The next day Marcuc woke up feeling sad and not like himself, he missed his workout session with Martin because he was sad and over jealous. He never thought a day will come where he would be the one chasing for a woman, clinging to one and it's because women were the ones who alway chased him and not the other way around.
For years he had to build up his standards and came to a conclusion that he only had to sleep with women who had their lives together, meaning women with jobs and successful careers. Ranging from supermodels, to women in the Congress, Marcus had done it all. Yet, a lawyer who just got her licence and still makes six figures a year managed to keep him in check to such a way he started doubting himself.
Marcus always thought he had that magnetic force towards women, he could always pull a couple of them whenever he walks inside an event and that is because he was once named "The Sexiest Man Alive" by People's Magazine and he's been bragging about it since then. His physique alone was an outstanding introduction which he felt any woman should be able to take him to bed - but not Diana.
"Diana... what did this man do to you that makes me invisible?" he thought out loud. Then the vivid image of Jacob kissing Diana, and him having that unique access to Diana's lips and body seemed like magic to him. He would give up everything just to have that taste of Diana's saliva, to hold on to her fine tiny waist and pull her closer.
When he thought about Diana's lips he nearly went down to his manhood, he wanted to stroke himself so smoothly while thinking about Diana till he reached climax, but he knew that wouldn't feel as good as placing his manhood inside Diana. "Damn! She must be so hot inside there..." he thought again and the memories of Diana's thighs made him hard at that very moment.
He suddenly got up, put on his black shorts with a white hoodie, and some sandals then he tied back his long hairs which seemed to grow even longer today, he knew he had to cut them off just a little bit when he came back. He took his wallet which had his phone and credit cards then stormed out of his room. It was 6 am and he was sure Martin and the other guards were at the gym during the time burning some morning oil. He used that chance to take the BMW x7 and drove out of the house without alarming his guards.
He said to himself "I have to do this, I have to do this" as he kept driving fast trying to reach Diana's apartment in the heart of the city before she left. It took almost one hour drive from where he was staying which was out of nowhere, to New York Times Square where it wasn't that far from Diana's apartment, and Marcus drove as if he was the only one on the road.
Forty five minutes later he was at the heart centre of New York, and as usual there were still people strolling around clearly showing that they have been there the whole night. "Damn, y'all really hate sleeping that much?" he said to himself trying not to hit anyone with his car as he passed through the crowd.
He finally came upon the next building to Diana's apartment and he got out his car, locked it and raced to the elevator with his black shades on just so no one can notice him.
"Good morning..." A beautiful lady in her outfit costume greeted her, she even waved but he just smiled. Then she heard her saying to her friend on the phone "Oh my God! I think I just met an angel..." and he chuckled softly while going inside the elevator.
Before the elevator closed, another woman walked inside it and she had the same reaction as the first woman after seeing Marcus. Her eyes seemed nervous even though she tried to keep it steady, she seemed official wearing a black suit and heels, with a channel bag on her hand. She was so sexy and that red lipstick almost made Marcus want to pin her on the wall right then and there but he didn't. "Think about Diana, focus..." he thought.
"It's a little too cold for a casual look, don't you think?" asked the woman with a huge smile on her lips looking at Marcus.
Marcus managed a smile "What can I say, I'm a beast" he said.
"Beasts don't get cold?"
"Why don't you touch me to find out?" Marcus flirted with this woman and somehow it made her feel good.
As the elevator was approaching the twentieth floor, she dipped her hands inside her purse and took out a business card, then she handed it to Marcus. "Just so when you are ready for me to touch the beast. Give me a call" she said and the elevator beeped, it was the nineteenth floor and she walked out. Marcus kept looking at her as she walked away and then the elevator closed and he continued to the twentieth floor.
The floor had only two apartments which were huge so he was sure they are paying much more comparing with other apartments, he used the same truck as last night and it worked. He walked inside slowly and closed the door, then he lifted up the curtains and there they were - Jacob and Diana sleeping peacefully unaware that someone was watching. Marcus poured himself some wine even though it was too early to do that, and he even made himself some toast and eggs, then took a sit at the big couch looking through the transparent glass.
The good thing about the material that made up the glass is that, Marcus could look at them while they couldn't see who was looking unless they opened the windows for some fresh air which they did and Marcus had that clear vision. He reached the apartment at 7am, and until 9am, Diana and Jacob were still sleeping. "He must have fucked you hard last night didn't he? You look so tired my love, I wouldn't fuck you that hard if you were with me, of course unless you ask. But this dude... he knows you have work tomorrow he shouldn't have... fuck you" Marcus said growing impatient.
His phone started ringing since seven and he didn't pick up, it was Martin and he didn't feel like explaining himself to why he wasn't at home, after all he was a grown up. When it became too much he switched if off and kept on watching.
The first person to wake up was Jacob, he kissed Diana on her forehead and Marcus groaned then he raised his glass and drank some wine. "That's not even how you are supposed to kiss her dude!" he said expressing his discomfort.
Diana woke up, she smiled at him and kissed his lips. Then she kissed his toned up chest and these two seemed so much in love.
"Morning..." said Jacob.
"Did I wake you?" he asked.
"No my love, I'm just sore..." teased Diana then they both laughed. "But happy. I'm happy, so happy"
Jacob kissed Diana's lips "So am I, but if we keep staying on this bed we might as well as starve to death. Let me go grab some food, then we can lay down the whole day"
"Don't be late, or I'll start missing you"
"I won't be"
Diana reached out for Jacob's lips again, and she seemed to not wanting to let go. Marcus looked upon with tears falling down between his cheeks, he was in his emotions and the bad thing was he didn't know how to control them. He broke the glass which he was holding by smashing it on the floor then kept on looking at Jacob getting out of bed naked. Marcus surveyed Jacob's back which was toned and huge, he had lean muscles fit to strangle a rabbit and kill it without breaking a sweat.
"Okay, okay, he does have that toned up body but I'm not sure Diana is into all that muscles... seems too much for her. She must be exhausted after carrying all that... Martin was right, this guy does love weights more than people" Marcus said then he looked upon as Jacob left the room and Diana remained all alone.
If it was any other woman whom he didn't come to love, nor cherished then Marcus would have gone to the apartment and kidnapped her. He has done that before and several women found themselves in the strange house in the middle of nowhere and trapped. They all end up dead when they put on a fight, but there was no way he would kill Diana nor kidnap her. He wanted to have Diana with her own will, he wanted it to be romantic and memorable. But there was a person to kill and that was Jacob hence he stormed out of the building and followed Jacob's car.