Chereads / The Mikaelson Wives / Chapter 5 - Chapter 4

Chapter 5 - Chapter 4

Ava's pov

After the shocking return of my mother-in-law, Ester I couldn't help but wonder if she could have been telling us all the truth. ester was a good mother to me she always made me feel at home anytime I needed anything she was there. in fact when she found out about her sons indiscretions with Tatia she was enraged. it would be amazing if she was telling the truth about wanting to be a family again, all of us happy. I couldn't help but remember the conversation she had with us before going to bed.


After Isabel showed ester to her room she requested Rebekah Isabel and I to join her in her chamber.

"my daughters I've watched each of you on the other side. I'm very proud I've missed you girls so much . tomorrow in the morning I want to go looking for a dress I intend on having a ball. to reunite the family all together again." as she looked each of us in eyes.

"my dear Isabel you remain at Niklaus's side after all these years I'm very proud to call you my daughter. I've missed you dearly." she held Isabel's face in her hands.

"I've missed you as well mother. its good to have you back." Isabel responded, it looked as if she was searching esters eyes to detect any emotion or lie.

She moved to Rebekah and reminded her of the great woman she's become. of course Rebekah sobbed apologizing for what Nik had done to her 1000 years ago. ester simply reminded her that is was in the past and that she's forgiven each of us for our terrible behavior. All she wanted was her family back.

"How are you and Elijah dear, have you worked out you issues." Ester's attention was now on me.

"Yes mother, slowly but surley we are starting over . All of Elijah's mistakes are now behind us we decided to start fresh. In fact ELijah gave me my new ring a couple days ago." showing her my new wedding ring. Meanwhile the original ring was in my middle finger.

"I knew i made the right choice in picking you for my son." Ester's smile almost looked forced. her motherly touch touch was gone. the warmth that used to flow from her was gone.

After an hour of sitting with her Isabel and I excuse ourselves. Rebekah soon following us out. we had left Rebekah and went downstairs.

"Did you notice it as well?" Isabel had broken our silence first while i poured us a bourbon.

"Yes i noticited how she looked at us. The love of a mother is no longer there." I responded back as we headed out side to the private garden Nik had built for me.

"I sensed her lying. Did you sense her keeping something from us?" Isabel asked me while she sat next to the purple daffodils.

"Yes sister, I did there is something she is not telling us. she has hidden intentions, we need to find them out before anything happens." We were both looking deep into thought. Isabel began to speak.

"Do think the others noticed? Rebekah must have sensed it as well-"

"Please forgive me sister but Rebekah didn't catch on if she did she would have said somthing, they all believe her. If mother finds out we don't trust her or we are conspiring against her she will do something much more worse." I quickly cut Isabel off. Ester told each of us what we wanted to hear. It was nice to hear she was proud but the way she was speaking. It was off.

Our discussion ended early as Nik and Elijah began to look for us we quickly went inside to meet them. Before Isabel told me we could finish our conversation later.


I was pulled from my thoughts as a knock from the door was heard. Barley looking over my shoulder already knowing who it was. I told Elijah to come in. We both stood in silence looking over into the garden.

"I love this view." i said before taking a drink of my bourbon. Elijah agreeing with me i fond him starring at me instead of the garden.

"So what brings you by tonight dear husband?" i asked while turnin to Elijah. Only for him to close the space between us.

"Ive missed you my love." Elijah had responded while carressing my cheek.

Suddenly before i could speak he closed the space between us by pullimg me in for a kiss. My hands went directly to his hair. As his arms wrapped around me. we both pulled back catching our breathe. Looking into his eyes they were full of lust, mine were to. We began to kiss again slowly Elijah began moving his hands to grab my butt. In our fight for domanace he sqeezed my ass, i let out a small gasp and his tougue soon entered my mouth. Elijah lifted me up and i wrapped my legs aroung his waist as he carried me to the bed never breaking our kiss. He layed me on the bed and our night of long awaited rounds of making love to eachother happened for hours.


The next morning i awoke with my head on his chest, looking up I saw him still asleep. I silently went to my bathroom trying not wake him so i could take a shower once i was in there. I couldn't help but recall the events od last night. I mean we've had sex before even while we were human. When we married Mikeal put lots of pressure on us to have a child. As we were the only marriage he approved of he wanted a grandchild, but nothing beats last night. It felt right we loved eachother I was finally getting everything i'd ever wanted. Suddenly i felt Elijah behind me in the shower.

