Chapter 11 - 11 Rura

As I walk into the mansion my gaze immediately focuses on the man standing on the stairs that leads upstairs, to where I assume the bedrooms are. It's like some instinct pulled my eyes in that direction, so I couldn't miss the figure watching me intently. Fighting off all the emotions that I feel right now, it takes a while for me to realize I know this man. It takes even longer for me to realize where I know him from.

"You!" I hiss in displeasure, even though my body seems to disagree with me. I jab my finger in the direction of his chest, even though I'm much too far away to touch him.

From the way he confidently stands and from the small smirk and dangerous glint to his eyes, I know that this is the man who bought me. Kade. I grind my teeth at the sight of him and have the strongest urge to claw his damn beautiful eyes out.

Wait what? Beautiful? Snap out of it! There's nothing nice about this man, there's no way we could ever be involved. Even if we are supposed to get married. I shudder and shake my head to try and clear my thoughts.

Anger bubbling back up to the surface, I take a few steps towards Kade when I see a familiar figure slink towards me, back bowed with shame. When Marcy looks up at me I stumble and recoil in shock. What?

"Marcy." I say in a near whisper. "Marcy what are you doing here?" I ask her, my heart breaking more and more as the silence presses on my senses.

"Rura, sweety -", she starts. But I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear any excuses or stories. I don't want to be treated like some small, helpless child. I want the truth. Hardening my heart a little towards her I ask again.

"What are you doing here?" My expression is stony, I can feel it.

"Honey I didn't have a choice." Marcy says, her voice cracking at the end.

"Didn't have a choice?" My voice sounds hollow to my own ears, and when I laugh without humor it sounds brittle and bitter. There's no need for me to elaborate on how I feel about the words used just now, it's clear in my body language and tone.

"Please let me explain. I never wanted this to happen." Marcy says, just to flinch when Kade finally speaks.

"Marcy." He says sharply. I watch as the confident woman I know, shrinks under Kades gaze and authoritative attitude.

I don't know how to feel. I'm feeling too much at once and yet nothing at all. My heart rate increases and I can hear my blood flowing in my ears. It's suddenly way too hot and my skin is much too tight. Out of the sea of emotions anger comes boiling right back up, so when Kade looks at me with that smirk on his face I snap.

I watch, in what feels like slow motion, as his smirk slips and a quick look of shock passes over his features. In a blink of an eye I'm standing in front of Kade. One minute he's looking at me in confusion and the next his head is turned to his right side, blood dripping from 3 claw marks across his face. As I stare detachedly at Kade and the blood running down his face someone grabs me from behind. I can vaguely hear screaming and loud growls and a grunt and it takes me a long time to put the pieces together.

Somehow, I sped up those stairs and injured Kade. I look at my hands and wonder how I could've made such deep scratches with my short nails. Then I realize that the scream came from Marcy and I'm the one growling loudly. Ty grunts as he successfully but slowly manages to drag me away from Kade and down the stairs. I shove Ty off of me and growl as he steps towards me again, slinking low towards the ground, ready to attack him.

Wait, attack? Since when have I ever been ready to attack someone? But I already have, even though I don't remember it clearly. The thought doesn't deter me though, I actually like how I feel. I feel strong, safe in my own skin in this new place where I have nobody. Safe in the knowledge I can protect myself. I don't know how I know, but I am sure I could take on everyone here.

Ty doesn't seem aggressive, really it just looks like he's trying to keep the peace. Keep me from attacking Kade again. I narrow my eyes at him and think, "Back the fuck off. Damn this guy is annoying."

As soon as the thought finishes, Ty takes a step back, eyes wide and looking kind of afraid. Not caring about what his reaction is about, I turn back around to Kade to see that he's watching me. Instead of his usual ice blue eyes looking at me, I'm faced with glinting silver eyes. Inhuman eyes.

"Mates eyes." A voice says to me. "Ace's eyes."

Once I hear that voice inside my head, it's like a damn breaks and all of this knowledge slams into me. I am not a human, and neither is anyone in this room. I have a wolf, her name is Fatima. She's strong, powerful, royal. She's mine and I am hers. My Mom and Dad aren't really my parents. Raya and Tora...aren't my siblings. Everything I thought I knew, is a lie.

And it's with those last two thoughts that I crumble. A lone tear escapes my eyes before I feel a sucking sensation in my body. Like I'm being pulled away from everything, and I welcome it with open arms. The last things I see are Kade and Marcy's bewildered expressions before I hear a loud, anguished howl, and sink into dark oblivion.