I had slept like a rock that night. I spent a lot of energy dealing with that, and it was worth it. For the best future that lies ahead of me. I spent the three days of our break going around and helping all the injured. It was sad to see that we were still losing numbers, even with how hard we were trying to save them. Jonny was probably the most damaged out of the people I knew, but we were all really taking it hard. I couldn't save these people either, no matter how much I wanted, it just wasn't possible. Not now, at least.
It was the day that game 4 started. I was as prepared as one could be for a death game of this caliber. I had my blade tied around my body with a bed sheet, and I went forwards with a small group of willing participants. I told everyone that this game would be deadly, and those who want to go, and risk their life can do so, I didn't promise that I could help them throughout the game, but I promised that I wouldn't let any sacrifices be in vain. I took the group forwards with me, I tried to give them weapons to hold on to, whatever we could find was given to them.
Eventually, we walked onto a platform with an obstacle course leading to another platform in center, and four other groups walking out around the arena. I wondered who it was that caused trouble last time. I wanted to talk to them personally. And it all starts with getting through the obstacle course as fast as possible.
The microphone let out a shrill noise and I covered an ear reflexively. "Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you for coming here today to your next game! This one is called… Going-Out, like, going out with a bang, perhaps?"
Coulda just used wipeout as the name, "Anyway, this one is simple! The first team to get 10 players to the center wins! And everyone then has 3 minutes to get back to their hall, HOWEVER, every path is removed from the game, so you have to fight your way through to the exit! We got some exciting players all in here, it seems, huhu… Anyway, this game has no time limit, so go as slow… Or fast, as you want! Have a great time!"
Again, these announcers acting like everything is all goodie two-shoes. I looked at the slimy platform ahead of me and looked back at the group. "This first one has fists that shoot out of the wall, and the floor is coated in a slippery substance. You get hit once, you're going to fall. A wall may also come out and prevent your progress or make you fall as well. Progress slowly and safely. Only move ahead when no action has happened in 5 seconds, and when you do, take it one step at a time."
Other groups were getting a decent head start, but they had me to race. I was confident in my skills, enough to move ahead faster than anyone else's group. I stepped onto the first course, and started moving, the fists shooting out as I was now moving on the platform. They all missed me, however, as I knew where they were coming from. The first cheap shot was the wall that slammed out in front of you. It didn't work so well, and when it retracted, I waited a bit more, and the lower piece came out next. As soon as that retracted, I moved forwards quickly.
Turning my head towards the group, I added "Just like that, come on everyone!"
I continued my progress through the fist area, and it was smooth sailing. There was one more cheap shot as the floor slid out from below, but I narrowly avoided it by grabbing a fist and using it to catch myself. "Watch the floor here!" I heard nobody screaming, or arguing, so the progress was going smooth. The next obstacle was four giant red balls, yeah, they really were copying things from wipeout.
I hopped forwards and landed on the ball, I was immediately launched forwards and hit yet another. Moving in the air wasn't possible, so I just hoped my first jump wasn't a bad one. And, luckily, it wasn't. I landed on the next safe platform with a decent landing. I stood up and looked towards the group, nobody was harmed yet, thankfully. "When you get to the red balls, make sure to be prepared to run! If you can't make the next one by running, then jump to the next one, as long as you get enough air, you can get to the platform and get help from someone to stand up!" I yelled to them. I really hoped they were athletic enough to keep this going. Next was the last one… Three spinning platforms with lasers that periodically turn on. Every 3 seconds they turn on for five seconds, and they are out of sync, too. It was what Abby died to.
I could not prepare, but I felt I was ready. As soon as the lasers turned off, I hopped onto the first spinning platform. It wasn't spinning fast, but it would get much worse as I move forwards. I hopped over to the next one, and the spinning was even faster, not only that, but it was spinning in the other direction than the first one, adding to the disorientation. As soon as I could, I jumped to the next platform. The laser on the first platform turned on, meaning I did not have enough time to waste. I couldn't make it from the first rotation as my chance was up before I realized it, so instead, I ran the opposite way of how it was spinning, to counteract the rotation, and…
I made it to the last platform as the third one had a laser turned on. I felt loopy, but I couldn't let it affect me. I ran forwards towards the thick ladder and jumped onto it, pulling myself upwards as the rungs pulled themselves into, then out of the back wall at quick speeds. I even lost my footing and had to pull myself up with my hands only. After that, there was one more.. A spinning plus sign, I had to grab onto it and land on the next platform without failing.
Because if I do, it's straight into the laser pit.
I jumped up and the plus sign struck my torso, but I still grabbed onto it. The pain was similar to my first fight with the host of game 3. However, this didn't feel nearly as bad as that did. I kept my focus on the platform I needed to land on. I had barely enough room to do this, however, I had to. It was a necessity to me and all those that I have brought. I had to let go before the platform was under me, as I would still be moving to the side as the plus sign would still be touching me with how I am holding it…
I let go, everything seemed to slow down a little as I rocked my body around and stretched my arms out as far as they could go, my fingers were in the perfect position! And- They slipped. I let out a yell as my extra limb extended outwards and wrapped around the landing pad. It had barely enough reach for me to do so. I sighed, I had myself worried there…
I grabbed onto the platform with my arms and pulled myself up. I had narrowly caught myself. Looking back at the group, we had lost one or two people. A few were moving ahead. It seems they saw how I was doing things and had chosen to go after I landed? Maybe not, however, it was time.
I turned towards the center platform and around 10 seconds later, so did someone from another quarter of the ship. He smiled as he saw me and walked over. "I don't… nevermind, who are you?"
Soon after his arrival, another person had come, but from a different quarter. This one was a black woman, who glanced at the red-head male who was greeting me. "Could he be one of us?"
What the hell was going on here? "What are you talking about? What do you mean by that?"
Another male, wearing all black had landed from the last quarter. When I turned to him, I got the chills, something about him… I felt inclined to stay away from him.
I looked behind him, and… None of his group was there. "Who-"
The two other people went in front of me and shook their heads "You can't handle him, we'll try to keep him off of you."
The woman had turned towards me and politely asked "Are you perhaps… The director?"