The time had come to open the mysterious Chest, Alina, the commissioner's daughter, was also there, everyone was waiting to discover the secret that she kept inside her.
They proceeded to remove him from the vault, where he was jealously guarded, fear was evident in everyone's eyes. The unknown attracts, but the risk of opening that chest produced terror. He had been found in flames in that distant cabin. Everything was shrouded in mystery.
They donned protective clothing, sat in a circle, and the committee chairman began picking the lock. The Chest was in the middle of the circle and began to rise into the air in front of everyone's sight, whoever was trying to open it quickly withdrew.
It began to open and exuded a pleasant smell similar to Sandalwood. A kind of crown came out at the top with a special shine and served as a frame for a stone carved with some unknown hieroglyphics. Alina was impressed and eager to know the mysterious message hidden in that rectangular"shaped stone.
She could not contain herself and took that stone with a jump ... Someone yelled at her, Let go of it, it can hurt you! She held it excitedly and told them, it is a language similar to Greek, some characters are identical. The rest are drawings that identify the culture of that civilization. Exist ! she exclaimed, they are real and they are among us ... They are human and identical to us in terms of their morphology. An aircraft model different from ours is shown.
The commissioner expressed his surprise, "Vehicles or aircraft ... Why, if they use teleportation?, I myself, was an eyewitness of that …"
"Dad, that deteriorates their molecular structure and they only do it in special circumstances. I know because they said it on yesterday's TV show. They are material and dense like us, but they are waiting to enter the fourth dimension by evolution of the planet earth in its ascent by the great universal energetic helicoid".
She listened carefully and astonished, she was a young woman who barely spoke words and now she was expressive.
The Chest was slowly lowered to its original place, inside there was a kind of envelope. The name of Enoch, the author of biblical writings considered apocryphal, was clearly read. He is known to mention the beings that inhabit the earth and also the angels.
The commissioner and his daughter took all the material to his house. They left him in a room that no one used, to be investigated the next day.
Alina's room was lit up at night completely. A transparent but human"looking being was in the room. She woke up. but she did not feel any fear, her gaze was sweet and her intentions were not aggressive.
They connected mentally, he was a being that had passed through the transition (temporary physical death) and now possessed an etheric body. This state is prior to the definitive state of the perfect human being, which was the initial conception of the creator in the universal memory of him.
She felt a great attraction for him, her eyes were deep and full of love. She explained the Neural Communication (Synapse), not just the Synapse at the chemical level and by response to neurotransmitters. The most important is the electrical synapse, as they influence.
ions in our neural behavior. We are trapped in energy, but interacting with the environment as a whole and at the same time we are all part of a great system that must keep the energy inputs and outputs in balance.
From her he transmitted information directly to her brain, their language was now perfectly known to her. That way, she could uncover the veil over the information contained in the chest and translate the table that was found inside.
She writes everything you know about us. You are a brave and very intelligent woman. She talks about Neural Love and the value of feeling it ... It is not about empty beautiful words, but rather about silences full of love ...
Our life is long, I made the mistake of teleporting without due preparation and a molecular disorder occurred that led me to cease from the physical body before it was due. I help the earthlings of the surface who are prepared to receive the teaching by this means and spread it. You are ... You are not socially maladjusted, they are the ones who do not understand their collective insanity called sanity. You have a higher energy level, you vibrate above them and you have wings that allow you to see up there what they cannot perceive.
There are levels of levels, nothing is inside or outside, we are part of an infinite spiral ...
Translate the writing, I will help you, in your imagination realities that have a place in the impossible will be reflected.
Nothing should stop you. I'll leave this to you and show him a metallic sphere. When you want to communicate with me, press the black point with your index finger. You must be alone, no one must see me. I need protection, I cut my cycle by mistake.
You are very pretty, I would like to have a physical body and feel your soft skin ... You make me feel love. I must retire, the sun hurts me and your window is illuminated by its rays. Our sun is dim and its rays strike differently.
She tried to hug him, but she couldn't, she disappeared ...
She fell asleep again. It was ten o'clock in the morning and she was beginning to wake up, she tried to look for the sphere and did not find it. She asked her mother and she did not know what she was talking about. She felt very sad because she would never again communicate with the strange being. The search for her was in vain, she had disappeared.
She started translating the table quickly. In the letter it was mentioned that whoever found it had to remain without publishing anything for exactly ten years. So she, knowing the content, told her father that she actually did not understand that language and she could not decipher it … The case was closed. No one commented again on the intraterrestrials, it was just another fantasy ...
Alina studied engineering, got married and after a short marriage she divorced. In her thoughts there was always that magical and beautiful event. In her studies, she understood the electrical structure of matter and the explanation of many physical and astronomical events. She began to admire the great mathematician Leonhard Euler, who was able to perform integral calculations in her memory. She also loved the physics explained by him.
There was something even more interesting .... She believed in the existence of an intraterrestrial civilization illuminated by an internal sun. Something was clear, the geographical pole and the magnetic pole of the earth do not coincide ... Like the astronomer Halley, she knew with certainty that the existence of this civilization was real. Studies on the variation of gravity and seismic waves gave a very high probability of their existence. The main entrances to this civilization would be located in the terrestrial poles and its sun is the nucleus formed by two incandescent cones.
After ten years, Alina decides to fulfill her mission of writing about this advanced civilization. In her mind a science fiction story with the fundamental principles of said civilization was captured. She began to write in the name of the universal love that we should feel. The title of the story would not be elusive to intraterrestrials, as many would think that it was just a fantasy.
She wrote a deep story, where she showed her inner knowledge of her, this story she titled: SACRED SEX