Chereads / Can You Hear the Bells? / Chapter 4 - Secret's Safe With Me

Chapter 4 - Secret's Safe With Me

So, that's the story of my parents fucked up relationship. Yep, Too bad he was such an asshole, if he was still with us, we would've had all our shit paid off like three years ago! Now we're back in 1989, where Bruce and his stepmom Amanda Are going to the movies to see Pet Cemetery.

"Okay, we're here! Are you excited or what little dude?!" She was practically jumping up and down. That's what she calls him when she's really excited for something.

"Yep…" Her eyes rolled hearing this.

"What? Please tell me you're not trying to wuss out now, after we already drove here." Her voice sounded almost furious, she was not messing around when she was talking about how she would kill someone to watch the movie.

"No I'm not wussing out! Jesus, have a little faith in me! I already told you, I'm not a fucking baby, I can handle a silly little movie!"

"Hey! Language! Now come on, let's go." As they walked in, he didn't say a word, just looked down at his feet. Truth was, he was a little worried about the movie, he just didn't want to let her be right so he just sucked it up so she could watch the movie. He may hate her guts and hopes she goes to hell but he has a heart, he's not gonna prevent her from watching a movie she's wanted to watch ever since the first trailer came out. He understands how painful that is for a movie lover and especially since it's a horror film and she's in love with horror. As they sat down in the red, slightly scratchy, sticky seats covered in popcorn, the movie started and the light turned off, as well as all the boisterous chattering coming from in the audience.

A loud scream roared from the audience as the cat got run over by the vast truck. As everyone was getting back to their comfortable spots in their seats Bruce felt something warm go down the inseam of his denim jeans and go down off the seat and to the floor, another stream going down his leg onto his socks and seeping through into his shoes. Tears started forming in the corners of his eyes as the mom turned to look at him.

"Dude, are you okay? You're shaking like a leaf!" She was looking all over his face for some sort of clue but then looked down and saw it.

"Oh jeez kid, if you were that scared of watching the movie you should've told me I would have figured something out! Come on, we have to go clean you up and then we can just go home." She reached down and grabbed his hand, pulling him up from his soggy seat. He seemed confused now. He didn't know the movie started, he thought everyone screamed for the same reason he pissed himself. What happened in the movie that made everyone scream? He ran into the bathroom, rushing to grab fistfuls of paper towels from the counter and frantically rubbing it on the crotch area of his pants when, fluuushhhh… There's someone in here?! Shit, Shit, Shit! As the door slowly opened the helpless boy stood there like a deer in the headlights as a tall, Blonde, clean young man opened the door and stood there, his eyes looking at the other boy's face slowly trailing down to the big wet splotch on the kids lower overalls.

"Hey kid, uh, is that piss on your overalls?" He asked as he gestured down to the stain. Bruce tore his eyes away from the perfectly sculptured face speaking in front of him and looked down remembering the wet mess. He turned into a blushing mess at the blink of an eye, more flustered than ever before which made this mystery boy feel bad for the little kid standing before him in the movie theater restroom.

"I'm sorry, here let me get you some wet paper towels, gotta make sure it's wet but not soaking because it'll add an extra mess. Also it's not really a good idea to use dry paper towels because it'll make it ruin the fabric."

"How do you know so much about this?"

"I have younger siblings so I'm used to cleaning up little accidents. So, how old are you, little guy?" He Asked as he bent down, putting his hands on his knees so he could be Bruce's height. Bruce pushed him out of his face and seemed pretty angry that someone just did that to him.

"Guess." He crossed his arms giving him a glare that could end the world if given the power and opportunity.

"Uhm, I'd say about eight maybe?"

"Dude, seriously? Even my mother would laugh at that and she never laughs!"

"Okay then how old are you?"

"I'm 15 dickhead!" He quickly went silent, feeling bad for saying such a young age.

"I've gotta go." He turned and walked out, mortified, leaving the other dude standing in the bathroom in disbelief. As the door shut he got snapped back into reality and was about to apologize but realized that he was gone. Where is he? He ran outside to see if he was there and saw him walking outside on the sidewalk. When he busted out the doors and looked to his left he saw him about ready to get into a red truck and rushed over to him.

"Wait! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad or anything, what's your name?"

"Why do you need to know?" He asked with aggravation lacing in his tone.

"Please? I wanna be friends with you."

"...Bruce." After he told him his name he turned and got in the passenger seat, buckling in, and looked him with a smile before asking for his name

"Devon. My name's Devon." After that they drove off and went home to change.

"Okay, bye Dev." They had the widest grins on their faces almost like they both knew they would be the best of friends right then and there.

"So... Is he your little boyfriend now?"

"No, Amanda…"

"Good because I wont allow a fag to stay in my home, you got that?"

"Yes, Amanda..." The rest of the ride was silent as they drove down the beautiful roads of Stone-dale Arizona, the windows down to let in the crazy wind. For a little moment he finally felt happy near his mother. Like everything was going to be okay. He usually feels miserable when around his mother, but this time his mother didn't completely bring down his mood which was a nice break.