"Help! Help me, my lord." The man sprinted along the dirt path with a small child in his arms. Agni Asura Yaman rushed to meet the man halfway down the road, the rest of his disciples behind him. Puru followed.
The man laid down the child on the ground. The child's body was still and blue.
"We found him like this in the field. He does not breath, does not speak." The man fell to the ground and wept in agony.
Yaman crouched immediately beside the child, taking his limp little hand into his own. Puru watched pensively as the agni asura spent moments examining the listless body.
"I do not sense any life in him," Yaman uttered those words with pain.
The man cried out in despair that drew more villagers out of their huts. Puru could hear murmurs. "A child mustn't die like this." "Is it Tantra?" "He is blue. Must be poison."