Chereads / FBIWC / Chapter 6 - New school.

Chapter 6 - New school.

As the sun rose and the fresh warm air made it calm, everybody was awoke. The birds chirped and the sun shined through the windows of the castle. Cari was in his room talking to Nlusa.

"So you're leaving today..."

"Don't look sad about it. It's not my last time I'm gonna see ya." Cari smiled but in a more friendly way.

"That school is far away. It will be a long time." Nlusa responded.

"I promise I'll come see you again. I'm not just going to forget like Richard." Cari tapped her on the forehead and gave her a reassuring smile. "I know sexy but no need to cry!" Cari said dramatically.

"Don't be so full of yourself!" Nlusa yelled at Cari.

Cari smiled "It's time for me to go."

Nlusa smiled as well "I'll walk you out then."

"Then let's do this." Cari walked out of his room with Nlusa following right behind Cari. When they got outside. Richard, Osdy, Leslie, Angel, and Avery were all standing there. Waiting next to a carriage that had a white sheet covering the top and it was FANCY but big enough for them to all fit inside.

"What took you so long?" Avery said but then he noticed Nlusa and smiled. "You were in there simping."

"Shut up you hater." Cari responded. "Anyway, I'm ready now. Let's do this shit!" Cari threw his fist into the air.

"Yeah!" Richard did the same.

They all got inside the carriage and leaned against the walls. Then they felt the carriage start to pull off.

"How you guys feeling?" Cari asked the group.

"I should've eaten more. But I'm good." Angel said.

"I feel alright. A little nervous." Leslie responded.

"I'm chilling." Richard leaned back.

"Oh um man I'm good." Osdy smiled a bit.

"I'm Ight." Avery responded.

"That's good." Cari relaxed and listened to the sounds of the relaxing morning.


"Angel, you don't have to make small talk. You can just chill." Cari closed his eyes.


After an hour of sitting in the carriage chilling. They had been traveling on a dirt road for a while. The school was outside the kingdom.

"So how do you guys feel about this war stuff?" Cari asked. "I'm not sure if I want to fight for these people yet."

"Same. We still don't know them very well and you know like, we need to. Bec-"

"Yeah I'm not sure how I feel about it either," Richard said, cutting Angel off because he was talking too much.

"A war doesn't sound like the best plan," Leslie added.

"I feel the same," Osdy added.

"I don't really want to do it," Avery responded.

"I don't know what they are fighting for. I guess for right now we should focus on becoming stronger." Cari thought to himself.

There was a moment of silence.

"Potato," Angel said out of nowhere. Nobody even bothers to respond.

There was another moment of silence.

"Would you guys try anal?" Cari asked the group.

"Are you offering?" Angel asked.

"No bitch." Cari responded.

"I would. A hole is a hole." Richard responded.

"That sounds like it would hurt. I don't know." Leslie thought about it a little more.

"I...maybe," Osdy responded.

"No that's weird bro." Avery sounded disgusted.

"Aren't you the one with the ass fetish?" Cari responded.

"They're nice but that's weird. Nah." Avery shook his head.

"Avery I heard that you have cucumbers in your closet. Is that true?" Leslie asked.

"Yeah." Everybody besides Avery in the carriage answered.

"Bro no I don't!" Avery was getting angry.

"He also sucks on them," Cari added.

"Why is yall lying?!" Avery was getting more and more pissed.

"It's ok buddy we accept you for who you are." Angel teased Avery.

"Shut up Angel you bucktooth bitch! I get more girls than you do." Avery bragged.

"When the last time you actually had a proper girlfriend?" Angel asked.

"That doesn't matter. I still get more hose than you." Avery bragged again.

"Alright shut up. It was a joke. Not trying to hear yall argue." Cari said.

"Ok, my bad. It's just fun to tease him." Angel chuckled a bit.

"Screw you," Avery responded.

"Nah, I'm good kid." Angel kept smiling.

"I'm literally older than youuuu! What do you meeean!?" Avery got more heated.

"Shut up," Cari said quietly.

"So. You act like one sooo." Angel had a cocky smile.

"It was a joke at the start. Just shut up." Cari got a bit louder.

