"In a place of snow, we see the warmth in people." She held on to hope.
"I see." The child nodded.
Then suddenly the child stood over the hopeful woman's dead body. The child cover in her warm blood.
"Why...Why...Why is this world like this." The child looked up to the cloudy snowing sky. His eyes were lifeless but tears rolled down his face. "WHY THE HELL IS THIS PLACE LIKE THIS!" The boy yelled. Then Cari shot up, waking up. He looked around and was in a hospital bed.
"Da hell happened?" Cari hopped out of bed and stretched. Then he saw his clothes on a chair. He put them on then walked out of the room and headed down the hall and out of the building. "Where the hell am I?" Everybody still got the school uniform on while walking around. Cari walked up to a red straight hair man.
"Ay yo, you know where this place is?" Cari asked.
"Hm? Oh yeah. This is the health part of the school." The man responded.
"Do you know how to get back to the dorms?" Cari asked.
"Yeah. Follow me." The man took the lead. "So whatcha doing out here anyway?"
"Just woke up in the hospital then walked out."
"I see. A lot of hot nurses in that place." The man smiled.
"True. So what you doing out here?" Cari asked.
"Trying to get a date with one of the nurses."
"How's that going for ya?" Cari asked.
He put his thumb up "I've been rejected 4 times in one day." The man said with confidence.
"You're happy about that?" Cari was a bit confused.
"The more girls I get reject by the more I don't have to worry about asking out again."
"I guess that's a positive way of looking at it. I can fux with it." Cari smiled as well.
"So what's your name?" The man asked.
"Cari. And yours?"
"Mines is Hivor. Nice to meet ya."
They ended up talking until they nearly reached the dorm.
"I know my way from here. It was good talking to you." Cari waved goodbye.
"You as well." Hivor waved then walked away.
"Alright, time to head to class." Cari yawned then walked to class. When he got to his classroom he opened it still a little bit tired. "Yo."
"Cari!? You're awake!?" Tsude jumped in surprise.
"Barely but yeah."
"When did you wake up!?" Avery yelled from the back of the class.
"Bout 30 minutes ago."
"You weren't supposed to wake up for 3 weeks according to the doctors," Tsude explained.
"How long has it been?" Cari asked.
"two days."
"Damn. Guess I'm just built different." Cari responded.
"I guess you can go sit down and wait till after class and I'll fill you in," Tsude said. Cari nodded then went and sat next to Angel. Angel was asleep.
After class, everybody was walking out of class. The group went up to Tsude.
"So fill me in. What's been happening?" Cari asked.
"Rank 10 was put to rank 6 and the rank 6 before us were put to rank 7."
"Oh, that doesn't sound too bad. Why you sound so serious?"
"Because of this, a target might have been put on us. We might of beat rank 6. But the top 5 ranks are a whole nother story. They might think were coming for them. And if they think that. It could get dangerous. So try not to cause trouble." Tsude explained.
"Alright then. Thanks. I'll see ya later." Cari waved and walked out with the group.
"So how you guys been?" Cari asked the group.
"Before we do that. I want to know why you suddenly passed out." Richard said.
"I really have no clue. I suddenly just got really cold and tired."
"Fucking dying bastard," Richard responded
"Your acting like it was my fault."
"I don't care your dying," Richard responded fast.
"What...? I guess." Cari didn't really care at that point. "Anyway this place is way bigger than I thought. It took a little bit to walk from the health section or, whatever he called it, back to here. We should look around one of these days."
"Why don't we do it today?" Angel asked.
"I don't know. I guess we could. Also because I want to do something first." Cari had a sinister grin.
"I don't like the way you said that." Leslie sounded concerned.
Cari walked to the now rank 10 class...
Cari swung the door. The class was full.
"You're the teacher?" Cari asked the woman at the front of the class. She had black hair and eyes.
"...You are?" The woman asked.
"The person that soloed all of your snipers and beat the shit out of that one bitch. What was her name?" Cari asked.
"Ventra is her name." The teacher answered.
"Oh yeah! I don't see her anywhere. Where is she?"
"...Her along with Neith, have not come out of their rooms. Their physical wounds were healed but the mental damaged was a lot. They were terrified." The teacher looked angry.
"Da fuck is Neith?" Cari asked.
"He was the one with black hair and an earring." The teacher responded.
"Oh! Fuckboi! I guess Richard kicked his ass a little too hard. And what about the blond hair one that did my boy Angel dirty?"
"He's right there." The teacher pointed at Vincent.
"Stand up," Cari said, as he walked into the classroom.
Vincent stood up with a worried face. Cari walked up to Vincent with a smile, "Strip." Cari said.
"W-what!?" Vincent's Heart dropped.
"Stand up on this table and in front of everybody. Take off your clothes." Cari's smile was only driven by evil thoughts at this point.
"You can't be serious-"
"I'm dead ass. Do it."
Vincent stood on the table and stripped down. All the way to no clothes. Vincent covered up his penis and stood with his legs together.
"I heard you called my friend a bug but yet you're too embarrassed to show yourself to people. I should break your legs and drag your naked body through the school. But that's a bit much." Cari sighed. "Put your clothes back on."
Vincent was so embarrassed he almost teared up.
"Alright. We'll be taking our leave now. See ya." Cari smiled and walked out with the group.
"That was...something," Leslie said.
