Chereads / FBIWC / Chapter 14 - This way!

Chapter 14 - This way!

Soon after being on the roof, FBIWC decided to head to the training grounds...

"Hey, Leslie," Angel said in an annoying tone.

"What?" She responded knowing that he was going say something uncalled for.

"You're short." Angel chuckled and teased her a little bit.

"Shut up I'm not short," Leslie responded.

"Short~ woman~," Richard said teasing her a little bit.

"Damn." Leslie gave up.

"You know Leslie could dog you 2 in a fight right?" Cari comment.

"Whatever," Richard said with a bit of disbelief.

"The 2 of us at the same time? I doubt it." Angel replied.

Cari just smiled and walked since Leslie didn't comment.

"From what I'm sensing, the strongest out of all of you is her." Julieta thought to herself.

Cari took his mind off them for a second "When Leslie went into her crazy state, her power affected me horribly and her power was strong, it almost too much to handle. It seems the same thing happened after Richard went into his hyperdrive state. Why does their hyperdrive mode hurt me? I'll worry about it later I guess." Cari looked at Leslie then nudged her with his elbow.

"Start saying what your thinking more," Cari whispered to her.

Leslie hastated for a minute "I think I can beat you." Leslie said a bit quiet.

"What!? What are you talking about!? You can't." Richard got a bit louder.

"You guys should spar when we get to the training ground place," Cari suggested.

"She's not going to beat me," Richard said a little cocky.

"Alright fine," Leslie said a bit louder.

"This escalated quickly." Osdy thought to himself.

At the training ground. The group gathered to watch Richard vs Leslie

"Alright, Start when I say...Ready! Set! Fight!" Cari yelled.

Richard rushed at her knowing that she hated close range and formed his ice staff and swung it at her head but she ducked under it then glided behind Richard and formed her bow. She casually looked down at the ground and noticed Richard was firing ice spikes out the ground. She jumped back and Richard fired ice spikes at her. Leslie shot every single one out of the air, landed on her feet...then it felt like time stopped for a second because in almost an instant...Leslie was standing in front of Richard with her left hand on his heart.

"Welp Richard would've died right there if this was a real fight." Hivor thought to himself.

"I wonder why she didn't end the fight?" Julieta thought to herself.

"Leslie is way too nice to people." Cari thought to himself.

"Why the fuck did Leslie just teleport!?" Avery thought to himself.

When Richard noticed Leslie was there he punched her in the face and sent Leslie off the platform.

"She threw the fight." Cari thought to himself then sighed.

"The winner slash loser of this match is Richard!" Cari announced.

"So I'm not the only one who noticed she threw the fight." Hivor thought to himself.

Leslie got up without a scratch on her and looked at Richard "Good job." Leslie smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

"What do you mean slash loser!?" Richard yelled at Cari.

"I mean, Leslie was holding back and even showed how fastly you would lose if she wasn't," Cari explained.

"I still won though," Richard responded.

"She let you," Cari responded.

"Don't care. still won." Richards ignorance was starting to piss Cari off.

"Ok," Cari said calmly.

"Yeah," Richard responded.

"Bro I'm bout to beat the shit out of you. If I say ok and you keep it going by saying yeah I swear to god I'm going to treat you like I'm fighting a demon. Say Something else bro I fucking dare you." Cari pulled out a bamboo stick.

"Whatev-" In the middle of Richard saying that Cari launched the bamboo at Richard's leg. Richard hurried up and blocked it but Cari's attack but Cari was right in front of his face Cari threw a punched at Richard's face, Richard leaned his head to the left and it missed but Cari's right hand was buried right in Richard's stomach. Richard shot an Ice spike and it cut Cari's leg. Cari grabbed Richard's hair and grabbed his jaw and jumped and wrapped his legs around Richards's body and his arms and pulled his hair up and his jaw down and slowly felt Richard's jaw snap. Richard started freezing Cari.

When Cari noticed, he yanked Richard's jaw and broke it. Then Cari punched him repeatedly in the face even though his body was being covered in ice. Cari noticed it was spreading fast. Cari punched Richard in the neck and stopped his breathing and made him cough up blood. Then he spread his arms and smashed them on each side of Richard's head on his ears. Richard's mind went blank and he fell back onto the ground knocked out. The ice on Cari evaporated.

Cari looked at Richard then stands up.

"Welp that's that. Let's get to training." Cari said causally. "You mind training with me, Julieta?"

"Yeah sure." Julieta and Cari walked off.

"It's always so violent around here." Leslie thought to herself then went to go train.

After Richard was healed he got up and started training as well.

In the middle of Cari's training.

"You guys have a library here right?" Cari asked Julieta. Cari was kinda bruised and beat up.

"Yeah, we do." Julieta didn't have even a scratch on her.

"Is it open right now?" Cari stood up and stretch.

"Yes, it is. It's always open."

"Then after this, I think I'll go there. See why I can't use any Qompo element like everybody else."

Julieta nodded, "I will take you there then."

After everybody was done training and was leaving the building.

"That was nice. So we all going home?" Angel asked.

"I don't see what else we'd do,-" Richard responded.

"Well, me and Julieta are heading to the library," Cari said kinda cutting off Richard.

"That sounds nice right now. Imma tag along." Hivor raised his hand a little.

"Ight whoever is coming, come on. Julieta, lead the way." Cari said like a captain of a ship.

"That sounds boring. I'm going home." Avery walked away.

The rest of them headed down to the library. On the way there Cari heard a voice in his head. Time felt like it stopped. No time did stop...down to the very concept of time. The voice spoke.

The voice sounded like a calming older man. "...This is all I can do for you, Sadly reaching across true infinity one that transcends even dimensions is too much even for me. But this should help." Then everything returned to normal. Cari stopped in his tracks.

"Did anybody else hear that?" Cari's face was the most serious it had been in a long time.

"No, what are you talking about?" Angel responded with a confused look.

"He's going wonko" Richard said 50% joking.

"The feeling that we're being watched. It's gone as well. Da hell just happened?" Cari took a deep breath and got out of his head..."It's nothing. Let's keep going" Cari started walking again.

Everybody looked a bit confused. But they decided to ignore it for right now. When they got to the Library it was a building that had huge white pillars at the front. It was 3 stories high. They walked up the stairs and into the library of infinity...

See ya next time...