"Princess, Princess, time to wake up."
Rose groggily opened her eyes to a strange sight, a young woman was standing beside her bed, head bowed as she appeared to be waiting for something.
"What? How did you get in my room?" Rose asked sleepily, noticing for the first time as she shook the sleepiness from her eyes that this was not in fact, her room. Somehow, overnight she had ended up in a giant king size four poster bed with lacy curtains hanging down. Fluffy pink satin pillows sat under her head and the most.luxurious pink comforter was tucked up under her chin. come to think of it, she noticed as she glanced under said comforter that she was no longer nude as she had gone to bed but wearing the most comfortable pink datin pajamas.
"Princess, I know you hate rising for your lessons but you know how your father will be if you try to sleep through them again. Now come on! Out of bed!"
"But, what, where....How did i get here?"
The servant seemed to ignore the question as she pulled Rose out of the bed to a sitting position whereupon she tackled Roses hair with a brush, and dressed Rose in the finest Pink gown Rose had ever seen with a set of pearls around her neck. All day she was bounced from one lesson to the next with no one paying any attention to her questions about where she was and why everyone was calling her Princess.
She even tried at dinner with the man everyone was calling King Rupert to tell him that she had no idea what was going on, but he ignored her just as everyone else.
"Maybe i'm dreaming?" She asked herself after the servant had dressed her for bed, "Well if i'm dreaming I don't think I ever want to wake up."
"You wished for a better life, don't you remember?"
Rise neary jumped out of bed with fright when she noticed the speaker who'd said that was the largest black cat she'd ever seen.