As we returned to Earth, we noticed that only 5 minutes had passed on Earth by checking my phone. But that was inside the Tower. So that meant that the time that passed in the Tower was different from Earth.
Now that we were back, I could finally think about those two again. I also thought about the shadowy figure. To me, it had looked like he was speaking only to me. But he could have been speaking to everyone... I needed to check the amulet. How would I find people using an amulet? I looked at it one more time. It had some sort of writing on it, it looked like it was ancient writing. It was a bit dusty. I rubbed the writing and then...
My room lit up. Nakatami woke up and was instantly blinded by the light. I covered my eyes reflexively to block the light. I lifted my hand and looked at the now bearable light.
'What happened?' Nakatami asked, 'What's that light?'
'It's an amulet that someone gave me. It's a long story.'
The light had writing on it that I could understand.
Kim Jong-woo and Yui Hichikara. It repeated those words over and over.
Those two. It meant that it was them.