Chereads / The Shadow and Her Giant / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10

I excitedly sat in my chair. Because of the events earlier at the café, Jan had given me the afternoon off from our normal talks, and I was given the chance to talk with Sophia. But I didn't know what to say. However I could tell that Sophia could feel my apprehension.

[Lark, for someone who has been wanting to speak to me, now that we are able to, you seem awfully quiet.]

I thought about it. Sophia was right. I had asked Gina and Jan almost every day when I would be able to meet my forever friend. They had always answered with 'in time' or some such. But now that she was talking to me I didn't know what to say. Then I thought about it. She was here, I knew that much, but I couldn't see her.

"Sophia, I am glad that I can hear you when you speak to me. And sometimes I can tell you are there, almost as if I can feel you. I felt your calming touch when I got angry, and I felt your warmth when I was sad in the dreams of my memories. But I can't see you. I can't hold you. I just wish you were here with me."

I could feel that Sophia was a bit apprehensive with how she answered. She was hiding something. Maybe she was embarrassed with how she looked?

[Darling Lark, I am sure in time you will understand. I want you to know I am always with you. I will always be with you. You accepted me as your forever friend, so that is why I will always be here; to talk and to listen. Sometimes you feel me because just as you protect me, I protect you. And please do not be sad, just because your eyes cannot see me, doesn't mean I am not here.]

I smiled, "I just with I could hold you Sophia. I don't know why I feel this way, but I feel you are very important to me. You are my first forever friend."

I heard a soft giggle, [You wrap me in your warm embrace every day, my dear Lark.]


I could feel something new coming from my Lark. It was new emotions I had not recorded in his many years worth of memories. It was longing. It was desire. I didn't understand it. I am not even sure he understood it.

But I had to stop and think. His limbic system had been underdeveloped due to his condition, but under the gentle massage and embedding of one of my primary feelers, I had brought this section to life.

So these feelings he was having, were they genuine? Would they have happened had I not interfered with his mind? Would they be directed towards me because of a genuine feeling towards me, or was there something interfering with it, causing him to only feel these emotions for me because I currently had my tendrils deeply embedded in those parts of his brain.

It makes a girl wonder. Instead I wanted to know the extent of Lark's understanding of his own feelings.

[Dear Lark, I must ask. If i was sitting next to you, what would you ask me to do to you?]

"I would ask that when the light went out tonight, you would home me as I fell asleep."

I was a bit taken aback. It was a genuine response. I didn't even have to probe his mind to see that his intention was pure. I had pieced together a bit of how the bipedal species of this nation procreated, and how thoroughly it was attached to their concept of 'love'. Is this what Lark felt?

Maybe in time. This flow was just beginning to grow. It would take time to see what shape the seed took as it budded.

[Lark, in time we can ask the others to help us. But for now we will wait. Is there anything I can do for you instead?]

"Sophia, can you tell me a story about my people? I can read the book, but it is difficult to understand. There are too many concepts I can't piece together."

I felt for Lark. The books he had on the races, histories, and cultures of Haven read like reference books. The only one worth it was the Dhamphir's Tales of Twilight, which was obviously meant to teach children about their people.

Would I be able to explain the story of Lark's people to him? Only one way to find out.

[I can try Lark, and we can learn to read it together.]


[Lark, Today's story will be about your people. The planetouched.]

[Once upon a time, long ago, the planetouched were simple people living a relatively peaceful existence. It was then that the divines of this land wished to adopt these people into their families. But there were two divines that stood in opposition to eachother.

There was Raphael, who believed in the glow of his guiding light would lead the people to a bright future through discipline and law.

And there was Mephasm, who felt that through the chaos of chance, the strongest possible future would be embraced.

It was then that they fought. As the years passed, the people separated into two main tribes, which formed into nations, constantly at war. There were the Lybringer, followers of Raphael, touched by his light. They stood tall with their bright blue eyes, light colored skin, blonde hair, and a physical glow that represented how pure their connection to him was.

And in contrast, there were your people, the Skygge, those within Mephasm's embrace. Their dark skin, horns, and red eyes emulated the form of their divine father.

It was not just appearance. The Lybringers naturally excelled at light and healing magics, and were quick to recover from wounds. The Skygge were apt at fire and shadow magic, and their minds were resistant to charm.]

"Sophia, what stopped the fighting between the planetouched?"

[Well Lark, the end of the world.] I was apprehensive to explain this part. But it was important. [The Lybringers and Skygge both hated those that were different, even if they were in fact the same people. There were a few planned incidents by the generals on both sides, hoping to start the war again. And it worked. It would have continued, if the Lybringer people had not used forbidden magic.]

"What is forbidden magic Sophia?"

[Forbidden magic is any magic whose effect is not understood enough to accept the consequence. The Lybringers had created a magic bomb, but unlike this one, it did not just cause an explosion, it instead detonated the very magic in the air. Since magic permeates everything, this caused a chain reaction. Mountains turned to dust, oceans evaporated, and the ground itself turned to glass with the consuming fire?]

"Wait, I remember the light! In my memories of coming here. So that was a bomb?"

[Yes Lark. it was a bomb. The Lord of this land, Lord Serin, has a special power. In the many places that exist, he can find the moment in time a people needs him most, and when his nation is prepared for it, he can pull them from their fated destruction, and give them a home. He gives people a second chance at living, which he has done for your people and the lybringers.]

"What does he do with people once he collects them?"

[He lets us live in his community and become our best selves. The Lybringers have the most healers in the country of any race, as almost every one of them is good at it almost half the protectorate team Witchdoctors is made up of Lybringers. And the Skygge were taken from a port town, and are responsible for the ships that fly through the sky. Together they have brought a piece of their cultures together, and the cafes they run together are the best restaurants in the country to date.]

"Sophia if everyone gets along now, why did the Lybringers and Skygge fight for so long?"

His question was valid. I didn't want to mess this up. Lark had no prejudice. And he might not have gotten all the context of the book I summarized for him, but I did. The planetouched had committed atrocities towards each other, and they did not realize that they were the same people until they were introduced to the truly alien races of the Demis, Changelings, and Humans.

[Lark, sometimes people see others that look a bit different and they dont understand, so they are afraid. This fear if not treated turns into a festering wound, and eventually causes a deep seated hatred surrounded by pride. A Tradition of hatred is a dangerous thing.]

"That's really silly Sophia. People shouldn't be judged by how they look."


I had paused. What would happen when Lark found out I was nothing more than a worm in his head. How would he see me? Would he hate me? Would he fear me?

[Lark, what if I looked much different than you?]

Then it happened. His response was beautiful

"Sophia. I could never hate you. You sing me to sleep each night, and calm my mind when the anger rises. Since you came into my dreams, I have not felt as sad or lonely as I did before. You read me a story, and helped me understand. You help me understand the pieces in my own mind. You are my best friend, Sophia. My forever friend."

He then pointed tho his jacket, with the embroidery


- Sophia

"I even figured out you are the one embroidered on my shirt. 'Lark and Sophia'. We are supposed to be together and I am all the happier for it."

[Oh Lark, you do know how to make a girl blush.]
