out of every five. NOT FOR CHILDREN! NOT FOR SOFT HEARTS!] • FULL BLURB Israfel BlüdThïrste was born in Hel. He has lived in it all eighteen years of his life. As seventh in the bloodline of the Morningstar himself, Rafel has had a pretty fucking great life. There's spilled blood in excess. Violence to choke the gray skies. Abundant sex—depraved and hardcore. And more blood. Everything a Prince of the Abyss could desire. But Rafel has heard stories, of the world above. The world of the weak mortals whose damned souls fall endlessly through the red skies of his, to meet with perpetual torture. Stories of their fine carriages and legendary kings. Their golden sun and green earth. But mostly, their virgin women. He wishes to see it for himself. And so, when a lucky gambit with his dear Aunt, Lilith, opens up a way for him to explore the surface, Rafel hops to it. The deal is a hundred years before he has to return to his duties as Hell's Apollyon. Accompanied by his new slave, a voluptuous horned Succubus, Rafel journeys to the mortal realm, entering into the mythical lands of Eldoria as the enigmatic Earl of Emberfall, a haunted estate. But Rafel intends to rise, into the very courts of the Eldorian Queen. At least before his time runs out. And if corrupting, blackmailing, fucking, and murdering a few mortals gets in his way, so be it. This is until the haloed mess of Ravenna de Vries ends up on the grand steps of his Manor, soaking wet with a blood debt hanging over her head. Israfel had seen many beautiful women in his time, but somehow the little mortal girl is sufficient to make him rethink his gambit. Ravenna is owed to a powerful Hell Principality. And though Rafel convinces himself that building up his power ranking is solely selfish, it also has to do with going up against an ancient adversary from his home who is certain to appear just about anytime to collect what he is owed—Ravenna. She is not his responsibility, but why does Rafel feel exactly that whenever he looks at her? And suddenly for this Immortal, a hundred years is not enough to fall in love.
Staplehead · 268.3K Views

Accidental Transmigiration : I Acquire Syndromes to Get Overpowered

"They say life gives second chances, but mine feels more like a punishment in a shinier wrapper" Hi, I’m Ansh. I died in my old life—tragic, I know. Picture this: a cursed town, my so-called best friend leaving me in the back, and me just lying there thinking, Wow, this sucks. But hey, at least reincarnation is supposed to be cool, right? Wrong. I wake up in some random novel I’ve never read, thinking, Maybe this is my big break! Spoiler alert: it wasn’t. The first thing I feel in my new life is a slap across my face, followed by my girlfriend storming out the door. Why? Well she saw me kissing with another damn girl. Apparently, I’ve transmigrated into the body of a guy so hated, even stray dogs cross the street to avoid him. Here’s the rundown: my family disowned me for a crime that would feel unbeleivable once you learn about it. I swear I didn’t commit it. my landlord’s pounding on the door for rent I can’t pay, as the girl whom I had made my girlfriend to pay my living dumped me... and I’m 15 years old in a world where everyone has acquired their diseases or Syndromes or whatever they call it at 8. I’m so behind the curve it’s embarrassing. Oh, and did I mention I have no clue how this world works? No manual, no cheat sheet, just vibes and existential dread. But wait, there’s more! My past life won’t stop haunting me. Why did my best friend betray me? Was it my fault? Did I deserve it? I don’t know, and the goddess who dumped me into this mess saying that I am going to reincarnate in a stone age world becoming their God isn't even anymore in vicinity. Apparently, I have to earn my answers, which feels a lot like being told to “try harder” while drowning. Now I’m broke, anxious, and flailing through a world that seems designed to humiliate me. My only plan is to survive long enough to figure out why I’m here and maybe—just maybe—get some closure about my last life. Well...leaving that i am going to tuke this world.How?I will somehow figure it out. Just don’t expect me to figure it out anytime soon.
Shadowinx · 502 Views

God of Milfs: The Gods Request Me To Make a Milf Harem

Ding~ [A message has been sent by the Gods] [Welcome chosen one to the World of Milfs for your trial to attain Godhood. Fulfill the Gods requests and obtain their approval to join us and become a God] [Fail your given request and meet your demise] Ding~ [A request has been sent by the Gods] [The God of Storms Synthia sends a request: Grope your adopted mother's buttocks till you leave marks on her ass] [The God of Music Calliope sends a request: Make your Aunt moan so loud that your neighbours can hear her sweet voice] [The God of Health Fiona sends a request: Lick of the curry that spilled on your neighbour's chest, while her husband watches tv in the room next door] [The God of Stars Noella sends a request: Blackmail your classmate's mother into sucking you off in her son's room] [The God of Wisdom Seraphina sends a request: Drink all the office lady's breast milk straight from the source, that was supposed to be for her baby] I see....So I basically have to do a bunch of naughty and perverted stuff that the Gods want to see me do with a whole lot of smoking hot milfs, for a chance to become God and save my life. What else can I say other then... WHAT KIND OF FUCKED UP JOKE IS THIS?!?! Want to know how this all came to be? Then follow our protagonist and his journey to become God by making his own Milf Harem (Warning: This novel is made by a Degenerate for Degenerates, so if you aren't into kinky stuff and prefer vanilla, then this novel isn't for you) •°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•° [No NTR - No Yuri - No sharing - No system that assists the protagonist - No mind control - No blood related Incest - No drugs or potions that influence the girls - Hardcore Inseki - A lot of Netori and Stealing - Harem - Slice of Life Romance - No unnecessary Drama - A lot of fleshed out +18 scenes - Finally a very competent protagonist] [This novel is focused on Older Women and Milfs, so don't expect any younger girls unless there's a Oyakodon] [And finally I want all the interactions to feel natural and I want the readers to be invested in the characters, so the story will be fleshed out and not rushed in any way]
AGodAmongMen · 4M Views

