Chereads / Can You Hear the Bells? / Chapter 8 - What's going on...?

Chapter 8 - What's going on...?

It was Bruce. He had fainted in class, only a few minutes in. He ended up going home, poor kid. Olivia was in utter confusion as she watched the math teacher carrying her new now unconscious friend, bridal style, down the hall. Holy shit! She thought as she saw his head fall back, his face looking in her direction. It was pretty creepy to her but she wasn't able to feel the fear since the confusion took up her whole head.

They were driving home and he was unconscious the whole time. The mom seemed annoyed, almost like he's going home not because he fainted and needs to rest, but because he got in trouble. She didn't at all seem phased that her kid just passed out in class.

When they got home, he was still out cold, which made it almost impossible for her to get him inside. What was she supposed to do?? After a while, she came to terms with the fact that she'd have to carry him, and with a loud grunt, lifted him up, out of the seat, his body slung over her shoulder almost lifeless looking. She plopped him onto their dirt brown sofa, groaning as she walked off, her hand placed on her lower back.

"Great, now my back is killing me! Thanks a lot, ass hole…" She grunted. It was almost as if she thought he had fainted in class on purpose. The mom waddled off to her room and started calling up one of her girl friends.

"Hey bitch! Whatcha up to??" She shouted in excitement. Her face immediately went from a grumpy frown to a big gleaming grin in the matter of seconds. Boy did those "girlfriends" make her happy.

"Heyyy girl!!!" The lady on the other line sang obnoxiously.

"Girl, guess what?" Amanda asked, sounding pretty eager to tell her.

"You know that kid I'm taking care of?"

"Ugh, yea? What'd he do now?" She asked, annoyed.

"He fainted! Can you believe it? So I had to go over to school, pick his limp ass up, and then drive him all the way home." She complained, rolling her eyes.

"Girl, that's some serious shit. You need to get him to the hospital!" Her friend warned, panic sprinkled into her tone. The mom got visibly annoyed and her friend could tell, causing her to start feeling bad for the kid.

"Hey, I know you hate him and I do too, trust me, but if that kid has something really wrong with his head, the blame's gonna fall on you." She sounded genuinely worried for Bruce, it was almost sweet if she didn't also talk major trash about him too.

"Hey, don't you start telling me how to parent you druggy whore!"

All of the sudden grunts and groans were coming from the living room couch. It's Bruce, he's up.

"...Hold on Christine." She requested as she started to look over into the living room, her eyebrows furrowed together making her look to be concerned almost.

"I think imma have to call you back…" she hung up not leaving room for Christine to respond.

"Bruce??" Amanda called out.

"Mom?" Bruce responded, his voice sounding groggy from his long rest.

"Mom…" He sounds like he's weeping which starts to make Amanda feel weird.

"Hey, you know you don't call me that." She slowly walks towards him, hesitating to get too close to him. For some reason she didn't really wanna get near him. She went over to check if he's okay and when she gets over, she lifts the blankets up from him to see his face better.

"You okay kiddo??" All of the sudden his head went up and facing her, and he slowly opened his eyes causing the mom to stumble back and get a cold sweat. She was met with black voids where his eyes were, the pure blackness dripping down onto his cheeks. The black stuff was getting mixed with tears as he started shouting, his lips trembling like a leaf in the wind.

"Where the fuck is she?! Where?! Where?! Where?! Tell me!!" He was shouting louder and louder as he was getting up and walking over to Amanda, slowly backing her into the living room corner. At this point Amanda's eyes were filled with tears as she was attempting to get away from him.

"Amanda?? Amanda?!" He started to look more concerned now.

"You're scaring me!" He shouted. He waved his hand in front of her face no further than like 3 inches away and after the third time, everything was normal. He had his normal eyes back and he wasn't crying or leaking out black gunk. The only one crying was her.

"Amanda, what's wrong with you??" Bruce questions her half scared and half frustrated. She was speechless.

He sat there looking at her with confused and concerned eyes as she looked behind him, in disbelief of what had happened, though after a split second, it clicks in her head and she gets embarrassed and starts getting defensive.

"Leave me alone, itty-bitty-boy." She brushes past him as he sat there in shock, unable to comprehend what had just happened. Itty-bitty-boy?? He asked himself. What does that mean???

Later that night, he went to bed confused. His mind was occupied by the thousands of thoughts about what happened that day. He started questioning if she was really alright, and if she might need some help, mentally. He didn't understand what was happening, why should he? He's a 15 year old boy. He should be worrying about school and his social life, not if his mother has gone mental and needs to be admitted. That's not something he should have on his mind.

The morning after was quite awkward. As they were sitting there eating breakfast, not one word was spoken about yesterday. They didn't really talk at all, just sat there, and ate their eggs and toast in silence, amateurish.

"Welp, I'm off to school." He exclaimed in a sort of tone like they expect the other person to say something or just do anything.

"K, bye." He sat there and stared at her for a second, a little agitated at her and how childish and rude she was being, before walking out their door to see Olivia walking down the street towards him to go get him so they could walk together. He could see her frantically waving her arms in the air in excitement, trying to get his attention. He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her. She always helped him get out of a bad mood, without fail. Whenever he felt upset with his step mom, he would call her and ask her to hang out with him and go get something to eat. Whenever school work was getting too stressful he'd call her and just talk to her through the phone. She was like his rock, and he loved her for that but also felt bad, feeling like he was burdening her. She always tried to reassure him he wasn't though.

"Hey Bruce!" She Called out to him with a big grin.

As they met in the middle, she hung her arm around his shoulders as they walked and talked, going to school per usual.

"You excited for school today?" She asked him in a giddy tone. He looked over at her with an annoyed face as she laughed at his aggravation.

"The presentation for history is today." She reminded him.

"What?! Today?!" He asked, in shock. "I'm not prepared!" She winced looking at him as he panicked.

"Don't worry Bruce, you'll be fine…" She told him in a really bad comforting tone.

"You don't sound convincing!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry!"

"It's okay"