We can think of the genome as being divided into two parts. The part that codes for proteins, which we call coding DNA. And the rest of the genome, which for lack of a better term, is called non-coding DNA.
There are many who have called this part as junk DNA. We can't really call it garbage, if it's there it's for a reason. That the human being does not know certain functions of our DNA does not mean that it is useless.
This non-coding DNA represents 78% of our DNA. We have known for many years that our genetic information is embodied in DNA, with its famous double-stranded nucleotide structures in the form of a double helix.
Within DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid, some specific segments are responsible for storing genetic information and are therefore called genes.
Most think that a large part of our DNA is genes, nothing is further from the truth, since only approximately 2 percent is responsible for this function.
The rest is what has come to be called non-coding DNA, but has become popular with the misnamed junk DNA.
On the other hand, while in humans we have this approximate 98% non-coding DNA, the bacterial genome contains only approximately 2% non-coding DNA.
At first it was thought that this part of the DNA had no specific or useful function, hence its name. If this part of the DNA had no function, it would make no evolutionary sense to be there, since making copies of it requires the consumption of resources and energy for the cell.
Individuals who have removed this DNA would have an advantage over the rest. Although most of the scientific community was convinced that non-coding DNA should have an important function, it was only recently thanks to the ENCODE project that the various functions it performs have finally been identified.
The ENCODE project, whose objective is to identify all the functional elements of the human genome and in which research groups from all over the world have participated, has been able to conclude the fundamental role of these structures within our DNA. Since 2003, work has been carried out on this project, which is the successor to the famous Human Genome Project, which made it possible to sequence the entirety of our genome for the first time. In 2012, the results were published, where up to 120 different functions for non-encoded DNA were discussed.
Non-coding DNA is made up of sequences that cannot be translated into proteins and can be found between the coding gene chains themselves but also embedded between the gene sequences helping to separate them from each other. Functionally, you could say that non-coding DNA would be like a panel with millions of switches that turn genes on or off, indicating when and where to produce the proteins needed by the cell.
Genes carry the genetic makeup of who we are, but uncoded DNA turns genes on and off to tell the cell when to make the proteins it needs to function properly.
There is still no unanimous pronouncement in the scientific community on the functions of non-coding DNA
We can see that we are connected to an electrical board that activates or deactivates certain functions of our body.
From this study we can think that the cause of diseases, behavioral disorders, old age and others, lies fundamentally in the deactivation of a part of our DNA
This mentioned part can be activated by vibratory sound frequencies, as Geoges Lakhovsky had stated.
The Multiple Wave Oscillator (MWO) was the greatest invention of Georges Lakhovsky and the culmination of all his research.
Noting his theory on cellular resonance and the loss of natural resonance, he first devised the Radio-Cellular Oscillator, which he relied on to study much of his evidence.
The MWO is based on a series of open rings with ball-shaped tips, of different diameter, orientation and material. The idea was simple: if a cell could restore its healthy state by radiating its own energy, at its natural frequency, a person's health could be fully restored if all the radiation of the living organism were irradiated at the same time.
Lakhovsky discovered that the energy that a living being radiated had some particularities to highlight. One of them was that the radiation was based on harmonic patterns, which he took into account when developing the multi-wave oscillator.
The device consisted of a transmitting antenna and a receiving antenna, between which the patient to be treated had to sit on a chair made of non-conductive material. Also, it had what was the main part that managed to supply energy, regulate the intensity and time the duration of the session.
being applied to humans, he carried out a long and laborious study on other organisms such as plants, with which he achieved amazing results, or animals.
The treatment was based on the irradiation of an unknown form of energy on the patient during a variable number of sessions, ranging from 2 to more than 20 depending on the composition of the soil where the treatment was being applied. Something for which, depending on the hospital, a very fast or somewhat long healing used to occur.
Throughout the 20th century, almost everything has been found in the genes, including music. In this sense, in 1986 the Japanese couple (US nationalized) formed by the scientist Susumu Ohno and his wife Midori Aoyama, an opera singer, published an article in which they transferred the nucleotide sequence of some genes to the staff.
It is impressive to see how far the idea of setting genes to music has led, including some recent proposals to use the music of genes and the genome for scientific and medical purposes.
Susumu Ohno had already developed an interesting career as a geneticist in which his proposal on the mechanism by which genes and genomes have become more complex, and even by which new genes have originated throughout evolution, stands out, explaining the repetition of the fragments of the genes and of the genes and genomes themselves, and the subsequent differentiation of some copies with respect to the originals.
Observing that in the genes and genomes of living beings there is a lot of repetition and redundancy and that in music there is also repetition of different patterns were what made Ohno think about the possibility of making genes audible musically.
They proposed to assign two consecutive positions of the musical scale (from the lowest to the highest: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si to each of the 4 nucleotide bases of DNA in ascending order from Adenine, to Guanine , Thymine, Cytosine: with the heaviest nucleotides āA, Gā assigned to the lowest notes on the scale and the lightest ones āT,Cā to the highest, and since this transformation does not produce music "per se" they applied to the various repeated motifs existing within the genes, various melodies similar to those existing in classical musical compositions, each with its different key, time and rhythm, and they finally chose the ones that sounded best to them.In this way, they transformed fragments of music into music. genes such as the gene for the enzyme glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase.