Chereads / In Another World? With Only My Smartphone!? / Chapter 2 - +18 with a Succ-ubus!? So NOT Lame~!

Chapter 2 - +18 with a Succ-ubus!? So NOT Lame~!

[A/N: As always I try to make all +18 chapters completely skippable for most readers should they not be interested. If any information is included that is necessary to the story it will probably be reiterated somewhere later as it becomes important, but I don't see that happening too often.]

"...O-Or, d-d-do you need "help" a-again?" Satou-sensei stuttered out while peeking into the room again. I don't even need the ability to feel her emotions since I can see the arousal plastered all over her face as she tries to sneak a peek at my cock. Sensei is definitely the most innocent succubus you'd run across, but a succubus is still a succubus~

I mentioned earlier we had done things before, but in all of our "sessions" prior to this, I had been horned out of my mind and barely able to think. Me being the one to initiate things with her once my heat got out of control before I could handle it.

So I think this is the first time Sensei has been the one to offer her assistance on her own, and also the first time I've been completely lucid while doing anything with her. I instantly felt my face heat up all the way to my ears as she apparently took my silence as confirmation and slowly opened the door further and approached me.

Maybe I hadn't mentioned it earlier, but Sensei is absolutely gorgeous! I mean, as expected from a succubus right~ But even still she's definitely a top tier beauty even without her pheromones messing up someone's mind.

Sakie Satou-sensei is an attractive young woman with upper-back length black hair that is tied in a low ponytail with bangs swept to the right side, purple eyes and a very large bust. Not as large as my own but there's enough there that you could comfortably bury your face in them and die of happiness! I should know, I've tried~

As usual she's wearing a red track suit and red rimmed glasses; the tracksuit is to obscure her figure while the glasses do so for her face. Should she take either off, her sex appeal starts to soar through the roof! And if she lets her hair down while doing either? Just forget about it, she'd be lucky to make it five feet before getting attacked by some horny pervert.

I should know, I've tried~ ehehe

Luckily she's taken quite a few self defense classes so she can easily handle a few punks that try to get too handsy with her. Thankfully, seeing as our situations are so similar, she offered to teach me a few things as well after the bully incident.

It was from her I learned that our pheromones actually do have a little practical use! She taught me how to amp it up a little bit in the middle of a fight to use as a distraction. The only major drawback is if you're too weak to capitalize on it…well I shouldn't have to explain what the consequence of making someone angry and horny at the same time would be…

In any case, while I was busy, lost in my thoughts as usual, Sensei already closed the distance between us and slowly guided me back to the edge of the bed.

"H-how d-do you want it?" Sensei asked with a stammer and nuclear level blush on her pretty face.

I couldn't help but to gulp at the sight as a bunch of potential responses played through my head. Don't blame me alright!? Even if I said we'd done a lot, I really just meant we've done a few things a lot of times! We've never actually…you know…done 'it' before. Sensei already has a lot of reservations about our situation and I don't want to push her any further than I already have, even if I'd love to do exactly that in all honesty.

With my "condition", as my guardian she really didn't have much choice in the matter, at least from my perspective. It'd be impractical for just "anyone" to help me during these frustrating times, and so frequently at that! Still, as the person my irresponsible parents trusted to watch over me, she definitely feels wrong for "taking advantage" of the situation.

Sensei is a very lonely woman with needs too, you know!? She practically has to isolate herself from the rest of the world because of her traits. And unlike me, she doesn't have the "pleasure" of knowing how people really feel about her when they approach her. She's constantly plagued by not knowing if someone really likes her or just wants to bang her because of her pheromones!

"J-Just the usual is fine!" I somehow forced myself to say. Sensei's face turned a little down at that but she quickly shook it off, likely expecting such a response from the start.

Aww, sensei you're not really helping my resolve when you look disappointed like that~

I respect her struggles too much to really take advantage of her loneliness like that. So what if I have a bit of a crush on her!? I feel the same way she does. If we do somehow go any further, I want it to be because she actually likes me, not because she feels responsible for taking care of my condition!

That's why I've been trying suuuper hard to learn how to control my urges. If I can somehow figure that out, without losing my mind in the process, Sensei won't "need" to take care of me anymore! Anything we do after that will be because we WANT to, not need to!

But seeing the position we're in now, you can probably tell that progress has been…slow to put it simply, eheheh~

"Alright, leave the rest to me Yumemi-chan," Sensei said, her voice gaining a slight husky tone that practically makes me melt on the spot. The worst part is, I'm almost 90% positive she doesn't even know she does it! Succubi are truly terrifying~

Sensei didn't waste anymore time before she took off her glasses and stripping off her signature red jacket, her movements slow and teasing but still quick enough to not invoke impatience. Unfortunately it wouldn't go beyond that as this was purely to let out a bit more of her pheromones to make things "easier" for me.

Considering just the sight of her slightly free chest was enough to make me think the entire room turned pink, I unfortunately have to say it's definitely working as intended. Succubi naturally have a bit of resistance to the pheromones of other Succubi. Something I too inherited from my mother though unfortunately not to the same extent as her.

Normally I'm able to resist the effects of Sensei's pheromones fairly well, but I did say she had the second strongest of all known Succubi in the world, didn't I? Even my resistance might as well be made of paper in front of her when she gets in the mood and starts going all out.

If I wasn't already painfully hard before, Sensei reaching down and slowly ran her finger up my length, definitely didn't help. Still…it feels so good~

"I'm always surprised by how big you are, Yumemi-chan. It must hurt, right~ Want Sensei to help solve your not so little problem, hmm?" Sensei leaned down to whisper right beside my ear before giving it a little nibble.

"Yaasss~" I'm not ashamed to admit just that alone was almost enough to make me cum. To be fair I was already kind of riled up before she barged in but I know it wouldn't have mattered much anyway. Still, if this was enough to get me to finish I wouldn't need her help in the first place.

"That's not right, Yumemi-chan~ What did I teach you to say when you ask for a favor? You don't want me to punish you, do you~" Sensei leaned back and replied with a teasing tone. Her eyes twinkling with hidden desire bore right into mine. Her finger still ever so slightly ghosting over my rod, never fully committing to anything, just like our relationship.

Still she didn't need to ask me twice, even if I was kind of curious what punishment she might come up with…

"P-Pleasee, Sensei! I want more~" I begged with a little pout, staring right into her gorgeous amethyst eyes. Despite Sensei's infinite kindness and rather innocent nature, she was a natural-born dommy! Even though I knew she'd be too embarrassed to even look me in the face until tomorrow, I could literally feel how turned on my acting made her!

As for me? Well, I guess I like it both ways? Being on top or bottom doesn't really matter to me as long as we're both having fun, though I definitely have a preference for the bottom I think. Makes sense I suppose, Houri were said to be natural born wives and would change themselves to fit the preference of their chosen partner.

"Mmmm~ Good girl." Sensei said with a small but visible shiver going down her spine. I truly felt bad for her seeing as she definitely wouldn't be able to take care of herself before the train arrived, though she might just do it on the train since she'll probably be alone till the first stop.

Likely realizing the same thing, or maybe just lost in the moment, Sensei then lowered herself down to her knees and gripped my base and gave the tip a few light kisses. Her other hand wasn't idle and slowly glided from my inner thigh all the way to my dripping wet pussy.

Thankfully, I had already been warmed up before she got here so when her finger slipped inside of me, she was entertained with a moan that sounded more like a whimper. I had already been so close earlier and just needed a little bit more to reach my peak. Sensei and I both knew my pussy was far more sensitive than my cock and a combined assault was the quickest way to get me off.

Sensei's light kisses on my tip ceased and she delicately enveloped the pulsing gland in her mouth while her soft hands got to work, either stroking my length or pumping my pussy. Her tongue doing magic on my tip without allowing it to go any deeper.

When Sensei is in control she usually likes to go a little slow and let things build up to a grand finale, but sadly there's no time for that and her usual methods only serve to keep me on the edge instead of helping to push me over it! Then again, maybe that's exactly what she wants?

"Ahh~ M-more, I need more…Mnnnn, P-Please, Sensei~" I cried out and begged not even trying to muffle my moans seeing as we have no neighbors to disturb at this hour.

Sensei had not stopped looking at my face since she began. Her lips still wrapped around my head curled up into a smile, seemingly pleased with my performance. Enough so that she gave a hum of approval before deciding to finish me off.

The slender finger in my steaming hot cunt was joined by a friend and they too curled up in satisfaction. With the added stimulation from her humming and the magic her tongue was doing where none could see it, was more than enough to finally send me over the edge.

"Ahh~ Cum- I'm Cummming~" A combined moan and whimper left my mouth as I exploded from pleasure. My mind, a blank canvas no longer capable of rational thought. I hadn't even noticed when my legs wrapped around Sensei's shoulders and I forced her further down my cock, completely unable to control myself.

Sensei's lovely little mouth was painted completely white as I accidentally forced her to drink my seed, completely lost in the throws of ecstasy. Still, it didn't seem to bother her much as usual. From what she told me, and from my own experience, my seed tastes rather sweet. Just like honey in fact, something else that vaguely ties in to the origins of my race apparently. It really starts to make me wonder if my parents really did name my race by chance or if they knew something they weren't telling me…

I was pulled from my hazy mind when Sensei gave my leg a few light pats to signal for me to let go, which I hastily did. I always try to avoid grabbing onto her like that, especially when she's in charge. I know she doesn't hate it, far from it in fact, but I just can't help but feel slightly panicked when I see her struggling a bit for air.

Sure I can have just as much fun being on top, but I'm definitely not an S when it comes to the S&M stuff~ T-That doesn't mean I'm an M either! Pain and I don't mix, no thank you! E-Even if I wouldn't mind if Sensei were a bit rougher with me sometimes…Gehehe~

Still watching Sensei swallow down my seed then proceed to absentmindedly lick her fingers clean of my love juices… I felt like something dangerous might awaken in me if I had a weaker heart! My soldier had finally been put at ease but I could feel it ready to stand at attention again in a literal heartbeat if Sensei kept playing this dangerous game!

"T-Thanks for the help, Sensei," I whispered, In hopes of waking her out of her trance. Thankfully my silent prayers seemed to have been answered as Sensei broke out of whatever magic spell she was under and her face went completely crimson! Woww~ I think she's actually redder than her jacket!

"I-I should go now or I'll be l-late, Y-Yumemi-chan! J-Just consider that an apology for your phone, okay!? Oh and your parents sent you another package, I left it outside! Also, don't stay in bed all day, b-byeeee!!" Sensei started shouting in a panic before running out of the door and likely to the train station.

I sure hope she remembers to zip her jacket back up before she gets there~ She doesn't need to wear makeup so she should be able to clean up pretty easily by the time she arrives at school. It's a good thing I don't absolutely need to take the earliest train with her to school when I do go because I don't think I'd be able to clean up quickly in my current state.

I've learned how to deal with the few stares aimed my way on the slightly more crowded train by ignoring them completely! It's real simple, I just sit down at one of the empty seats and play on my phon-

"My Phoneeee~!!"

Ah, today really is so lame~