An opening to new dimensions OCCURS IN ALINA'S CONSCIOUSNESS and creative intelligence is nothing more than the random product of an evolution that began in a primordial ocean of matter. This view simplifies the enormous complexity of human beings into mere material objects, little more than highly developed animals or thinking biological machines.
Our borders are defined by the surface of our skin, and consciousness is nothing more than a simple secretion of that thinking organ known as the brain. Everything we think, feel and know depends on the information we receive through our senses. According to the logic of this materialistic model, consciousness, intelligence, ethics, art, religion, and science itself are mere by-products of the material processes that take place inside the human brain.
The belief that consciousness and all its creations originate in the brain is, of course, not entirely arbitrary but is based on many clinical and experimental observations that suggest a close relationship between consciousness and certain neurophysiological or pathological conditions. .
Infections, traumas, poisoning, tumors and bruises are closely related to profound changes in consciousness. In the case of a brain tumor, for example, the deterioration of certain functions -loss of speech, motor control, etc.- is so specific that it allows us to diagnose the region that has been injured with great precision.
.But although these observations demonstrate, without any kind of doubt, that our mental functions are linked to brain biological processes, they do not constitute, however, a conclusive demonstration that consciousness originates from or is a by-product of the brain.
That is why the conclusions of Western science do not seem to be based so much on scientific data as on a metaphysical belief and that it is possible to find other alternative interpretations of the same data. Let's illustrate this with a simple example:
According to traditional science, organic matter and life originated in the primordial soup of the primeval ocean as a result of the random interaction between atoms and molecules.
Similarly, he also maintains that chance and "natural selection" are solely responsible for the cellular organization of organic matter and its evolution into complex multicellular organisms endowed with a central nervous system.
It is these kinds of explanations that have fueled the fundamental metaphysical belief of the Western worldview: that consciousness is a by-product of material processes occurring in the brain.
But as modern science has discovered the deep links between creative intelligence and all levels of reality, this simplistic picture of the universe has become increasingly untenable.
The probability that human consciousness and the complex universe that surrounds us arose from the random interaction of inert matter has been compared to that of a hurricane blowing over a scrap heap and accidentally creating a supersonic vehicle.
Newtonian science is responsible for having offered us a very limited vision of human beings and their true potentialities. For some two hundred years it has been concerned with dictating the criteria of what is an acceptable experience and what is an unacceptable experience of reality.
From his point of view, a "normal" person is one who is capable of exactly reproducing the external objective world described by Newtonian science.
As modern physics became concerned with the study of the very small and the very large—in the subatomic realm of the microcosm and in the astrophysical realm of the macrocosm—it did not take long to realize that some of the fundamental Newtonian principles were limited or wrong. .
In the mid-twentieth century, physics discovered that atoms - defined by Newtonian physics as the elementary, indestructible building blocks of the material world - were made up of smaller and more elementary particles, protons, neutrons and electrons, and this very line of research has ended up leading to the identification of hundreds of subatomic particles.
Subatomic particles had strange properties that defied Newtonian principles. In some experiments they behaved as if they were corpuscular entities, while in others, on the contrary, they seemed to exhibit condicular properties, a fact that soon became known as the 'wave-particle paradox'.
Thus, the old definition of matter was replaced, at the subatomic level, by that of statistical probability, by the "tendency to exist," a night
that, in recent times, has ended up dissipating behind what modern physicists call the "dynamic vacuum."
Thus, the exploration of the microcosm revealed that the universe of everyday life, apparently composed of solid and discrete objects, is actually a complex web of events and relationships. From this new perspective, consciousness is not limited to passively reflecting the objective material world but plays an active role in creating reality itself.
Investigations by scientists in the field of astrophysics have also led us to equally revealing discoveries. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, for example, space is not three-dimensional and time is not linear.
From this point of view, space and time are not separate entities but are integrated into a four-dimensional continuum known as "spacetime." What we once perceived as boundaries between objects and distinctions between matter and empty space have ended up being replaced by something new.