"That was funny. We didn't hurt him so he's fine." Angel laughed a little bit.
"So they really do just obey because we won. Interesting." Richard thought to himself.
"He desvered it." Osdy said.
"What is with you and being naked?" Avery asked.
"I wasn't naked this time. So it's fine." Cari said putting his hands behind his head.
"No it isn't," Avery responded.
"Oh well." Cari shrugged it off.
Avery let it go as well "So are we going looking around now?"
"That's up to everybody. But I don't mind." Cari responded.
"We should probably learn how big this place is so, yeah," Richard added.
They ended up all agreeing to go look around. They left out of school and headed for the shopping area.
"They got an outlet in this school. Damn." Cari thought to himself.
"So how exactly are we supposed to pay for these things?" Leslie asked.
"Hmm? Ay! Yo! Cari!" Hivor called out Cari's name.
Cari turned his head as Hivor walked up to him. "Oh, wassup Hivor."
"You came to come shop I see." Hivor had a pretty boy smile. But his face was too mature looking to pull it off.
"Nah, I'm just looking around with my homies. You're out here trying to get girls aren't ya?" Cari asked.
"Correct. I've been working on my smile. How's this." Hivor smiles and winks one eye at Cari.
"You're going for too much of a pretty boy smile when your face is too mature and handsome." Cari gave a serious response.
Hivor gasped "I see. What about this." Hivor tried again.
"Almost!" Cari focused.
"How bout this one!" Hivor did as well.
"What the hell are they doing." People were watching them."I don't know..."
The group was pretending like they didn't know Cari.
"You're super close. But anyway I have a question. How are we supposed to make money to buy things?" Cari asked Hivor.
"You don't know? Every rank is paid a different amount. Sence food is free here. going off of first years, rank 10 get paid 10 silver. And with each higher rank, you get paid 5 more silver. So rank 9 would make 15 silver a week if passing their class. But rank 5 and above get paid 100 and above and it's times by 2 each rank you go up from 5. So rank 5 gets paid 100 silver and rank 4 gets paid 200. Rank 3, 400. Rank 2, 800. And rank 1, 1600." Hivor explained.
"How do we get our money?"
"Well, your teacher should provide you with a card like this." Hivor pulled out a glowing card. Perhaps this card is a part of the new world.
"This looks like something off HLP." Cari thought to himself.
"When you get paid all the money you earn will be stored here. It's a special type of inventory only made for money." Hivor put the card away.
"So we get paid at the end of the week. Good to know. Thanks." Cari responded.
"What are YOU doing here?" A woman with a one-eye angel wing mask and curly blue hair yelled.
"Turisa~. How've you been?" Hivor smiled normally.
"I thought I said I never wanted to see your face again you disgusting pig." Turisa walked up to Hivor.
"I was helping a friend out." Hivor pointed to Cari.
"That's hilarious! You've sunk so low to make friends with a first-year. You really are pathetic." Turisa laughed behind her hand.
"What's wrong with being friends with a first-year?" Cari asked.
"You all are weak. Especially ones like you resemble the dark elves." She looked at Cari with disgust.
"That was defiantly some type of racist. Looks like I can't escape it no matter what world I go to." Cari thought to himself then sighed.
"Look you ugly open vagina having ass bitch, why don't you go get on your knees and suck some dick until you find somebody that will give a fuck." Cari looked her straight in the eyes.
"Damn!" Hivor thought to himself holding his laugh.
Angel held in his laugh too. Avery laughed quietly.
"W-what do you say to me you little treehopper!" Turisa Qompo started to rise and the energy of it started to form around her making a pink and blue color.
"That defiantly sounded racist. I'm just going to assume it's not though." Cari smiled.
"What? you're going to beat up a weaker 1st year. A hoe that likes beating on the weak. How disgusting." Cari smiled knowing that he was pissing her off.
"I know right. What a horrible person." Angel joined in.
"Such a bad person. It's truly sad." Leslie shook her head in disappointment.
"So sad to see the youth acting this way." Osdy faked like he was wiping a tear.
"Wow, Turisa. I didn't know you liked beating on weaker people. Just when you think you know somebody." Hivor turned his head away like he was disappointed.
"Wha-! But he-! He's the one-! Aaaahg!" With a loss of words and her pride crushed she left so fast nobody in the group could see her move.
The group burst out laughing.
"Oh man, that was too good." Angel laughed through his sentence.
"I haven't seen her mad like that in a long time." Hivor chuckled a bit.
"One of these days I want to know your history with her." Cari nudged Hivor with his elbow.
"I don't mind sharing one day." Hivor smiled and winked.
"What one was really good," Cari responded.
"Great," Hivor felt accomplished.
"Anyway. Do you know any good places to train?" Cari asked.
"Yeah. There's a training ground for first years here. Try to avoid going into the 2nd year training ground. I can show you where it is though. Follow me." Hivor begins walking. They walked for 10 minutes then arrived at a big building. When they went inside they saw training dummies with spikes on them. They saw a place that was used for dueling that had 7 trees surrounding it. They saw people fighting on the obstacle course above them that was hanging from the roof. And much more.
"This is your training ground," Hivor said.
"This looks super fun." Cari had a big smile. "Richard it's been a long time since we've fought. See me on the stone platform."
"Alright then let's go." Richard stretched his arms and started walking the stone arena.
See ya next time...