Chereads / In Another World? With Only My Smartphone!? / Chapter 1 - Exposition Dumps? How Lame~

In Another World? With Only My Smartphone!?

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Chapter 1 - Exposition Dumps? How Lame~


I bit down on my bottom lips, almost enough to draw blood as another wave shot through my whole body. My thoughts went completely white for a moment as I was left painting hard, a shuddering mess on my bed. It feels soooo gooood!

But it's not enough!


As if mocking me, the sexy blonde woman proudly displaying her pretty little cunt on my phone let out a husky and seductive moan as her back arched from a powerful orgasm.

How envious~

I can feel tears of pure frustration starting to form in my eyes from the sight. I've already been at this for almost two hours now and I still can't finish! If I don't get up soon I'd probably be late for school.

Not that I really have a problem with that~

I'm only allowed to go once a week anyway and today is un(fortunately) not one of those days. I doubt anyone would care even if it was...well one person definitely would...

Looking down at my fiercely twitching rod, I knew there was no way I'd be able to finish without touching it. I was caught completely off guard this time. I usually give myself plenty of time to handle my situation, but I didn't expect my heat cycle to start a day early!

Letting out a sight filled with frustration, I got ready to load up another video on my phone, seeing as the sexy blonde seems to be finished playing with herself. Lucky...


Suddenly, my door was flung open without my permission! This definitely won't end well!

"Yumemi-chan! You got a package from your parents! And don't sleep in just beca..use.. Yoā€¦u do..n'tā€¦"

"S-S-Satou-senseiā€¦" Ah. I see. Today is a good day to die isn't it? I mean here I am; panties around my ankles, butt in the air and one of my hands on my crotch completely exposed to my math teacher-cum-guardian.

Un. Let's find the highest roof to jump off of later on. Maybe I'll even do a flip before I land! Ah, who am I kidding, I don't know how to do a flip~

"AH! S-S-SORRY TO INTERRUPT!" Ooh~ I've never seen someone turn that red in the face before. Is that a nosebleed I see? From the amount of arousal I can feel from her, it probably is. Lol, sensei are you some anime character or something? The legendary luckey pervert!

More importantly thou~

"C-CLOSE T-THE DOOR, IDIOT!!" I shouted on instinct and started throwing whatever I could get my hands on at her! Considering what I was doing just a few moments ago, that amounted to a surprising number of...Ahemā€¦"toys" and pillows.


Suddenly needing to dodge a wide assortment of items, Sensei quickly recovered and bolted from the room. Though, I wish she had been ever so slightly faster and I had a better handle on my emotions.

*Bang* *Crack*


Unfortunately in my panicked state, I didn't really pay any attention to what I was tossing at her and I had to watch as my most prized possession went soaring across the room in slow motion before smashing into the now closed door.

"My Phoneeee~!!"

Ah, today really is so lame~





"*Sniffle* Uuww my phoneā€¦"

Having gone to inspect the damage, I was able to professionally conclude that my baby is definitely broken! I couldn't help but cry out all my sorrows at the unfortunate accident!

Worst of all, I still have this raging boner that I can't deal with!

Stupid, Sensei. I can still feel your arousal through the walls, ya know! Now that you've seen me, I'll have you take responsibility!

Eheheh~ Just kidding!

This isn't the first time this has happened after all. Plus we've done a LOT together over the past few months. That doesn't make it any less embarrassing though!

Hm? How did I get into an illicit relationship with my teacher/guardian, you ask? It's rude to pry into a girl's secrets ya know!? But for the sake of the plot I shall graciously elaborate. Be thankful, okay! It's not like I want to share my struggles with you or something, b-b-bakaā€¦

Ehem. Well anyway, it all started the day I was bornā€¦

No, wait, don't leave! I'm serious! You see, I'm not exactly human. Well at least not like a normal human.

In our world, some people are born just a little bit different from normal. It really is pretty minor ya know? Vampires, yuki-onna, succubi, etc. Yeah, little things like that. We used to be called monsters or demi-humans. It was pretty dehumanizing I guess, but not everyone really meant it that way.

But then everything changed when the redditors attacked! Lol seriously, the SJW's all got together and started fighting for our rights or something. Honestly, I don't think most of them even knew what they were fighting for or against. I think they just wanted to fight for a minority to feel good about themselves, and we're definitely the most minor bunch in the world currently. I mean there are only like 4 or 5 of us in my school.

Anyway, long story short, now we're called Demi's! It's cute so I'll let it slide.

Ah, satou-sensei is a demi-chan too. She's a succubus. How erotic~

Not! She's a real sweetie inside and out. She's kind of shy too and doesn't really like to attract men with her condition. I think she sees it more like a curse than a gift.

Honestly, most of us feel that way. Being a demi can be suuuuper inconvenient at times!

Hm? I haven't talked about myself yet? Tsk. Don't you get when someone's trying to avoid a topic? This is why you're single, ya know?

Me? Ha, Im naturally apart of the solo gamers club~ *sniff*

Okay okay, enough stalling. Where was I? Oh, right, about me. Yeah, I'm also a demi, but I'm also the only one of my kind. I shouldn't even exist to be honest. How's that for self esteem!?

Before I talk about what I am, I guess it's pretty important to talk about my parents first! No, I'm not just dodging the subject again!