Thus, instead of talking about discrete objects and empty spaces between them, today the universe is considered to be a continuous field of variable density. According to modern physics, matter is interchangeable with energy, and consciousness - which is not limited to the activities that take place inside our skulls and is part of the very fabric of the universe.
As the British astronomer James Jeans said some sixty years ago, the universe of modern physics is more like a great thought than a gigantic super machine.
The current universe does not resemble a conglomerate of Newtonian objects so much as an extraordinarily complex system of vibratory phenomena that presents properties and possibilities unimaginable to Newtonian science, highlighting, among all of them, holography.
Holography is a photographic process that uses a laser beam of coherent light (of the same wavelength) to build three-dimensional images in space.
A hologram, which we could compare to the slide that allows us to project the image, is the recording of an interference pattern between two halves of a laser beam.
After the laser beam is scattered by a partially silvered mirror, a part of it (called the reference beam) is directed towards the hologram emulsion and the other half (called the object beam) is reflected back onto the film from the object. photographed.
The curious thing is that the information coming from the two rays, essential to reproduce a three-dimensional image, remains "folded" and distributed throughout the hologram, and that we can divide the hologram into as many parts as we want and discover that, when illuminating any of the fragments, each of them "unfolds" a three-dimensional image of the whole.
The discovery of holography has become a fundamental element of the scientific view of the world.
The world that we perceive through the senses and the nervous system, with or without the help of scientific instruments, only represents a small fragment of reality.
What we perceive constitutes the "unfolded" or "explained" order, a partial aspect of a larger matrix called the "implicate" or "folded" order.
In other words, what we perceive as reality is similar to the projection of a holographic image from a higher matrix.
According to David Bohm, holographic theory illustrates the idea that energy, light, and matter are composed of interference patterns that carry information about all other waves of light, energy, and matter with which they have directly or indirectly entered. in contact.
Thus, each fragment of energy or matter constitutes a microcosm that encloses the whole. We should therefore no longer consider life in terms of inanimate matter.
Matter and life - like matter and consciousness - are abstractions of the holomovement, that is, abstractions of an undivided whole from which nothing can be separated.
Bohm reminds us that even the very process of abstraction by which we create the illusion of separateness from the whole is itself an expression of the holomovement.
Nature is full of geniuses, full of divinity. Not a single snowflake escapes his hand.
There are many interesting parallels between David Bohm's view of physics and Karl Pribram's view of neurophysiology. After several decades of research and experimentation, this world-renowned neuroscience has come to the conclusion that certain puzzling paradoxes related to brain function can only be explained by resorting to holographic principles.
Pribram's revolutionary brain model and Bohm's holomotion theory have profound implications for
the new understanding of human consciousness that we are just beginning to translate to the personal level.
Consciousness and the human psyche are expressions and reflections of a cosmic intelligence that permeates the entire universe and all of existence. We are not only highly evolved animals with biological computers housed inside our skulls, but we are also limitless fields of consciousness that transcend time, space, matter, and linear causation.
What is consciousness? The question can unleash all kinds of definitions and philosophical and even religious discussions. Scientifically, consciousness is the ability to integrate information across time, space, attributes, and ideas. This information is processed in different regions of the brain and put together to form a "conscious" perception.
And where is? A scientist has found the place where we have consciousness, and it looks more like an "energy" than a biological place in the body. Dr. Johnjoe McFadden, a renowned British researcher who for 20 years has tried to explain where consciousness is found in the human body, published his latest findings in the journal Neuroscience of Consciousness.
McFadden points out that consciousness resides in the global electromagnetic field of the brain and can be found and measured through electroencephalograms and magnetoencephalographs. According to his hypothesis, which he has called the conscious electromagnetic information field (CEMI) theory, "matter and energy are equally physical; But instead of being made up of material, the cermi field theory proposes that our thoughts are made up of energy from the brain's electromagnetic field." This probability then poses "a scientific dualism based on the physical difference between matter and energy, rather than a metaphysical distinction between matter and spirit."
