Chereads / RWBY: Jaune Arc SI (Complete) / Chapter 1 - My Plans for Stealing Shine have Already Failed, As Expected

RWBY: Jaune Arc SI (Complete)

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Chapter 1 - My Plans for Stealing Shine have Already Failed, As Expected

I am not afraid to admit that when I saw Blake Belladonna sitting in a diner booth after I paid my bill at the greeter desk I had a bit of a fanboy moment. I can already hear all the catcalls of SIMP, but fuck you guys. In 17 years the closest I ever got to any of the other members of the main cast was a box of cereal that spiked my blood sugar levels just looking at it. Fortunately I am not a simpleton and my happy surprise didn't leave me staring at her, but I did see enough to catch the title of the book she read as she sipped her coffee, 'Ninjas of Love'. From the rumplage along the spine of the book it got a lot of use.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked politely as I slid onto the bench seat across from her.

"Apparently it didn't matter if it was." She sniped at me while her golden eyes narrowed in annoyance not even one exchange into our brand new friendship.

"I knew you would appreciate the irony." I grinned widely and clapped my hands together, "But I didn't come over here to compliment your wit, just your courage. Reading porn in public is pretty daring."

"It's not porn." she defended reflexively.

"I've read the series enough to know what it is about." I laughed, "I'd say you're in good company liking those books, but that might come across as egotistical, and I'm told my sarcasm doesn't do a good job landing."

"I just want to drink my coffee and read my book." she stated in a tone that signaled the end of the conversation.

"Alright, but before I make tracks could you at least do me the courtesy of answering whether that cold shoulder is because you've been burned recently, or do you play for the other team?" I asked while pretty sure I just scorched the earth between us.

"Recently burned." She answered, definitely pissed by the dyke accusation. I am not exactly sure why though, I didn't watch the show after season five or so but I am pretty sure she officially paired with Yang. Some people just aren't happy with calling a goose a goose.

"Fair enough." I replied, "In my experience turtling up isn't the best way to deal with a bad break up."

"And what is?" She bit the bait I laid out.

"Getting with someone new." I gave her that terrible advice with a completely straight face I swear, my face didn't twitch from my desire to laugh at that garbage advice, not one single twitch.

"That sounds like absolutely terrible advice." She shook her head and prepared to go back to her solitude.

"Oh really," I sounded surprised, an Oscar worthy inflection if ever I heard one, "Give me a couple hours of your time, I'm sure I can convince you."

Six days later.

"Keep going Jaune," Blake moaned on her knees and elbows while I held onto her hips, "I'm almost there."

I kept up my rapid tempo while breathing heavily. When we finally finished she collapsed onto our motel bed while I went over to the off bathroom sink and started guzzling water from it in a desperate attempt to rehydrate before my cat-woman lover found herself needing more of me. We hadn't made it to lunch before we came back to my motel room that first day and since then we clocked no fewer than twelve hours a day of passionate athletic banging. Blake went from blushing beginner to ball draining bombshell in shocking speed.

My hands on the countertop kept me up while I finished catching my wind, and for the first time in my new life I contemplated tapping out to pussy. Between my insane cardio and the recuperative powers of aura I had never failed to outlast a single lover, but Blake Belladonna had me on the ropes and I didn't want any more. Not even the cool air of our room could distract me from the phantom feeling of her hot tunnel squeezing my cock like vice.

I looked up into the mirror and got a good look at myself, something that always makes me happy. You definitely wouldn't say 'that's Jaune Arc' if you saw me. Not only was the human constraints on line mileage and textures gone, allowing small details like the golden hairs that decorated my stomach and chest to be seen, but I stood six foot five inches and possessed a build that made me look like Alex Louis Armstrong's slightly smaller cousin. Canon Jaune missed out big time, because not a single muscle group came in poorly on my body. Not only that, but I had canon Jaune's surprising strength in a body with way more contractile tissue. My body exuded strength and virility, something I'd worked hard for all my reincarnated life.

A quick glance at the electronic clock peeled my eyes away from myself long enough for me to realize how close we were to missing our flight over to Beacon.

"Babe, we gotta go in a hurry!" I let her know while swiftly pulling on a pair of briefs that I found on the floor.

"We need to shower and eat." She told me from her place on the bed.

"No time, we are going to have to run to make it." I countered her sharply.

