Chapter 7 - Elf

After that incident happen on that small human town, one month has passed I really don`t step my foot on that cursed land after that, I heard from the Batibats that they even started making a statue of me, and what`s worse than the statue you asked?! Those fools made a shrine for me, and the worse of the worse you asked?! the Mayor and the the Bandit leader become priest and start the town`s own religion and the one the worship is you asked!? It`s me! Unholy Gods out there help me bring judgement to those abominations! I am a former Demon Lord! not a God!

Anyway let`s forget that god damn town for now, every time I remember that town it gives me shiver, so rather than that, a few weeks ago I perfected making a soy sauce and also the cheese and butters! We also harvested wheat and rice now! hooray! now we have bread and rice in our table every time we eat, but we have a problem now, few of our Abyssal Wolves are now over weight because they eat too much.

Of course I make a remedy, I limit their food supply and make them hunt small animals, of course I forbid them using their Space Magic when they hunt, it`s a good magic but this is their training to be slim and look dashing, I don`t want them to look like house pets after all.

Then one day few Serpentine Snakes find a flower seed, I don`t know what kind of flower is that but it`s glowing and beautiful, even at night, so we simply call it glow flower, the girls fell in love to this flower and make a small garden near their houses, and by the looks of it it`s easy to take care of, you just need to water it ones a day and it`s good to go.

We it`s not so bad, it`s great for our little town after all, oh and Marina`s race changing magic is complete, not to mention her undead magic! now she is focusing on different kind of magic, of course the other girls also want to learn, and I let them occupy few of the rooms on the dungeon for their magic learning.

And me? What am I doing right now? Nothing! Absolutely nothing! So I call the little pup to accompany in my little adventure in the forest, since I got really bored, we should make a lake also, I think those water wells would be enough water source, we used water too much after all, and the Serpentine Snakes love to stay in water and I just found out that Marina is from the Water Spirit tribe so a lake would be great for her.

After the little pup and I leave the town we decide to rest near the river stream away from the town, I am planning on taking a morning nap here, as a lich I could choose not to sleep but I also have a fully functional body now, although I am still a lich I can sleep or do whatever I want.

I don`t know why but the three worlds in my dreams is slowly fading, and become a distant memory of mine, they are not like the first weeks when I got here that every time I close my eyes I saw that nightmare, maybe this peaceful life truly is changing me, and because of that I enjoy life more and more.

Now that I think about it, that world is truly fucked up since the beginning, rulers they want to conquer all the time not like here that we mind our own business.

I am relaxing for about ten minutes but unholy god! there is this annoying sound of herds, although the sounds look liked it`s a small group of herd it still destroy my great mood.

"Little pup, check that annoying sound, if it`s a cow herds again shooo them away." I said and the little pup lead to the forest, after a few minutes to sound is gone, and I again close my eyes, let me rephrase that suppose to close my eyes, for goodness and the badness` sake! why can`t this forest let me sleep more? did I do something in this forest?!

The was that, this stupid little pup now carrying a humanoid beings, oh cursed gods! why did you take this Little Pup`s little sane mind?! now he even kill a humanoid children! I always told them to only hunt animals! not humanoid beings! even us will not eat that, although some demons will, those creatures are just bottom feeders! those demons are lowest of the low! and we don`t have that in my people!

"Little pup, what did I tell you? I always told you and the minokawa that don`t hunt humanoid creatures right?" I said and Little Pups tail fall down and put down the girl, she`s alive though, she`s fair white and has a long ear... and Elf!

"Is this the one making that annoying sound?" I said, because if that little girl did that I will throw her at the river and feed her to the fishes! luckily this little pup shook his head. "Being chased?" I said now he nod, this little elf probably lost consciousness because she is exhausted and she probably get scared by the wolf, I don`t know why they fear this Abyssal Wolves race, they are lovely and cute, and a great pet!

"You don`t attack this little girl right?" I said and the little pup nod multiple times and I nod also then heal the bruises and the relax the girls mind, then then little pup lay down on the grass, of course I lay my head on the little pup`s fur and let the wind blow my face and lullabied buy the sound of the river and the birds, right now I don`t give shit about the world, the world can be destroyed again for all I care but no one must disturb my sleep!

After a few hours of my sleep I finally waked up and saw the elven little girl struggling to lift the little pup`s tail, is elves so weak to even raise this little pup`s tail? I wonder.

"The Little Pup`s tail is not that delicate you know, why are you struggling to lift it up and his a good boy." I said and the little pup waked up and look at the little girl lifting his tail, now the little girl`s face lost it`s color.

"His not that scary you know." I said and help her lift the tail up, and now she`s not moving, by any chance, is elves in this crazy? they get scared so easy, or maybe they don`t know how to fight? "Uhm... Mister are you not scared to the Abyssal Wolf?" The Little Girl asked. I look at the little pup`s wondering how in the hell can he become scary? His obedient and loyal, not to mention adorable at fault.

"His not that scary you know, rather his kinda cute, a little bit oversized but other than that, his not scary." I said and the little pup stand and slash his paw to the water and get a fish. See! his even helpful! now I don`t need to find something to eat, I simply get my sword and slash the three and make a stick for the fish, after I finish gutting the fish I start grilling the fish of course we bought seasonings, then I look at the girl, oh shit! she`s and elf after all, they are herbivore.

"Oh, I`m sorry little elf, I forgot you don`t eat meat." I said and the little girl shook her head. "We elves eat meat." She said, now that`s new, I remember in the three worlds that this creature only eat leaf, but I guess living in Abyss Forest change their diet, after all eating meat is better than searching for edible plants in this forest.

"Okay, then that`s great! here have some!" I said and cut a piece from the gigantic fish, I don`t know why but everything in Abyss Forest is overgrown, maybe this place has some magical property that make creatures get bigger than their usual size? I should research that after I get back, I don`t want to be a giant after all.

After we finish eating I stand where I am sitting and look at the girl. "I`ll escort you home, after all it`s a little bit dangerous for a little girl like you wondering around the forest." I said and hop up on the wolf, and the girl start walking, the hell is her problem?!

"You could ride here alone, it`s tiring walking around after all!" I said and lend her my hand, she hesitated a little bit but in the end she grab my hand and I pull her up and make her sit in front of me. "Now tell me, what direction is your home." I said and the girl pointed the north side, so I nod and order the little pup to go there, soon we reach a little settlement of elves, and this pointed ear creature pointed their arrow on us ready to attack, so I raised my hand.

I am an advocate of peace after all, I don`t want to start a mess if it`s not really necessary.

"Hold on, elven warrior, we are simply here to send back this little girl home!" I said and I carry the little girl down and look at the elves. "So since I am done escorting you here, we need to go, after all I don`t want to travel at night." I said but the little girl tugged my pants.

"Please, I want to thank you." She said and I look at the Abyssal Wolf, and those elven warriors are ready so turn us to porcupine after all. "It`s fine by me, but how can you do that?" I asked, by the looks of the elven settlement it`s not that rich, they would probably give us some food or something, but anything new is great!

"Please, My savior, follow me." She said and she make a hand signal and the elven warrior put their bow down, and open the wooden gate.

Well then, let`s see what the elven settlement looked like in the inside!