In his research, the also professor of Molecular Genetics at the University of Surrey, proposes the scientific bases of free will and how it can affect human conscious decisions, in addition to advancing how his theory may have implications in the design of an "artificial consciousness". which would be the next step of artificial intelligence.
"Of course, there are many unanswered questions, such as the degree and extent of synchrony necessary to encode conscious thoughts, the influence of drugs or anesthetics on the cemi field, or whether como fields are causally active in the brain of animals. ", admits McFadden, but assures that his theory "provides a new paradigm in which consciousness is rooted in an entirely physical, measurable and artificially malleable physical structure and is amenable to experimental tests". And he ends by writing that "consciousness is what algorithms that exist simultaneously in the space of the brain's electromagnetic field feel like."
One of the most important open questions in science is how our consciousness is established.
In the 1990s, long before he won the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics for his prediction of black holes, physicist Roger Penrose teamed up with anesthetist Stuart Hameroff to propose an ambitious answer.
Both argued that the brain's neural system forms an intricate network and that the consciousness it produces should obey the rules of quantum mechanics, the theory that determines how tiny particles like electrons move.
According to these researchers, this could explain the mysterious complexity of human consciousness.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, experts in quantum physics revealed that everything is energy, and that the material world is, in one way or another, an illusion. Everything vibrates and everything moves with a unique frequency. This means that a chair or a candle are just forms of energy. Your body is just energy. And a thought or an emotion is also energy.
There are visible forms of energy that you can see and even touch. And there are invisible forms such as sound waves, microwaves, and electromagnetism. When you feel the tension in the air before it rains, or when you walk into a church and feel peace, you are perceiving invisible energy. Consciousness is also another form of invisible energy.
In the quantum universe, energy and consciousness are inseparable. Consciousness interacts with energy to shape. This we can understand intellectually; but in practice, thinking that the table, the candle, the people, the trees and everything that surrounds us are forms of energy may not be so simple. Actually, we don't like to see it that way because we resist change, to have a vision of the world as something that goes beyond what we can perceive with our senses.
A new trend based on a psycho-energetic universe has begun to emerge and is changing the world
of medicine and health care. The new healing arts (and those that already existed before modern medicine) are focusing on energy and consciousness, two concepts that have been largely dismissed by conventional medicine.
Thought is the most subtle and necessary energy of all that exist. It is expensive energy. To produce people capable of generating it, we need the entire educational system, which costs a lot, and a society that, with confidence, pays for it.
In the long years in which we educate ourselves, we learn a large number of things that make us apparently useless. Things that we probably use very rarely. Notions of almost everything, mathematics, grammar, geography, physics, history, crystallography... we like to know that they stay there. They are like steps that will allow us to access other more complex knowledge later.
Philosophy is the strangest. It is a knowledge that many societies have dispensed with and do without. It is fascinating. It was born in Greece and has been with us ever since, changing and modulating without rest, with some theories climbing over others until composing an amazing edifice that we know by the name of History of Thought. Because it is not true that philosophy teaches to think. It trains us to think, without a doubt, but it teaches us what has been thought and why. It shows us the ground on which we navigate. The enormous flow of ideas and arguments that has brought us to our present.
Sometimes the peculiarity of our tradition surprises us: it seems like a huge and senseless waste of intelligence. But then we realize that, with all that mass, we have made things. They are not just ideas, but have been translated into institutions, behaviors, rules and customs. This happens to us because this knowledge is intrinsically linked to who we are, it has shaped us in reality. We are the first humanity product of a design of which philosophical ideas were the main authors. We embody the result of the ethical and political imagination of those who took that great leap over mere success.
That story is ours. The history of philosophy is the key to what we are and why we are. It's all there. From Plato to Descartes, from Spinoza to Darwin; from Hegel to Freud. From Tocqueville to Beauvoir. From Augustine to Marx. In philosophy there are no impossible paths. Not only is it part of the hard core of the Humanities, but it is the very root of what our civilization consists of. We are progeny of ideas. They are our firm walls. We have to continue to know that and transmit it.