"Angel you act like a kid sometimes." Richard joined in.

"Exactly!" Avery was getting more serious. "And you don't even know me like that so what your saying doesn't matter."

"I said SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Cari yelled, overlapping their voices. "I ain't gonna sit here and hear you guys bitch and moan! Avery learn how to take a fucking joke! Angel Stop being a fucking dick and continuing the argument! And Richard don't fucking jump in! All yall acting like bitches on their periods! Anybody got a problem, we can stop this bitch right now and run dem hands!" Cari took a deep breath.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." Angel calmed down.

Avery calmed down. Richard wasn't really heated. Just being an instigator. They all sat in silence for a little while listening to nature. Then they started talking again but they were just chilling so...6 hours later they finally arrived at the school!

"Woooah." everybody said as they peaked their heads out. They were on the entrance road. It was made out of brick. There was a river under it. The school was as big as a town. And it had water that went all around it. The part that they were in now was a 30-yard place with benches and nice trimmed bushes. A place students could come just to hang out. As they went through the entrance people watched. Then the carriage stopped.

Cari jumped out quickly. "This place nice as hell."

"This is a school? This place is big." Richard said, stepping out next.

Everybody else got out, then a woman with black hair walked up to them in a long dress that covered all the way down to her ankle. It's their school uniform. She was followed by a brown hair girl with glasses.

"Hello there. I am Bethan. And this is my friend and assistant Amilia." The black-haired girl is Bethan. The brown-haired one is Amilia."We are here to guide you to the headmaster's office."

"Yo. My name Cari." Cari looked at his friends.

"Hey. I'm Angel."

"Yall so weird bro. Awkward peoples." Cari said.

"We're not awkward," Richard responded.

"Yeah. Anyway, lead the way Bethan." Cari told her.

"Ok." She started walking and the group followed.

A little bit later...

"Well here's the headmaster's offices. We'll take our leave." Bethan bowed.

The silent girl Amilia bowed as well then followed behind Bethan.

They walked inside the headmaster's room and a man holding a book, with his feet on his desk was sitting there. He looked to be in his 40's and had a little beard "Hm, Oh you must be the new student. How ya doing?"

"We're alright," Angel answered.

"That's good. So Josive gave me the rundown on you guys. Who is Josive you wonder? The king. That's his real name." The headmaster closed his book. "You guys will be in class 10. Class is still going so all of you will need a change of clothes before you can go." The headmaster snapped his fingers and 20 maids rushed in and snatched them up.

15 minutes later back in the headmaster's office...

"This dress sucks." Leslie thought to herself.

Cari took off his tie and tied it around Leslie. "seeing you in any type of school without a tie on is weird." Cari said. "This also gives me an excuse not to wear a tie." Cari thought to himself. The guy's school uniform was a white and blue suit and tie with white pants. The girls were the same color but as I said before. A long dress.

"The uniforms look good on you guys." The headmaster said with a smile. "Also why did you give her the tie?"

"She needs it," Cari responded.

"...I guess. Anyway one of these fine maids will guide you to class. Now hurry. Class awaits." The headmaster kicked his feet back on the desk and started reading again.

The group followed a maid out. After walking to the very back of the school...

"Here's your class." The maid bowed and walked away.

"You guys ready?" Cari asked the group placing his hand on the door.

They all nodded.

Cari opened the door then walked in.

"Hello, new students! I'm your new teacher! Tsude!" Tsude had dark green hair and eyes and wore a white and blue lab coat. "Come in and introduce yourself." Tsude pointed to the front of the class.

They all walked to the front.

"Yo. I'm Cari."

"I'm Angel. Nice to meet ya."

"My name is Leslie."

"What's good. I'm Avery."

"I'm Richard. I was sent here by the king. Yeah, I'm top tear." Richard smiled like a smug douchebag.

"What!?" The whole class jumped up."The king!?"

"I'm Osdy." Osdy said under his breath and sighed.

"This dumb bitch." Cari thought to himself.

"Why did he even do that?" Angel thought to himself.

"I didn't know you guys were sent by the king! How fascinating!" Tsude looked at them closely.