Anyway, like Satou-sensei, my mother is a succubus, a female only race. That's one of the reasons she's in charge of watching over me. You see, unlike your image of succubi that prey on men and live off their *shudder*...fluidsā€¦ in reality, succubi don't really do that. Well...they don't have to anyway. Some have learned to embrace their nature more than others.

Don't worry, I won't judge ya bunch of perverts~

Instead they just emit an aphrodisiac like pheromone that arouses men and sometimes women too depending on their preference. For most it's usually not strong enough to cause too many problems, but for some, like Satou-sensei, it can be strong enough to arouse anyone just looking in their general direction.

I even heard that satou-sensei has the second strongest pheromones out of all known succubi! Well I already know who's number 1...

Satou-sensei takes a lot of precautions to live as normal of a life as she can. She's always dressing in clothes that expose as little skin as possible. She keeps her face covered in her signature red glasses too just to obscure other people's vision. She also takes extra care every day to keep physical contact with everyone around her to a minimum. She even chose to live all alone as far away from the city as reasonably possible to not affect her neighbors with the built up pheromones in her home!

Like I said, really inconvenient!

As for my dad? Well, he's a cupid. Not to be confused with an incubus, though they are similar in many ways. Cupid, to put it simply, are a bunch of eternal shota's. They stay small and look incredibly cute! They grow cute little wings too once they hit puberty. But that's not all! They also have a really uncanny ability to know how people feel. The accuracy depends on the individual though.

Some only get vague feelings while others can know what you're thinking before you know yourself! They also always seem to find themselves in perverted situations for some reason. Most of them are pretty innocent by nature so nothing comes of it, but there are a few perverts that take advantage of their luck. The little bastards.

Ah, they're also a male only race btw.

With all that out the way, did you guess what I am yet? Succubus like my mom?

Bzzt! Nope! Wrong! Try again~

Then am I a cupid like my dad? No way! Didn't you hear me earlier!? Males. Only. Allowed. These damn watermelons on my chest and the little slit between my legs pretty much deny that option at the gate.

So what am I? Give up?

The correct answer is neither and both! Confused? Let me explain.

You see, for whatever reason male and female only races have never been able to have children with each. Well there are already so few of them in the world but my parents weren't the first couple to fall for each other. I remember reading about a famous yuki-onna and her incubus husband adopting recently for example.

Anyway, researchers think it has something to do with their genes but they were never able to figure it out and simply concluded it was impossible. That is until I was born.

I was the first successful birth between two gender locked races. But I wasn't born either race technically since I was both somehow. That's right! I'm a gen-u-ine futanari! Sometimes anyway.

Please don't tell anyone...

My parents decided to name my race; Houri so basically I'm an ero-angel! And what a fitting name that turned out to beā€¦

As you perverts might have seen this morning, my libido is a bit of a problem...

I have many of the same "abilities" as my parent races, but they are cranked up to 11! Instead of periods once a month, I go into heat and a penis grows where my clit should be. Just as sensitive too...

I need to release like twice a day at least or I might attack someone during my heat cycles. Even when I'm not in heat I still need to 'take care of myself' like once every three days to function normally. Well I can go five days max but by then my mind is so far in the gutters that I'd practically do anything with anyone.

It's a pretty terrifying thing to have to deal with tbh. But it's manageable. And it also feels good~

I also get into these perverted situations constantly just like my father's race. Apparently I stopped aging at 17 but that didn't stop my chest from growing to 95cm! Just like Satou-sensei I constantly have to wear baggy clothes while I'm out just so I don't affect anyone. Luckily my pheromones' aren't as strong as Satou-sensei or else I don't think I'd be allowed to leave the house ever!

Even then, I'm literally not even allowed in school except once a week thanks to an incident that happened when I first started puberty... Iā€¦really don't want to talk about itā€¦

Everything is so difficult. I even got beat up once because some jerk broke up with his girlfriend to ask me out. Of course I said no! But then the girlfriend that beat me up also asked me out after that...I um...hesitatedā€¦ when I told her no. She did give good spankingsā€¦

NO! Bad thoughts. Bullying is wrong, not sexy!

Plus I knew she didn't actually like me very much. It's both easy and hard to know who to trust since I can feel their emotions and can tell most people who interact with me are just horny idiotsā€¦

I mean, so am I but at least I have an excuse.

Sigh, sometimes I really wish I could go to another world. Life here is really hard, ya know? I only have two real friends, and one of them is my teacher! I wonder how Kyoko is doing today anyway? I complain about my life but I bet it's pretty annoying having to carry your own head around everywhere.

"Y-Yumemi-chan! A-Are you done yet!? I'm going to miss the first train if I don't leave soon!" Satou-sensei's sweet voice could be heard from the front door.

I looked down between my legs and saw my little soldier still standing at attention! Ugh, what a tryhard. Hasn't anyone told you girls don't like overly persistent types!? I'm still not any closer to finishing than I was when I started!

Not to mention my smartphone is broken now so I don't even have a way to look at any videos to help speed things along. Sigh, looks like I'll just need to suck it up and hope no one visits for the next few days...

Just as I was about to respond, sensei beat me to the punch while cracking open the door a little.

"...O-Or, d-d-do you need "help" a-again?" Satou-sensei stuttered out while peeking into the room again.