In this way, the human body can be seen as a structured and visible energy system, in constant interaction with non-visible energies such as thoughts and emotions. And at the same time it is part of a much larger energy field, as is the universal energy field.
Intention is defined as focused thought to perform a certain action. Goal-directed thoughts can affect inanimate objects and virtually all living matter, from single-celled organisms to human beings. The emission of light particles (biophotons) seems to be the mechanism by which an intention produces its effects. All living organisms emit a constant stream of photons that are a means of directing non-local instantaneous signals from one part of the body to another and to other beings.
Biophotons are stored and emitted by the DNA inside the cell. When the organism is sick, changes occur in the emission of these biophotons. Directed intention manifests as electrical and magnetic energy, and produces an orderly flow of photons. Our intentions seem to operate as if they were highly coherent frequencies capable of changing the molecular structure of matter. For the intention to be effective it is necessary to choose the appropriate moment. Indeed, living beings are harmonized with each other and also with the earth and its constant changes of magnetic energy. It has been shown that thought energy can also alter the environment. Hypnosis, stigmata and the placebo effect can also be considered as types of intention, that is, as instructions sent to the brain during a particular state of consciousness.
Cases of spontaneous healing or remote healing of serious diseases represent moments of extreme intention that we can use to control diseases that threaten our lives. Both the intention to heal and the patient's belief in the efficacy of healing influences promote their healing. In conclusion, the studies of thought and consciousness are emerging as fundamental aspects and not as mere epiphenomena that are rapidly leading to a profound paradigm shift in science
Biology and Medicine.
Understanding that living beings -of course also human beings- generate energy fields, allows us to consider new answers to the usual questions. Why do I sometimes feel good or bad next to a person? Why do I sometimes enter a place and feel attacked even though no one has told me anything? How can I know my child is having problems before he tells me? Why do some people exhaust me so much?
Our energy field nourishes our physical body and protects us from the environment. The fundamentally mechanistic approach to medicine that we consider "scientific" in our socioeconomic environment makes it very difficult for us to understand something fundamental: We should not continue to separate the physical functioning of the body from mental and emotional functioning. The human being has a body, has a mind, emotions and a spirit and any approach to health and disease (and diagnosis and treatment) has to take all of this into account as a whole.
The fact that we cannot "measure the emotional" does not mean that we cannot show how the emotional affects what we can measure and advance in its interpretation based on the new knowledge that is also being generated. Just as we have been measuring the electrical activity of the heart (electrocardiogram), brain activity (electroencephalogram) or the degree of muscle activation (electromyogram) for more than 100 years, we can also measure the electromagnetic energy of our energy field.
Since photography was invented, man discovered that something similar to an electromagnetic "halo" that surrounds living things could also be photographed, although photographing something is not the same as knowing what it means. The understanding of human electromagnetic fields and their importance in relation to health only began with the contributions of the Kirlian spouses back in 1939. It is in the last thirty years that modern physics has been shelling out knowledge about the "material" elements. energy" (two sides of the same coin), together with the technological development for the measurement of this activity.
Today we have infrared cameras to visualize the distribution of temperature in the body and locate possible alterations... We also have a technology of great value, even pedagogical, such as GDV Bioelectrography (Gas Discharge Visualization acronym in English; Bio-Well).
This technology allows us to visualize the energy reserves of our body and what changes occur in our energy structure, as a consequence of different external stimuli (what we do, the places where we are, the people with whom we interact, what we eat, etc.) and internal stimuli (our own thoughts and emotions). That is, we have the knowledge and technology to measure our electromagnetic field.
Of course, understanding that the image of a person's energy field can provide information about their state of health is only compatible with the understanding of another fundamental concept: the human being (linked to their health) is something more than an absolute perfect machine. precision.
