Chereads / (Please?) Pick Us / Chapter 2 - Somewhere at the end of time

Chapter 2 - Somewhere at the end of time

Emil wasn't the brightest, in fact, most of his shine came from the desire to be bright.

Others also say that short people start out their lives with an inferiority complex, but Emil never had the time to consider it as he was too busy trying to impress anyone who was willing to learn about his academic achievements and goals. Because of how frail he used to be he could never relate (and had no desire to relate) or understand people being satisfied with sports or jobs that require physical strength. He wanted to accomplish something that will shout - Quest over! You did it well and you are better than everyone else! Have a medal, and you don't need to do anything else as you are now perfect!

Thus, he was reclusive who kept trying to build a rocket without all of the materials and never learning how to fly either. Besides who could've ever laid eyes on him and tell from a glare that he is *the* man without a picture-perfect achievement -

(There were people who did, especially her.)

Well, now he was looking in the mirror and saw his vision of how he always wanted to be. He peaked in height to 6ft, and his clothes actually gave him a form. His new honey hair was chopped at the sides and a fringe flung down just almost starting to cover his eyes. The eyes themselves no longer looked small compared to his old massive forehead, the golden ratio was at work. Yet despite this new physique it took him a while to notice something else - he felt stronger, he wasn't just some kid that you would groan for when you picked him last on the team.

I think we are giving Emil too much credit at the moment - even with the new makeover a few minutes after glaring in the mirror and noticing every little detail (like that he had no pimples) he thought about what was he meant to do now that he was dead, which filled him with the most dread, since his arrival. Surely, he thought, I can't hang around doing nothing. Checking his room, or at least he thought it was his room there was an idea he couldn't quite shake off.

What if he invaded someone else's body?

Yet right at the cue of him doubting everything that happened in what felt like 10 minutes, he glared at the books that were on the desk. (If anyone cares about interior design, the room had no personality to it, as it was a regular dorm room, go figure.) The sticky note said school starts at 8:15, you should know your way. The clock said it's 7:30, and as if the body came with a sort of pre-installed knowledge, Emil knew where he was heading. He packed the bag and made the first step towards his new future.

Except if he took the chance to look inside of the books he would find that they were just full of diagrams that meant nothing at all.


Ollie never liked to admit that he was clingy, but he was probably a person with the worst poker face imaginable, he never knew where he would go in life without the people around him somewhat guiding him. Especially when by his own choosing he didn't take that route any easier.

"I'll get by." was his attitude until the very end. This resulted in him spending too much time with terrible women and men or doing nothing that made him a better person like playing gacha games.

Yet here we are, outside of the school gates with girls whispering about him, from the windows of other classes.

Ollie was used to being laughed at for not really knowing how to behave - he was loud, exposed his thoughts way too easily and seemed like a loser for how dramatically every situation started to appear when as little as a new exam was announced - if he wasn't that loud and better looking the girls would've probably found it as a motherly instinct to help him out overcome the emotions. Of course, he wasn't dramatic for the sake of attention - ironically he wanted to stray as far as possible from it.

So he kept, his head down and kept smiling until he reached the classroom, it was the prettiest ugly thing the girls passing got to see, as he did his best to appear normal. Ollie did outrun Emil by three inches in height but he had a different appeal, he wore a hoodie on purpose let his ear-length hair down, adding +10 to the edgy/mysterious aura- He felt also weird as his eyes turned emerald green compared to his old grey eyes that he initially thought that he became Medusa.

The first few minutes after waking up Ollie was screaming, he really didn't know how to handle this. So he kept pinching his face wondering if it will turn out that he's actually a lizard in a human disguise. (Yes, there were bruises left when he entered the school building on his cheeks)

"This is going to be a long day", Ollie called out to no one