It has been only one day. Like my older, weaker self, I was back in front of a TV. Except this time, nothing was playing. Abby's been much quieter these days. I.. Can only guess why. Maybe the hardships I'm facing? Can she feel my emotions as well? I didn't know and I was far too down to even want to ask her. I was sitting on my bed, hugging my knees as Abby sat on the edge of the bed, looking down.
Ah, I forgot, she can hear everything I think… She jolted a bit and turned at me. "But you can't hear me think."
I would love it if I could. I want to know what's on her mind. "What's on my mind is the past two days. You're either daft, or a sociopath. You nearly cut off someone's hands for stealing. And you killed those two and haven't been lingering on it, like I thought you would. I mean, even if they come back, you still killed them- But, whatever. I'm just spewing random words out of my mouth at this point." she turned back around and I let out a sigh, rolling over and laying face down as I thought about what she said.
Maybe I am becoming lower as a human? I grabbed the pillow and brought it up to my face and let out a short yell. I had no idea what's going on in my mind, but it's nothing good. I NEED to get back down to earth soon. Or at least find out a way to save everyone. I just need to get that set in stone soon. And the Gamer… I rubbed my face on the pillow. Too many things were on my mind and I really haven't had any way to relax. It's unbelievable.
I laid there for a few more seconds, before sitting up, my face flushed a bit because of the heat on the pillow. I looked at Abby again, who was kicking her legs passively as she twiddled her thumbs. Soon, however, the TV turned on, showing three exclamation marks.
"HELLO, IT IS I, JOE! This is a VERY special announcement we have today, we are actually announcing two things! Number 1, the least important, but still great news! Everyone in every quarter now has access to the other quarters! The number of living people is below half, and as such, this is possible. In better news, we are adding a new feature to The Hall! The 1st quarter! Anyone can access this, but basically… it's a shop for things that aren't JUST food items! It's more limited than game prizes, but it's got lots of things to help with the newer games everyone will be taking part in! I hope you didn't spend all your coins in one place..! Anyway, these are now being put into effect, so go wild, humans!"
I was stunned. They changed everything too drastically! I had no time to prepare for Thomas! What if he comes in and tries to harm the people of The Hall? I didn't want to show that I was The Director yet, not at all. But I didn't want anyone to be harmed. Sitting around and not saying anything wouldn't help me. "Abby. Thomas is coming. I'm not gonna let him harm any of us, but I do not know what to do if he does."
She turned back and shrugged "I don't know… Just try your best at least."
I nodded and left my cell. Joe was right, an entire fixture was added to the far wall in The Hall. It looked like a completely digital, mechanical store. I wondered slightly about what it had, before turning back to everyone in the hall. They looked.. Happy? It wouldn't last long if The Gamer came in and ruined everything, as well. But I didn't want to ruin their happiness at all, especially since my outburst yesterday. I haven't even said anything about us four to the others. I panicked. Turning towards the entrance as I saw him enter… The black hair was easily identifiable, even if he wasn't wearing clothes to match.
He slowly pulled out his weapon of choice, a sword. He had a smirk laid upon his face, and slowly people started to realize he had entered through the doorway. "GREETINGS PEOPLE OF THE HALL!!"
He raised his arm, that of which held a long blade. "I AM MERELY HERE FOR 'THE DIRECTOR' AKA, YOUR LEADER, HAS ANYONE SEEN HIM?"
I became pale. People turned to look, and some stuck at *me,* I didn't want to be revealed so early, so I used my speed and pulled a nearby person in front of me and hid behind him. Shushing those who were still pointing. I even ran across my neck with my thumb to get them to shut it.
"Ah, there you are!" upon him saying that, he rushed towards the man, grabbing him and slamming him into the wall, his smile went ear to ear as he placed the blade towards the man's neck. "You're The Director, right?" I was forced to watch, keeping my limbs still as he pushed into the man's neck. "N-no! Wh-who's that?"
"Makes sense you're good at acting. Weren't you there last time around?" Thomas had chuckled madly as he rushed the blade upwards. Soon after, screams filled The Hall. Soon after saying that, his face fell down. "What the hell… Not even a level? Were you not it?" He threw the body aside like a kid does a toy. He didn't even care about the screams around the room. He was really insane, wasn't he?
He turned as Nick and Ashley ran up to me, pushing ahead and hiding me with their bodies. "HEY, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING-"
His head was removed without remorse, Ashley next. I closed my eyes and fell down, covering my ears did nothing to silence the screams. I could even *feel* him mutter "Not the one..."
He was going to massacre The Hall entirely at this rate, and every moment I sat in fear another person died, then another, then another, and the number rose, their screams slowly vanishing from the collective. "WHERE ARE YOU, DIRECTOR? COME OUT, COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!!" his evil laughter felt like a bullet in the head. I wanted my ears to fall off. I felt someone fall next to me, and another. Jonny's voice rose through the crowd. "JACK! JACK! WHERE ARE YOU?" I instinctively opened my eyes and saw Jonny fall over, running to me. "Please, do something… Just-"
The world felt like it was moving through mud. Sound was slowed as I heard a *ding.*
The world went orange. Thomas was above Jonny, his sword raised as high as his grin. And although I wanted to move and save him, it felt like I was slow, too. My hand was moving forwards sluggishly, and I could feel the ground slowly releasing me as I tried to run forwards. First went the blade… Then Jonny's head… Then, the blood.
My scream fit in perfectly with the leaving crowd. Distorted by the brutal world I was thrust into. Why was everything slow? Why was it orange? Why… Jonny, why him? Why not me?
It took me a moment to realize as Thomas flung the blood off… The droplets hitting my face in slow motion seemed to knock some sense into me… That's right. I'm the problem here. I could have saved all these people if I could just kill that fucking prick. Thomas. Thomas. Thomas. Thomas. Thomas. Thomas. Thomas. Thomas....
That fucking shut-in, life-less fucked up piece of shit sedentary BASTARD. He was turning away. Albeit slowly, but it was my time. I had to fucking kill him. To save this round, to allow me to progress, to learn about this sick fucking ship!
My movements became faster, but the world was still slow. I moved at a normal pace as I stopped my screaming. It would only alert Thomas. I "walked" towards him, raising my own sword against him as I got behind him. I grabbed his hair and slashed his worthless neck away. Letting him die this way would leave him conscious, even for a moment. I prepared my voice as the world became normal.
"You wanted The Director? Well, you got him."