Just as we have been determining physiological or normal ranges for physical and chemical parameters (body temperature, blood pressure...), we should have defined -at the energy level- parameters and ranges equally interpretable as signs of health (for example, we know what it means at the cellular level, a low transmembrane potential or an alteration in the resonance frequency of certain cells).
Unlike what happens in a physical object, a field does not have a limit, it does not end in any specific place; it lingers and fades into the distance but doesn't really end. It is in this sense that I can say that I do not end where I see my skin, but actually extend beyond my physical body.
It is true that my influence becomes less and less the further away from me, but it does not end. Everything is totally connected by these energy fields. My energy connects with that of physically close people, and also (through other processes) with those who are emotionally close.
All the activities that we carry out throughout the day modify our energetic structure. We call these modifications that strengthen and favor us "constructive". On other occasions, interaction with the outside disharmony us, causing us to lose energy, make us feel weaker, more confused, or simply bad. Rather than judging whether a factor or an activity or a situation is "good" or "bad", there will simply be factors that occasionally harmonize and others that do not harmonize.
Throughout many years I have dedicated myself to analyzing the impact of daily actions, to see what harmonizes us and what does not. I have been able to observe h
ow people who act with passion have higher energy levels. For example, when you dance, many energy unlocks occur, favoring the free circulation of energy. Singing is also an activity that improves the general energetic state (singing for pleasure, of course), how to move or practice light exercise constantly.
On the contrary, external electromagnetic radiation tends to disrupt us in a general way, mobile phones, Wi-Fi, work in offices with many electromagnetic devices connected simultaneously... all of this is detrimental to our energy structure.
But among all the factors that I have been able to analyze, of course the one with the greatest power on the variation of our energy field is our own thought.
When we worry about an idea that settles in our mind, and we repeat it over hours, days, even weeks, that packet of energy that we call thought begins to disharmony our entire energy field. We become weaker, more fragile, more reactive.
On the contrary, if we manage to focus our mind on a positive thought, on a thought of gratitude, of optimism, our entire energy field becomes stronger, more harmonious. We are then less subject to what happens outside, less reactive, less vulnerable and this has a direct impact on our health, both physical and emotional.
It is not for nothing that the magnetic component of the energy field of the heart is 5000 times stronger than that of our brain. This means that through the heart and feelings of gratitude and benevolence we can manage to reverse most of the situations that destabilize us. Our energy field nourishes and protects our physical structure. Therefore, keeping it strong and harmonious can be an important key to our well-being.
Make sure you sleep in an environment free of external electromagnetic radiation (mobile phone in airplane mode, Wi-Fi turned off, do not have a digital clock radio or plugs near your head).
Try to spend at least some time in the sun (take adequate precautions to protect yourself from UV radiation). It is our main source of electromagnetic radiation, like a great pump from which we nourish ourselves and with which we recharge ourselves.
Walk barefoot on the ground whenever you can. The exchange of ions between your body and the earth will promote electrostatic discharge and will produce great benefits for your health.
Eat little (or no) processed foods. Food also has its own energy field. If they are organically grown, they are not only providing you with biochemical nutrients but also with energy. Processed foods have very few energy nutrients (and many potential biochemical toxins).
Try to dedicate some time each day to train your mind so that it can focus on your dreams and projects. Remember that thoughts can have a devastating or magically rebuilding effect on your own energy field.
Sing, dance, laugh, don't let a single day go by in your life without you remembering that living can be a wonderful experience. Anchor yourself in your passion. Always follow your heart.
Spend a few minutes a day breathing consciously. Through breathing we introduce a large amount of energy into our body, energy available to be used in any mental or biological process. No sophisticated technique is necessary. It is enough that every 2 or 3 hours you close your eyes for a moment and take about 10 breaths consciously. Just watch the air going in and out of your body.
Observe your own body every time you enter a space, or that a person approaches you. You will probably know instinctively if this is harmonizing or disharmonizing for you. Alina belonged to the intraterrestrial world by affinity or electromagnetic resonance