Two dimensional love

Kat grumbled a little before reluctantly quieting down, allowing Lucian speak. He continued, his eyes locking onto hers. "The second thing the mark does is tie your fate to the Kelpie's. I injured it badly. stabbed it in the back and it's neck. If it dies because of those wounds, you will die too." She felt a cold shock wash over her. "What? That's insane! Why would I die if it dies?" "The mark it put on you," Lucian explained, his hands never stopping their motion with the pen. "As the Kelpie suffers, so will you. It's dying now, and if it succumbs to its injuries, you'll follow soon after." "Wow, Katherine, way to go. You really outdid yourself," Kat muttered to herself, taking a deep breath. "Seeing a wet horse despite the dry weather wasn't enough for you to think something was wrong." "You saw it wet?" Lucian asked, his eyebrows frowning slightly. "Huh?... Yeah, is something wrong with that?" Kat asked, wondering why the horse being wet was more important to him at the moment than her dying. Lucian didn't say anything but just stared at the girl in front of him. 'There is something more to her, I just can't tell what it is' he thought. To further confirm his suspicion, he moved closer to Kat, closing the distance between them. He reached for the shoulder of her dress and pulled it down. The sudden action startled Kat. She exclaimed, "What do you think you are doing, pervert? Get away from me!" She tried hitting him, but she barely had the strength to sit up, let alone push him away. Lucain paused, staring at her bare shoulder. Kat followed his gaze and gasped. "What is that?" she asked, her voice trembling. On her shoulder was a strange mark, like a tattoo of a hoof print with foreign writing within it. Lucain hummed thoughtfully, his expression still impassive. 'As I thought, she shouldn't be able to see it, but she can. That's unusual for a human.' Kat frantically tried to wipe the mark off. "Why won't it come off?" "That's the Kelpie's mark," He pointed out, his tone remained indifferent. Panic surged through Kat. She hadn't just narrowly escaped death; it was now chasing her, bound to her by an invisible tether. "Is there any way to break the bond...mark whatever it is? I don't want to die," she asked desperately, her eyes searching Lucian's for any sign of hope. Lucian's expression stayed the same. "I don't intend to let you die so soon," he said. "We can replace the Kelpie's bond with another bond." Kat clung to this glimmer of hope. "How do we do that?" she asked, leaning forward, eager for a solution. "It requires a new bond, a stronger one that can override the Kelpie's," Lucian explained, his demeanor calm and composed. Before she could ask what he meant, Lucian reached out and gently pecked her on the forehead. Kat froze, completely caught off guard by the unexpected action. The brief contact sent a jolt through her, and she barely had time to react before he pulled her into a gentle embrace, careful not to hurt her already pained body. Her mind raced, trying to process the sudden shift from their conversation to this intimate moment. The warmth of his embrace contrasted sharply with the cold fear that had gripped her moments before. She caught the scent of rosewood and felt his firm body against hers, making her heart skip a beat. "What are you doing?" she whispered, her voice shaky. Kat's heart pounded in her chest. She felt Lucian's face bury itself in the crook of her neck, his breath warm against her skin. His grip on her waist tightened slightly. She winced as she felt a sharp pain. Lucian's fangs sank into her neck, causing her to gasp and grip his shoulder, her fingers digging into his shoulder.... **** disclaimer: cover not mine.
Liya_Rose_6706 · 28.2K Views

Harvesting The Witch Queen

Be sure to join the official HTWQ Discord server for news on the novel, direct updates, polls, & exclusive rewards such as original illustrations: You can donate to the novel: Growing up as a slave in the Halloween Kingdom, Junk had been a prisoner for as long as he could remember. Born without a healthy nor stable body, he might have been the weakest of all the Minotaurs. Managing to finally escape the confines of his prison cell, the beast wanders the Kingdom’s dangerous roads. His body and soul slowly and painfully withering into nothingness until he miraculously runs into one final chance—the fallen Witch Queen—Lady September Autumn who had just recently been dethroned of her royal title. She provides him the opportunity to remain alive. Keeping his body and soul intact by feeding him with her royal, sacred Queen milk. Of course, this is no act of charity. She asks for his services in return. In exchange for harvesting her milk, Junk must become her loyal servant and bodyguard fulfilling whatever she commands: including hunting down and defeating all of those responsible for her dethronement. Refuse, and no more milk. No more milk, and the Minotaur will be doomed to perish once more. So a symbiotic relationship is formed. However, the ex-prisoner has something in mind for his powerful new Queen. Harvesting the bitch herself! Ultimately corrupting her into his breeding-slut when the time is right and birthing an army of monsters to re-take the kingdom for himself instead. Together, they are marching through this ghoulish and spooky fantasy world plagued with undead, spirits, demons, werewolves, vampires, demonic Gods and far worse! . . . [ Tags ] R-18 | Mature | Adult | Smut | Harem | Ecchi | Hentai | NSFW | Blowjob | Anal | Sex | Threesome | Foursome | Hardcore | Thick | Thicc | Milf | Gilf | Young & Mature | Choking | Out doors | Bdsm | Fetish | Dual Cultivation | Action | Demon | Weak to Strong MC | Antihero | Comedy | Wise . . . Discord link: Donations: If you have any question or hate mail: Thank you for all the awesome feedback.
CamilleJuteau · 1.1M Views
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