Raising her head to look at the same clock caused her to widen her eyes in dismay. We really had no time to waste. With feline agility Blake bounded out of the soiled motel bed sheets and started frantically dressing in yesterday's barely worn clothes. Fortunately we packed our gear and luggage up during a break the previous night, so after pulling on a simple sporting outfit I hauled up my two huge duffle bags with a grunt. Maneuvering out the motel door with over two hundred and fifty pounds of equipment and ammunition in addition to my daily necessities took a bit more time than I care to admit, but I didn't have to put down either my bags or pride. It didn't fit, but I made it fit.

The pair of us tossed the keys off at the unmanned front desk and took off running through the streets. We did in fact make our flight that would take us across the cliff faced harbor that divided the city of Vale from Beacon Academy. Interestingly enough I did not develop motion sickness despite my childhood equally devoid of air travel as canon Jaune. I took it as a sign that wherever Monty ended up he didn't need a cheap joke at my expense. Nah, instead people avoided me and my lovely new girlfriend for an entirely different reason.

"You guys smell like wild sex!" someone shouted aloud, probably a future member of team CRDL. This of course brought out the typical gossip and giggles expected from an airship packed full of kids aged seventeen to twenty, and an embarrassed blush from Blake.

I grabbed her across the shoulders and whispered into her bow covered cat ears, "Wear it as armor and it can never hurt you." And because she knew nothing of Tyrian Lannister - or Peter Dinklage the poor deprived girl - I sounded incredibly deep and confident.

A quick kiss restored Blakes intestinal fortitude right up until the point that she realized the last thing I did with my mouth wasn't breakfast or mouthwash. Once that hit she looked like she might puke.

"Is there a problem babe?" I asked in false innocence.

"You are disgusting." She groaned while looking green, "How could you do that to me?"

"That's standard these days, love bug." I grinned, "And you weren't grossed out when you were cumming hard from it."

"There is no way that is standard." She vehemently denied, "And you didn't kiss me after you did it all."

"Just be glad I didn't slip you some tongue." I smiled and pulled us up to one of the many windows on this airship giving us a rather scenic view of idyllic upper Vale and off in the distance the storybook castle setting of Beacon. Back a ways, a pair of half sisters conversed about knees until Glynda Milfwitch popped up on holo and gave us a quick speech about how brave and worthy we were and how Beacon would give us the tools needed to be heroes. Some of us at least. With how dangerous the initiation in the show was, I can see well why I had to waiver my rights and the rights of my kin to sue in case of injury or death.

A rather necessary bathroom break saw me and Blake getting off the ship last, and just in time to watch the debacle of a first meeting between future besties Ruby and Weiss. After the elemental mushroom cloud settled I stepped in to save the day before Weiss ripped Ruby a new one.

"Hey!" I shouted as I walked over to them, "Are you both alright?"

Weiss began her tirade anyway, seeing red both literally and metaphorically while looking at the younger girl.

"Just hold on right there." I interrupted while lifting one of the meaty bearpaws I called hands, "If your dust supply was so poorly secured that a little bump from a girl that maybe weighs a hundred and ten pounds can cause an explosion then the problem isn't with her, it is with you and how recklessly you take the very serious business of dust storage and transportation. Also I didn't see her waiving a dust vial with a compromised lid around. That was also you."

The little woman in white fixed me with a sneer that would make Severus Snape envious, "Do you even know who I am?"

"Not at all." I deadpanned and continued, "And with the way you have been behaving I am not interested in getting to know you better till you have taken some time to calm down and reflect on how atrociously you have been treating people you will be spending the next four years studying and fighting alongside of. This is not a good first impression."

Weiss took the opportunity to take off rather than stick around and show us how mortified she likely was to be defeated in the world of manners. Or before she blew her lid more explosively than the dust vial she had been waving around. Either or and I chose to believe I won that exchange flawlessly.

"As for you…" I spun around ominously causing Ruby's smug face to shift to pure expressive horror, "I am Jaune and this is my lovely girlfriend Blake." I smiled beatifically.

"Hi, I am the lovely girlfriend Blake." Blake introduced herself to the youngest member of the class with a grin before turning to me and pulling my head to her.

"That was the hottest thing I have ever seen." she whispered in my ear, "We need to slip away to deal with this before I pass out from dehydration."

"I think I just fell in love with you." I growled at her.

"Same." She said before giving me a quick kiss, with tongue.

Blake Belladonna really did just run off with my heart.