Chereads / Can You Hear the Bells? / Chapter 6 - The dream

Chapter 6 - The dream

Standing in complete darkness, was Bruce. No light, and no sound around him for miles. No wind, no smells of anything, no feeling, nothing. All nothing. He started getting a little anxious and started walking forward hoping it'll lead somewhere, anywhere, but he was basically just walking in circles. Which way's up? Which way's down? Where am I?

All these questions were circling through Bruce's mind and he was filled with utter confusion, until out of nowhere, he started hearing music. It was the sort of music that you feel you've definitely heard before but you don't know exactly. It was some ball music, playing on what sounded like a record player, because of the scratchiness added to the background of the lovely melody. It sounded beautiful, yet eerie, sort of like big flames. They look so fierce and majestic, but they cause so much pain and tragedy. The music gets louder and louder. Louder and louder. Louder to the point where he can't even hear himself think. So scared. So alone. Like an injured deer in the woods, sitting in pain, hoping a person or another animal will cross paths with them and try to help, yet rejecting any help they get.

His ears were pulsing from all the pain, getting ready to bleed as Bruce was trying his very best to cover them up, but no matter what you did, you could still hear the sickening music flow all around you. All of a sudden, it stopped, and it went back to no noise but the ringing in your head. His head was pounding, and his eyes were ringing super loud. Tears rolled down his cheeks, as he tried to control himself, unable to figure out what's happening.

"You shouldn't be here." A voice said. The voice didn't come from any certain direction though. It sounded like it came from everywhere at the same time.

"Bruce. I know you. We know you. Bruce." The voice started repeating his name over and over until the voice started to sound more familiar to him. 'Olivia?' he questioned, as he opened his eyes, and turned his head to the voice, to see Olivia with her backpack hanging on her left shoulder with one of the straps.

He was so puzzled by what just happened, but he just brushed it off thinking it was just a dream, until when he sat up and got a closer look, realizing Olivia didn't really look all that normal. She didn't seem as uncontrollably happy like usual, and it seemed weird to see her without a big smile covering her face. She sat there, blank faced, staring at him intensely, as he was insidiously falling, the room seemingly rising around him until he finally collapsed down, falling into more nothingness like in his so called dream.

"I don't get it! I woke up, didn't I?"

"Aghhhh!!!!!!! Bruce!!!!" There was screaming all around him, as he was falling and falling, but instead of the voice from last time, it was Olivia's.

"Nooo!!!!! Aghhh!! Go!! Go!!! Go!!!! Gooo!!!" Shrieks from Olivia were coming from everywhere and would not stop.

"Olivia!! Stop it!!!" He shouted, covering his ears, and squeezing his eyes shut hoping the terrible monsters would go away and he can go back to reality, but the slightly echoey screaming wouldn't rest. It sounded almost as if he was in a cave, with all the echos going on around him. After what seemed like hours of falling he lands back in his seat for history class, with everyone still seated and doing the usual stuff they do. The teacher was sleeping, the kids were goofing off, the bullies were picking on the nerds, and they were trying to ignore all the toothpicks being flicked towards them and do some work for other classes. At this point he was on the verge of tears, unable to comprehend all the emotions swirling around his head like a horse on a carrisell, along with all the questions he had going on in there.

Everything was fine for a couple seconds, but quickly things started getting worse and no one would notice. It was almost like he was the only one going through this hell. The teacher glitched to different spots in the room, and sometimes she would still be in her original spot in the chair, sleeping, but also be somewhere else, all the way across the room, staring at the wall. The other students would sometimes glitch too but not like the teacher. They would glitch like sometimes they would all start saying the same sentence and then just continue what they were doing.

"Guys! Guys? Guys, please… Just stop this!" Bruce screamed, unable to shake the pain away. The unbearable pain of when you want to believe it'll all be okay, but you know deep inside that it isn't really okay. You want to convince yourself it'll all be alright, that you'll be fine. It's not that easy though. The chatter all came to a stop, after Bruce started to compose his crying and all of his peers turned to him, their faces had the face of a demon. They were blank, yet you could still somehow feel all their eyes on you, and it was pretty damn painful. They stared down at him, like hawks, as he was sinking down into his seat, being cornered at his own desk. The room started to become wobbly again just like last time and he fell again, but this time instead of the endless falling, he just ended right back in his seat, in class, and all the kids were still eyeing him down, like he was their prey. He fell again, and again, each time the fall would be shorter and shorter, until it was just a flash of darkness, almost as if he was just shutting his eyes over and over again.It was a never ending loop hole, he felt like throwing up because of how bad it was hurting him. Once he thought he was going to pass out, instead of the regular fall to the side, the loophole paused, and it showed Olivia standing in front of him, looking more intimidating and fierce than usual. A smirk appeared on her blank face, as she leaned in to his left ear to whisper something.

"Can't hide forever… Brucie" She leaned back from his ear, and got face to face with Bruce, his eyes wider than saucer pans. He was speechless, not knowing what she meant by that. Can't hide from what? I'm hiding?? He was so befuddled and wanted to understand with all of his heart but just couldn't. She pushed him back by his chest with the tips of her index, middle, and ring fingers as he still had that desperately tired look on his face as he was watching him get taller as he got farther from her. Somehow, the whole falling thing wasn't as bad as those other times. It was almost as if it had been slowed down some, and he didn't feel that gut wrenching, sick feeling in his stomach this time. He fell back into his seat, for the last time, and was awoken by bell, julting his head up, exposing his tear filled eyes, and his pink cheeks stained by the streams of tears that were rolling down, like water falls, flowing off the horizons of his cheek bones. His eyes were red as he looked around the room, too scared to get up and walk out. Olivia noticed this and slowly walked up to the shaky jumpy boy that was Bruce, and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Bruce?" She spoke with a lower, more whispery tone, trying not to startle the poor kid, but to much surprise, he jumped, and turned around, facing Olivia, as she jumped back, pulling her hand away. She saw the tears that were there, and on the desk, and got extremely worried for him, rushing over to the side of his desk.

"Hey! Are you ok, dude??" She asked him. No response. Looking around she tried to think of what to do with him.

"Er.. How bout let's just get you up and walking so whoever sits here next class can sit. Okay? Okay." Lifting him up, from his arms. He was heavy as hell, but she still managed to yank him up, out of his seat after a while. They started walking to his next class, math, as Olivia was trying her best to keep him from falling or anything.

"Dude, are you okay??" She seemed genuinely concerned for him.

I had a… a bad dream.." He sounded alright, but his face told a completely different story. Usually if someone says they had a bad dream when they were sleeping in class, she'd just laugh at them and say it's karma, but this time, she was 100 percent serious. She knew something was up with him, but couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Okay, well, if you ever need me I'm always here for you." She reassured him, slowly rubbing his back before sending him off to his math class, and continued walking off to hers.

"Ugh, Geometry." She sighed, wanting nothing more than to just jump out the window and go home. She may be a really happy, smiley person, but she can still hate classes like everyone else. After all, it was geometry! Who likes geometry??

The whole class, she couldn't stop thinking about what happened. Was he alright? Her questions were interrupted seconds later with a woman in heels, rushing across the window of her class door. It was the nurse. Where was she going?? A couple minutes went by, no sight of the nurse, until you hear her heels clicking as she sped walked down the paper filled hall. Behind the frantic nurse trails the math teacher?? They're holding- Oh no…