"I wasn't sent here by the king," Cari said.

"Me neither," Angel added.

"Same here," Leslie said.

"Me too," Osdy said.

"Only me and him were." Avery stepped up with a cocky smile as he pointed at Richard.

"Thanks for that Avery." Cari thought to himself with a sigh of relief.

"Well, you guys can go choose your seats," Tsude said with a smile.

They all walked up the stairs and chose back-row seats.

"Now starting off from where we left off. when your Qompo is too weak you can not affect somebody with stronger Qompo. Even if that person were to let you get a full power hit. It wouldn't do anything. Unless they lower their Qompo. Qompo can be used for all types of things too. Barrier, to control the elements, make elements stronger, and even make new attacks that we didn't even know of. The full power of Qompo is unknown. Maybe it has infinite power. It's so amazing to think about! So unknown! so beautiful! The deep unknown!" Tsude yelled and spread her arms out in a T-pose way and looked at the ceiling with excitement...and a little bit of arousal.

"Is she about to bust?" Cari thought to himself.

"Sorry got a bit excited." Tsude sweated a bit. "Back on track. Does anyone think they could come up to the front of the class and try to make something out of Qompo?"

"I can." Richard got up and walked to the front of the class. Then made an ice ball. "easy."

"Good job Richard! I'm starting to wonder why you're in this class though," Tsude said.

"My friends wanted to be in this class so I joined with them," Richard responded.

"Oh. Ok then. You may return to your seat."

Lunchtime came around...

"Hey, do you want to eat lunch with me and my friends?" A girl asked Richard and Avery.

"Yeah sure," Richard answered then got up and him and Avery walked off.

"You guys want to go find the lunchroom?" Cari asked the group.

"Yeah," Angel responded.

They got up and walked out. After searching for a little while they finally found the launch room.

"There's no line to stand in for us to get food. Did we miss lunch?" Cari thought to himself.

A maid walked up to them "Hello, there sir. I will be your server today. Let me guide you to a table."

The group looked at each other then followed her. They sat down at a booth.

"I will give you time to order." The maid bowed then walked away.

"This place nice. They have the cleanest hardwood floor ever." Cari said as he looked at the floor a little too closely.

"Yeah. Hopefully, we don't have to pay for any of this." Leslie said as she looked at her menu

"If we do its operation run like hell," Cari responded.

"Got it." Angel nodded his head.

After a little, they order their food.

"This food slap." Cari had some form of a burger. Definitely wasn't cow meat.

"Yeees. This is so good." Angel started scarfing down his food.

"I wonder if they got manga in this world." Cair thought out loud.

"I hope so. Never being able to see anime already hurts. I need some type of Manga." Angel responded.

"Don't talk with food in your mouth," Leslie told Angel.

"Oh, my bad." Angel covered his mouth.

Suddenly a group of people came up to them while they were eating.

"...Looks like you guys aren't much." A guy with spiky black hair and an earring in his right ear said.

"Who are you?" Cari asked him.

"I am your higher up." He had a smug smile.

Cari looked at his group unfazed. Then he started eating again.

"Don't ignore me!" The guy yelled.

Cari wanted to finish his food so he didn't really care.

"You still Ignore me!?" The guy looked like he was getting pissed.

"...Why are you so desperate for attention?" Cari asked the man.

"I'm not!"

"See ya then." Cari shooed him away while taking a bite of his food.

"I'm not leaving." The guy crossed his arms.

"Ok then." Cari still didn't care. "I wonder what the dorms look like." Cari started a conversation with his friends.

"They probably look super nice." Angle responded.

"I said don't talk with your mouth full," Leslie said, a bit more irritated that time.

"Sorry, sorry." Angel covers his mouth again.

"Yeah. The beds are probably really soft." Osdy said.

"These bastards!" The guy thought to himself. Then he spotted Leslie and smiled. "Hey, beautiful. Why are you with these guys? Why don't you come and hang out with us?"

"Um, No thanks." Leslie shook her head no.

"Come on it'll be fun." The guy tried to grab Leslie but Osdy put his spear to his throat and stopped him.

"Dude. Go away." Osdy was holding his spear in one hand.

