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Inner Core (Book 2)

The amount of crime in the city has been declining, there isn't anything for the hero's team to be doing. Kazu's time in the city is coming to an end. What will happen? Will Kazu leave the city? Who will be the next top hero? Who will be the new leader of the hero team? *There are some mature themes in this book* Writer : Chance L. Manager: Tre'nell C. Artist: Samantha S. New members of team. Extra artist: Gerron L. Helper reader: Tyneasia A.-H. Inner Core: Complete Inner Core (Book 2): Complete Inner Core (Book 3): Coming out in a month (possibly)

Chapter 1 - *Chapter 1* We're Back

(It's a normal day in the city. People walking, talking, going to work, eating, just doing what people do. A man seems to be late for work. He's wearing a suit and tie and is running with a briefcase. He keeps looking at his watch in distress.)

The man: "I'm gonna be late. If I'm late again, I'll surely get fired."

(He makes it to the door of the bank and checks his watch.)

The man: "Phew, ha, I'm here with a minute to sp-"

(Before he could finish, the doors of the bank exploded open. The man flies back. Two guys walk out of the hole where the door used to be. It's the metal man Dai and Taku defeated in the city over, and a man whose skin is all rock.)

Metal: "Thanks for coming along, Rock. Without you, I probably couldn't pull this off."

Rock: "No problem, Metal. What am I gonna do? Break you out of jail and not come along with some robberies. I'm a criminal, not a jerk."

Metal: "Haha, now come on Rock. Let's take this back to that one guy and get our cut."

???: "Hehe, man I'm gonna miss this city when I leave."

(Metal and Rock look up.)

Metal and Rock: "Huh?"

(It was Kazu standing on the roof of the bank, holding the guy late for work.)

Kazu: "Come on guys. It's one thing robbing a bank, but throwing a whole guy who's just trying to keep his job."

(Kazu sets the man down on the roof.)

Kazu: "Look out below!"

(Kazu jumps off the roof right above Metal and Rock.)

Metal: "Ok, Rock. Let's jump this fool."

Rock: "I got you, Metal."

(Kazu then made a portal appear above them and he went right through it.)

Metal and Rock: "Huh?"

(Kazu then started opening and closing portals all over, going through them at random.)

Metal: "You gotta be kidding me."

Rock: "Don't worry. If my math is right he should be riiiiight, here."

(Rock turned around and grabbed something. It felt like an arm.)

Rock: "Got him."

(Rock looked up and realized it wasn't Kazu's arm.)

Reo: "Let go of me you pebble bastard!"

(Reo went full electric mode and pulled out of the grip. He then punched Rock right in the chest pushing him back a few feet.)

Metal: "H-how'd he knock you over. You're made of rock."

Rock: *cough* "I'm not worried about that. I'm worry on how he knocked the wind out of me"

*cough cough*.

Reo: "Stronger than you thought, huh? You're next."

(Reo started walking to Metal.)

Metal: "Get away. Get away!"

(Metal started running away, but was stopped by someone else.)

Selene: "Going somewhere?"

Metal: "Uh oh."

(Selene shot lightning from her hands and hit Metal making him spaz out. Metal fell to the ground and his metal started to disappear. Rock was on the ground slowly getting up while holding his chest which was cracked now.)

Rock: "You hero bastards ruin everything."

(Reo slammed his hand on Rock's back and Rock fell back down.)

Reo: "Stay down."

(Kazu then came from a portal in front of them.)

Kazu: "Good job team. A few less criminals to deal with."

(A new reporter came up right behind Kazu.)

News Lady: "Portaru, this is another crime you saved us from, but the question is when are you leaving?"

Selene: "Leaving?"

News Lady: "Portaru is the number one hero throughout Japan, so he likes to go to each separate city no matter how small or big. When he feels that the cities' crime rates have gone down, and the city is safe he will leave and move on to the next."

(Selene and Reo started to get closer to Kazu as the news lady spoke.)

News Lady: "So I ask this again, Portaru. When will you be leaving?"

Kazu: "Uh, I haven't thought of it that far. I don't know, maybe, next week?"

(The news lady turns to the camera.)

News Lady: "There you have it folks. Kazu will be saying goodbye to our city in one week. Back to you."