"You left me to wake up alone." Elijah had whispered in my ear as he trailed kisses down my neck kissing above the spot he had bit into last night while we were bloodsharing. Using his vamp he tunred me around and lifted me against the wall as we contined last nights events.

He had thrusted inside of he trailed kisses up and down my neck. ileaned my head as he did the same to give eachother better access as we began to bloodshare again. Elijah had become very possesive of me esspecially while we made love. i had no complaints when he told me to remind him of who i belonged to. we both came in an hour and started to finish up our shower and got ready for the day.

We slowly desended the stairs to meet the rest of the family. Rebekah had filled Isabel and I about her little run in with the that stupid little doppleganger and how my husband and ruined it by saving her. We all wore the same devilish grin on our faces. But when mother finds out she wont be pleased. Rebekah had asked us to go with her but we both declined and left her and now we now where she went and we regretted not going.

We were all downstairs Rebekah and i were getting a manicure and Isabel was getting a massage while. Finn was getting his suit fitted and Kol was admiring himself in the mirror, and Elijah was looking at the same pair ofnugly brown shoes for a black tux that did not match.

"Rebekah tell me how handsome I am." Kol demanded as he looked at himself in the mirrior.

"Oh Kol you now i cant be compelled." Rebekah had answered back at him. while we all chuckled a little as Kol turned to Isabel.

"Little Icicle tell me how handsome i look." Kol once again demanded but Isabel paid no attention to him and simply pointed to me to answer him. Once again everyone laughed.

"Darling Ava do i look handsome." Kol asked giving me the puppy eyes i cant resist.

"Of course brother, your as handsome as always." I responded back to him with a smile.

"You see Elijah maybe you should look up to me brother in what i wear you ,ight loose your wife to me." Kol teased Elijah as i went up to him everyone smiled but him.

"Brother my wife has no problem with how i dress. She only gave you a complament that boosted your ego." ELijah had responded whith a hint of jealosy.

"Of course Kol you now Elijah is the only mad for me. Although he may be right about your wardrobe dear those shoes do not match your suit. But i love you how you are." giving eachother a kiss on the lips. Before anything else could be said Nik came in busting through the doors to where we were.

"You went after Elena? What is wrong with you?" He quickly walked over to Rebekah. Isabel had looked up to her husband ready at a notice. As the rest of us looked at them both.

"Here we go." Rebekah had answered back while Isa looked on to her husband and her sister.

"Do you want another dagger in your heart?" Nik had responded to Rebakah while i had a look of diapointment on my face and Isabel was still looking on.

"Again with the dagger threats? Dont you have any other tricks?" Kol chimed in.

"Oh go back to staring at yourself." Nik quickly shot back at Kol.

"And who are you my father?" Kol answered by now Isabel looked back at Kol with a wanring face slowly moving across the room to her husbands side. While Elijah pushed me behind him.

"No Kol but your in my house." Nik shot back again looking slightly hurt.

"Then perhaps we should go outside." Kol stoof sizong up Nik but before anything else could happen Isabel stood between them pushing them apart.

"Thats enough from the both of you. Nik leave Rebakah be nothing happened to the dopplganger, beside she stuck a dagger through her heart while she trying on dresses. Even i know thats a low blow and i torture mercilusly. And for you Kol stop provoking Nik when you know how this ends we are supposed to be getting along for once all this arguing makes me have a headache." Both brothers look at Isabel with worried eyes as she sits on the sofa next to Rebekah not looking like herself. Before Nik can even make his wife comfortable Ester comes and calls Nik away, he hesitantly leaves his wifes side as we sit there.

"Im sorry Icicle i didnt mean to make you feel unwell. Ill behave myself i promise. " Kol quickly apologises to Isabel while Rebekah plays with her hair.

"Its alright Brother dont worry i just dont feel well i dont even feel up to wearing heels tonight." Shock covers all our faces around the room.

"Well if you feel that bad somethings wrong ever since heels were invented youve never worn anyhting else." i said as i made my way to her clealry concerned nothing was making sense. Isabel had never felt this way she was taking longer to heal her feet started aching and shes been craving blood more than usual but only Rebekah and i knew that.

"I know even saying makes me worried its probably nothing ill be fine i swear." Isabel says standing up as Rebekah follows saying shes going out to hand out an invatation asking us if we want to go which we gladly accept before heading out we both give our husbands a peck on the lips.