The people behind the black hair guy looked like they got ready to fight.

Cari took the last bite of his food.

"What are you going to do if I don't?" The guy responded.

"I'm gonna-" Osdy was suddenly cut off by Cari smacking the black hair guy to the ground, with the tray he got his food on.

"Y-you dear hit me-!" The guy with black hair was cut off by Cari hitting him with the tray again this time breaking it.

"You!" A guy charged Cari but Angel jumped up and smacked him with his tray then Cari punched him and sent him to the floor. Leslie and Osdy stood up.

"6 vs 4. Nice. Run dem hands!" Cari punched the first guy he saw and pushed him back! Then a guy ran up behind Cari but Leslie kicked him in the face then spun him and tossed him into another person. Osdy punched a guy in his chest and knocked the wind out of him and made him drop to the floor.

"Yo! Let's hit ghost before we get in trouble!" Cari yelled as he started running out. Leslie, Angel, and Osdy followed.

"Those cowards ran away!" The black hair guy thought to himself. He was super pissed.

The group ran back to their classroom.

"Well, that was fun," Cari said as he entered and went to his seat.

"Why was that guy a douche?" Angel asked.

"How are we supposed to know?" Leslie responded and sighed.

"He thought he was our superior or something." Osdy didn't really know himself.

"I don't know but. What I did notice is that Leslie looked like she was having a good time doing something bad." Cari smiled and looked over at Leslie.

"I always wanted to try out doing delinquent-type things," Leslie responded.

"How terrible. Such a truly bad thing." Cari was being overdramatic.

"What? Your way worse than I am!" Leslie responded.

"Whaaat. I would never do anything bad." Cari held his hands together like a nun.

"You just beat a guy with a tray until it broke." Angel jumped in.

"He deserved it. Man was on some weird stuff." Cari leaned back.

"Yeah true." Angel nodded.

"Anyway Leslie, it's alright to be a little bit of a delinquent. Just don't be like me." Cari smiled.

"I'm not going to go around flashing people, don't worry." Leslie smiled a bit.

"I have no shame. But life is way more fun because I don't." Cari responded.

"At least we all got something in common. We've all seen Cari's cock." Osdy chuckled a little bit.

"Wish we didn't," Angel responded.

"Bitch my dick is beautiful and you know it," Cari said to Angel.

"Doesn't mean I want to see it!" Angel responded.

"Yeah true." Osdy nodded and agreed.

"None of us did." Leslie agreed as well.

"So that means you all agreed it was beautiful. Nice." Cari's self-esteem rose by 10%.

"Bru," Osdy responded.

"I meeeean." Angel was being a little sus but that's normal.

"What!? No that's-"

"Don't care!" Cari cut Leslie off.

Richard and Avery walked back into the class with the girls following and sat down with Leslie and the group.

"Alright Everybody it's time to start class again!" Tsude yelled from the front of the room.

"You enjoy your time?" Cari asked Richard.

"Yeah, it was cool."

After class...

"Alright everybody, enjoy your day." The teacher waved as people left. When F.B.I.W.C walked out they were led to their dorms. Leslie had to stay in the girl's dorm. Meanwhile, the bois got rooms next to each other, and Richard and Angel were roommates and Osdy and Cari were roommates. Avery was roommates with another guy.

"So...tired. I've never been this sleepy before." Cari thought to himself as he tried to keep his eyes open. Then they slowly started to shut until they were fully closed. And he fell asleep.

Inside Cari's dream...

Cari heard laughter and happiness. Then...

"Are you drunk again!?" A woman yelled.

"Get off my back bitch!" A man yelled back.

"Please stop fighting." A child with tears in their eyes asked.

"Shut up!" When the man yelled he was suddenly standing over the woman and child's body in a place of blood and ashes. The man with tears in his eye looked at his bloody hands, then his wife and child.

" this my punishment?" The man started to cry more and more with a smile. Then he started laughing uncontrollably. He held his kid and wife dead bodies while still laughing and his eyes went dim. And all the light was gone.

Cari jumped out of his sleep sweating, out of breath and a single tear going down his face, "...I hate sleeping. So much."

See ya next time...