(The news crew walked over to their van and drove off.)

Reo: "So, you're leaving in a week, huh?"

(Reo turned and looked at Kazu.)

Reo: "I can't wait. Hahahaha."

(Reo then skipped off to the direction of the mansion.)

Sara: "Kazu, you're actually leaving?"

(They were all standing in the living room at the mansion. Everyone was gathered around Kazu.)

Kazu: "Uh, yeah. I haven't really thought about it, but this is usually how it goes."

Dai: "How it goes?"

Kazu: "Yeah, I go to a city, make a team, get the crime levels low, and leave. I've done this for three years now that I think about it."

Taku: "Three years?! How old are you?!"

Kazu: "I'm twenty-one, but I've been the top hero for awhile."

Yui: "How'd you even do it anyways? I'm not trying to be mean, but the portal is a pretty bad power."

Kazu: "No, you're fine. I honestly don't know how I became the top hero. My family was never the fighting type. We were rich for generations, always doing the family business which was a tech company called Ito Inc."

Reo: "That's original."

Kazu: "My family wasn't the most creative, but they knew what people wanted. Their business got bigger and bigger throughout the years. When I said I didn't want to take it over, my father was furious. my little brother ended up taking over, but I can tell when I declined he lost hope for me, but hey, it all worked out in the end."

Ruri: "Oh, I'm sorry."

Yui: "Yeah, I am too, but that still didn't answer my question."

Kazu: "Oh, sorry. I don't really know, I just took care of a bunch of petty crimes until some other hero's noticed me. They took me on a bunch of adventures. I've been to Germany, Australia, Africa, Brazil, even America."

Reo: "How was America?"

Kazu: "It was ok. Would you wanna go sometime?"

Reo: "No. No no no. No."

Kazu: "Ok, just asking, but then I saved them a bunch, and took down a lot of strong villains. People took a liking to me, and next thing I know I had the most crime taken care of the past few years."

Yui: "Huh, well you've done good with just a teleportation core."

Kazu: "Thank you."

Reo: "Whatever. Technically I beat the top hero, so why am I not the top hero yet."

Kazu: "Well, technically being the top hero isn't about strength. It's about how much crime you took care of that year."

Reo: "That's pretty stupid. Who came up with all this."

Kazu: "The Council for Heroes."

Reo: "There's a Council for Heroes?"

Kazu: "Yes, it's been like that for about thirty years now. How'd you not know that?"

Reo: "I don't pay enough attention to that crap. It's dumb they have a Council for Heroes, but not a school for heroes."

Kazu: "There is a school for heroes. Did you not go to the hero school?"

Reo: "Shut up for once. Do you ever stop talking?"

Kazu: "Ok, but we need to talk about that later. Anyway I guess I better start doing some thinking."

(Kazu turned around and started walking out the door of the living room.)

Dai: "Thinking about what?"

Kazu: "Who the next leader of the team will be. I've been studying you all for the past six months we've been together. I have the top three choices, now I just need to choose between them."

(Kazu then left the room. They all stood in silence.)

(Reo, Selene, and Sara were in the kitchen. Selene and Sara were cleaning dishes while Reo

was putting them away.)

Sara: "So, who do you guys think the next leader will be."

Reo: "Me, obviously. I kick the crap out of everyone here right now if I wanted to. The portal bastard hates me, but he knows it's true."

Selene: "For one, he doesn't hate you and for two Kazu isn't looking for strength. He's looking for a strong, independent leader, and I kinda have an idea on who he has in mind.

Reo: "Who do you think?"

Selene: "Well he said he has three choices. Kazu is the kinda guy that wants a smart person to be in charge, so Sara's out."

Sara: "Yeah, I saw that coming."

Selene: "Taku has no self-control, so that perv's out. Reo, you get angry too fast, so you wouldn't make a good leader."

Reo: "Shut up before I kill you."

Selene: "I think it would be Yui, Dai, or Ruri."

Reo: "What about you?"

Selene: "Huh?"

Reo: "You didn't include yourself, so what about you?"

Selene: "Oh, ummm, I don't think it could be me. There's a lot of very capable people here, so he probably thought of me, but you know, thought of something I could improve."

