" Indeed we are. My name is Spencer and this is Lily, Andrew and Tobecca. We are wondering if you could please help us." " Sure. How can I help" asks Riley. " Do you know anything of the zombie apocalypse? Things like type of zombies etcetera" says Spencer. Riley sighs. " I know of a zombie that resembles almost like a bug. It apparently looks disgusting and is considered dangerous. It has already killed over 20 people in the last few days. I would not mess with it any day. Stanley, a man who has a lot of resources is offering to share some of it to whoever manages to kill it. Two of my townsmen tried to kill it but to no success. They passed away" says Riley. "I am sorry" says Lily. " Thank you Lily. I would not recommend trying to kill it" says Riley. " Where was the bug zombie mutant last seen" I asked. " On the way to Howardson. Stanley lives in Howardson and is scared that the zombie bug will attack the town. I am frightened that it will travel here but so far this town have been lucky. Someone who has been lucky to have met it and survived has said that it has four big legs, wings and big pinchers. It walks very fast. I would suggest meeting Stanley if you were ever interested in killing the zombie bug. Anything else" asks Riley. " What can you tell us of the town's around us" I ask. " Well, three towns away from here is Dav. I don't like it. What town names itself Dav? Anyway besides that, It is mostly farm life. The residents don't even really help each other because they are all mostly self sufficient. They grow stuff and build stuff themselves. That is the only good thing I will say about them" says Riley. " How is the zombies like over there" asks Tobecca. " They get zombies now and then. Not as many as our factory side of town but unfortunately for you, if you to leave Greyton, you will have to go in there" says Riley. " Is there any chance that you can offer some backup" I ask. I am surprised of myself. I normally don't ask people to risk their lives but desperate times call for desperate measures. " Well, normally we don't go past the taxi stops but I will make an exception just this once. The most I can offer is four of my men. Nothing more, nothing less. Hey, how about a favour for a favour? Can you do something for me? Can you give Stanley a letter for me? I meant to have given it to him when he was in Greyton but I forgot" says Riley. " Sure thing" says Spencer. " Well, I am afraid I can't stay long. There was an incident where someone got bitten by a monkey. I have to make sure that he is okay. Stay here. I will get my men to come to you. See you and may you arrive to your destination. And remember. Don't lose hope" says Riley. " You too" I say. Riley laughs. " I have to run this town. I have no choice" laughs Riley. I watch Riley leave. " Okay, is everyone's guns loaded" asks Spencer. " Mine sure is" says Tobecca. I nod in agreement and so does Lily. " Okay. We have got to be prepared for everything" says Spencer. After about twenty minutes, we see two men and two woman approach us. " Good day ladies and gentleman. My name is A. My friends here would like to be known as B, C and D. We agreed to the mission as long as our identity could be kept secret" says the one guy. I wonder why they would want to have their identities kept a secret. " Anyway, are you all ready" asks D. I am so nervous but if I want to make it to the Forest of Hooper, I better get my act together. We all nod in agreement. " Then let's go" says A.
A, B, C and D have their own car. We are following them. " I don't want to bring this up but is it just me or are you guys nervous" asks Lily. " I am" I admit. Lily laughs. " As Long as I am not the only one" says Lily. We see the sign that says "Be careful." We see people on patrol. All of a sudden, A slams on breaks. We almost bump into them. " What the fuck are they do" says Spencer but stops his sentence. I wonder what's wrong but I get my answer. My eyes widen. It's the zombie mutant bug.
Author note: Hope everyone had a good Christmas and a happy New Year.