"What the hell do you mean?"
Damian nervously looked behind him, then back at me. "Our stats mean different things. A 14 in my stat is around the average human. That's what I could gather, at least."
Trish then interrupted him, "For me, it's 12 that's an average human!"
"... And for Thomas?"
Damian tilted his head a little and seemed to be thinking about it. "His is around 8, we think."
My heart dropped, as I look back at my stats in my mind… I wasn't fit, but I certainly wasn't weak. I was skinny, but I had decent stamina already. "Is… mine being 3 or 4… good?"
Their eyes widened and they were as speechless as me, "For… every multiple of that number… is like it growing exponentially, by how many times you go up a multiple! If 50 lbs is 4 strength for you, then-then, strength 8 is 100, then 12 is 200, and- What the hell are your stats?" They appeared to be worried, really worried.
I licked my lips nervously and couldn't help but start breathing heavily. "I… Have a skill… It" No, I shouldn't say that! "I found a skill.. That gave me a decent boost to my speed stat. It's around.. 20 now" I didn't want to tell them the truth. "My power is 9, it started as 3" I wasn't going to.
Before I could say anything more, the microphone squealed and a voice began to speak, Damian pulled me up and put his face close to mine, "You have the stats of a level 32 person using Thomas' stats! You may be able to beat him now, but he has even better skills than you do, no matter how you put it. He has an inventory, too. It contains everything collected in all of his runs. If you die to him, he can possibly even stop us from coming back the moment we wake up. You CANNOT die to him. You need to get stronger. Listen… We heard we gave him a few levels even when he was level 20. Kill us both. When we're getting away, you NEED to murder us. You can get stronger than him now."
I was at a loss for words. I couldn't take all this in! Kill them? What were they talking about. Trish then grabbed me as well. "Listen, we cannot hope to be able to handle him. We have decent skills, sure, but he's got a lot more, and we cannot do anything about it with our stats. You can kill us and get levels and even face him directly m-maybe next run! If you can even shove him off and end him now, he won't grow stronger. We won't either, but.."
I shoved them away, "What the HELL are you two talking about? I can kill him. I can do it. It won't get rid of him, but he won't grow any more, right? I gotta risk it!"
Abby had remained silent all this time, and didn't really know what to say. In fact, in all the action I had forgotten she was still watching. I stared at her and she looked back "... listen… You shouldn't risk it. He cannot be allowed to grow. He should be stuck stagnated at where he is, if he's really a mass murderer. But you cannot show him you're The Director. He needs to remain in the dark until you can reasonably get rid of him sooner. He just cannot be allowed to know what you are capable of. If he realizes you are stronger than him, he'll strive to grow anyway he can. I don't know what all they said means, but you HAVE to move on. However. I am fine if you kill those two. It's the best choice for now. If you aren't, then realize, you'll be able to see them again, next time around."
I bit my lip as I looked at them, and a siren blared as they looked at the path to the exit. "You'll get credit if you are the one who pushes us down. Do not go ahead, or try to go ahead of Thomas. Do not let him see you."
Abby and Trish nodded before the two started running ahead towards the course. I couldn't pass up this offer when the cons are so… Low… As long as I don't mess it up, the best way to move ahead, and to save everyone… Is to kill those two returners. I had to stomach my actions. I killed before. Those people didn't remain dead. It's fine if I kill these two, as they will remain living, and would actually get stronger, maybe. And so will I...
I followed behind them and as we did the course backwards, I was finding what the best moment to harm them would be. And it was realistic that the third obstacle course is the least lenient for mistakes. After dropping down to the fourth platform, I pulled out my blade and slashed Trish's throat, kicking her into the laser floor. Damian turned around and nodded, looking back as he hopped over to the second platform, I chased him and sliced his leg, causing his body to collapse and roll off the platform. I shoved the sword back into where it was, and continued running forwards. I bounced off the first ball, then the second, then third- and jumped off the fourth, landing on the platform before the slippery end.
I slowly made progress, seeing people fall off ahead of me. I knew it was probably that bastard Thomas. I grimaced and kept moving forwards. When people stopped falling, I knew that Thomas must have gotten to the end. I wanted to go faster… When the bottom part of the wall went out, I hopped on top of it, and then jumped up and pulled myself up onto the wall. I pulled off my shoes and flicked them into the lasers, walking towards the exit. I saw Thomas waiting there. He wasn't harming anyone, but I couldn't trust him… Nor could I hurt him.
I bit my tongue as I saw him acting like a goodie-two shoes. Fucking murderous prick. I NEED to solve his killing problem soon, or else, I may not be able to leave him alone whenever I see him. But, he's the closest thing I have to a real rival right now. So, as long as I know that when he doesn't, I should be able to fix this issue myself. I got to the end of the game as 3 people were behind me, due to my short-cut. Thomas grinned at me and waved at the exit when he saw me…
I jumped down at the end and gave him a nervous smile "Ah, hello again..."
"Where are the other two?"
I shrugged in response. "I went ahead of them… Oh… I hope they didn't die!"
I put on a worried face and turned back towards the center platform, "Oh, no no, don't worry, please. I'll wait for them, you go on ahead! I still got some stuff to talk to them about." I nodded and rubbed the back of my neck, "Y-yeah, I-I hope they are okay..." I then walked away with my head down. I saw in the corner of my eye…
Volume raised by 4!
I waited until I turned the corner to turn off the TV. I looked up and I was in some sort of hallway. It was definitely formed in a circle. So, it was possible that we could get to every quarter from here. I looked behind me because I wanted to get back as fast as possible, and started to pick up my pace slowly, trying to get up to a full sprint, as I was really curious about how fast I was now. I pushed my legs harder, and I went faster. I kept pushing them, and I was at my old limit, but I felt no energy loss, so I kept going. And going, and going. Soon, my legs were going faster than I could see, my gait was wider than I thought it could ever be, and moving even faster.
It was like I was a cheetah.
Before I knew it, I saw a sign that said "Quarter 1" and I slowed my pace. I believe this was my quarter. When I got to the entrance, I peeked in, and saw a few people welcoming others back. Some were worried, and others seemed to be indifferent. Either-way, they were all waiting. Our group brought four back, luckily. Although people still died… I took in a deep breath and walked in, "Hello, everyone" I had my hand raise, and people perked up.
And then, everyone was happy again. Because I returned, they assumed I would be able to save them by the end of it. Although, the atmosphere felt off. Nobody was welcoming me or anything like they usually did when I accomplished something great.
Jonny ran up to me and hugged me "You're back! Yes, okay, so, something bad happened-"
Last time I heard that, Nick was killed which was not something I want to see again. "What happened, Jonny?"
"There's a lot of issues with the community money system thingy… Well, it's… Not everyone is getting what they need and not everyone is wanting to give money for the poor, and well… People think it's a bit close to communism, and could be corrupt..."