Reo: "Hmm, maybe cuz of your shyness."

Selene: "My shyness?!"

Reo: "Did I stutter?"

Selene: "No, I just thought I got over my shyness, and I thought you thought so too."

Reo: "Eh, whatever. Say what you want, but you'll still be a shy little dork."

(Then Reo walked out of the kitchen.)

Sara: "Wait, we still have dishes le..."

Reo:" I don't care."

(Sara and Selene continued to clean the dishes.)

Sara: "Sorry for my brother. He can be a little insensitive sometimes."

Selene: "Yeah, I know. Hey, how come you're always sticking up for him.

Sara: Well, he's my brother. I love him."

Selene: "Yeah, but he doesn't act like he loves you back. Not trying to be mean or anything."

Sara: "It's ok, you're fine. Reo doesn't really show his affection a lot. He acts tough, but he's actually really nice.

(Sara looked around the room then got a little closer to Selene and spoke in a whisper.)

Sara: "Don't tell anyone this, ok. Reo likes his past to be mostly a secret."

Selene: "Ok, I won't."

Sara: "When me and Reo were kids, Reo would get beat. Whether it was a belt, ruler, or our father's closed fist. Our Dad wanted him to be the best hero ever. He wanted it for the both of us, but Reo did something to make sure I didn't end up like him."

Selene: "What?"

(Sara looked around again, then got even closer and whispered even quieter.)

Sara: "He said, if he ever hurt me in any way. Reo would come back when he got his core to the strongest, and kill our father brutally."

Selene: "O-oh. So dark."

Sara: "He was only seven."

Selene: "O-oh."

Sara: "It worked though. My Dad never hurt me. My mother actually trained me. She had a nicer way of doing things, but after that, I swore I'd be as strong as my brother and follow his footsteps for what he did for me."

Selene: "How old were you?"

Sara: "Only four, and Reo doesn't know I remember, but that got implanted into my brain forever.

Selene: Woah, I never really thought-"

(Taku walked in, so Selene stopped before he heard any of the conversation.)

Taku: "Hey ladies. What are you all talking about?"

Sara: "Nothing."

Taku: "Ah, that's cool, that's cool. It's private stuff. Girl stuff I see. So is it that time of the mo-AHHHHHHH"

(Selene made a heavy gust of wind to throw Taku out of the kitchen before he could finish his sentence.)

Sara: "*sigh* I don't really like him very much."

Selene: "No one does, Sara. No one does."

(It turned to night. Cars were still driving, and people were still out, especially the bad ones. In the a warehouse a few miles out of town was Kage's hideout. Kage sat in a chair off to the side looking at Hugo's work.)

Kage: "Are you finished yet, old man?"

Hugo: "If I was finished, I'd say "I'm finished"."

Kage: "It's been a long time, you'd think it would be finished by now."

Hugo: "Well, you are asking me to make a whole person, so it will take a little longer. Where are the others at this time?"

Kage: "I have them recruiting throwaways."

Hugo: "Throwaways?"

Kage: "Yes, the lower ones on my list, the last ones on my list. The minions, the lackeys, whatever you wanna call them. I call them throwaways because they are easy to dispose of. They have no real threat to me and they aren't big in my plan. I just want throwaways, and a lot of them."

Hugo: "I have no idea what goes through your head sometimes."

Kage: "That's probably for the best, but once you see the end of my plan, you'll be glad you stuck with me through these past months."

Zazz: "Past six months to be exact."

(Zazz came out of the shadows of the warehouse.)

Kage: "Back so soon?"

Zazz: "It was easy, I barely had to use my core. All these guys want are drugs anyway, so it's pretty easy to get them on board."

Kage: "Perfect, they will be put with the drug dealers then."

Zazz: "Why are we doing this again. I joined your group to cause mayhem, but instead I'm basically just hiring weirdos on the street and sleeping in a dusty old warehouse."

Kage: "These coordinates are only temporary for now, and don't worry about hiring people anymore. We have enough that people will be coming to us for jobs."

Zazz: "I don't know what you're thinking, but as long as I get to cause some mayhem I'm down."

Kage: "Oh don't worry. There will be lots of mayhem, lots."